
“What? Do you dare scold me?”

A complexion of Lu Hua was extremely ugly, a huge Domain roared past, and at the same time, a dozen giant centipede were summoned again, swept out together with Domain hiding the sky and covering the earth, and it was necessary to defeat Tian Zhanhun.

“It’s you who scolds you, it’s like, fuck, put on an infuriating expression, Laozi looked unhappy, and got you off.”

Tian Zhanhun complexion was still smiling, and a scream of aerodynamic clouds, hundred zhang’s body suddenly stepped over, as if carrying a giant Great Realm World and suddenly hit the fist, a white Ancestral imprint appeared on his brows, showing very sacred, strong The breath of the power of the mountain suddenly swept through the competition stage, and everyone was shocked.

“Breaking Mountains and Rivers!”

Tian Zhanhun’s right fist ’s White Rule of Power suddenly came together, and a dense sacred light came out of the condom, a Strength Rule was born, and a divide chain turned into the huge strength of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood in his hands. With a burst of exclamation, in front of this white light beam, especially Tian Zhanhun’s fist, dazzling rays of light, the layer upon layer Strength Rule light halo appeared, countless times brighter than Lu Hua’s World Domain.

Hong long long !

This fist all the way like a hot knife through butter, disintegrating the Domain World from the center, and struggling layer by layer, the powerful incredible exploded the World directly, and all the centipede exploded and died under the fist.

In the eyes of everyone, a huge silhouette rays of light, like a god, rushed into the broken world within the realm, and saw Lu Hua’s whole body burst into an explosion, and the body protection Immortal Power broke open. The whole person flew straight out, fiercely smashed outside the competition stage. The whole venue was a dumbstruck.

Lu Hua lost again.

“Aaaaaaaaah!” Lu Hua screamed, “I don’t agree! You are only Grade 10 Immortal Monarch. I’m not your opponent.”

“Don’t believe it? Hahaha, what’s wrong with that brother, it seems that the Princess Celestial Immortal is just right, you beat you differently, do you think you are awesome?”

Tian Zhanhun smiled brightly, “I did n’t say you, this Immortal Realm genius is like a cloud, you are just a small character in my eyes. The brother of the Principle Celestial Immortal just now is considered a real genius. Character, you are a chicken feather, fuck. “

“Do you think you are very genius, bullshit, Laozi Celestial Race, hit you like play, don’t you make to a fuss about nothing like this? It’s as embarrassing as if I explode your chrysanthemum.”

Tian Zhanhun cracked a bright smile and exposed his white teeth. He was only 20 years old and lived in a secret place since he was a child. He was very cheerful, but this sentence and Tian Zhanhun’s face fell into Lu Hua’s eyes, but it was deep. shame.

Tian Zhanhun made it clear that he looked down on him, but he was indeed not the Peak’s genius, Xue Jun, Chen Qi, and Tian Zhanhun at the scene. He could beat him. It was very unpleasant in his heart. He was respected by Direct Disciple on sect. Admiration, has always been a genius character form, but now it has become like this.

“Big Brother, yes, this brat is cheap, so you should learn a lesson.”

Far away, Tian Ji, also the brother of Tian Zhanhun, laughed. At this moment he is playing against a Grade 1 Immortal King.

The two were not relatives, but they were together from a young age. When they were older, the two traveled together as Immortal Realm and happened to encounter the Tower Martial Gathering held by Nine Layers Celestial Tower World for fun.

“Hahaha, Younger Brother Tian Ji, fight hard and don’t get distracted.” Tian Zhanhun flew up to the competition stage, watching Old Feng brother laughed.


Tian Ji made successive shots on the competition stage. The strength shown was no worse than Tian Zhanhun, and the body was the same hunted zhang. Every time the fist sounded, it was a violent matchup. His enemy was an Immortal Realm. Loose Cultivator.

Loose Cultivator is the kind of Immortal without family, sect, or any influence. Immortal cultivated by himself. He is a middle-aged person who can cultivate to Grade 1 Immortal King Boundary. He has to say that he has to pay a lot more than ordinary people. Times harder. innate talent is ok.

The middle-aged person’s pressure has increased greatly, and he is very shocked at the enemy of Tian Ji. The Celestial Race is boundless and the Rule of Power is reversed. It shows the powerful attacks of the Breaking Mountains and Rivers and the mighty shore, giving the opponents a face. Illusion of Steel Giant.

Their bodies are like Immortal Artifact, with the huge strength of 10000 mountains, even a dragon in their hands can shake freely, just like a loach with ease.

Due to the trampling of Tian Ji, there was a bit of fragmentation under the formation wave. His footsteps lifted, and spider-like cracks appeared underneath, which was extremely scary.

This formation can withstand powerful attacks, but Tian Ji can break it down.

The middle-aged man Domain wanted to show it, but despite surrounding Tian Ji hundred zhang’s body, he slammed the utterly lifeless attack without causing any harm.

Their bodies are extremely hard. a path of Sword Qi cut on it, but there was only a sound of golden iron and iron, fire star 4 splashed but not at all was injured.

“Celestial Race fleshy body strength is strong, such as sword or spear, inborn superhuman strength, keen on Rule of Power, the Rule of Power is really terrifying, Grade 10 Immortal Monarch shows the Immortal King strength.”

“Well, this type of fleshhy body cultivation is open and close in attack, and they are not afraid of sneak attack. Their fleshhy body is equivalent to Immortal Artifact. Without sufficient attack, it cannot be broken. The physical strength is also amazing. You see, Tian Ji is still full of energy now, but the middle-aged popularity sighs, and it is obviously a bit out of place. “

“Domain envelopes will also be broken. If you don’t win, you won’t win.

Hong long!

In the middle of the discussion, suddenly, two Zhanhun strength divine chains appeared in the hands of Tian Zhanhun, like two Rule whips, crackling, buzzing and buzzing on Space, the domain world was shattered and shattered. On the middle-aged man, the Immortal Artifact Domain all separated from the middle and hit the middle-aged man’s chest.

Pu chi!

A bit of blood spilled out of the mouth of the middle-aged man and flew out immediately

2 brothers have all won.

The competition carried out the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, and the duel has already taken place. The winners are Xue Jun, Long Xiaotian, Tian Zhanhun, Tian Ji, Bei Chen, and 2 Grade 1 Immortal Kings. It’s all Patriarch of the other family. The last one is naturally Chen Qi.


Suddenly at this moment, the upper Space passed down a cylinder again and in front of the winner, this time there were 4 people drawn. The 7 people who won the battle before, plus Chen Qi, the shit guy, are 8 people.

In both duels, 4 people can decide the opponent by drawing lots.

This time, the lottery was Chen Qi, one of them was Patriarch, and there were Tian Ji and Long Xiaotian.

Soon, the result of the draw came out. Chen Qi signed the three characters Tian Zhanhun and his opponent was Tian Zhanhun of Celestial Race.

And one of the Patriarchs won the other Grade 1 Immortal King, which is also an Patriarch of influence.

And Tian Ji won Xue Jun.

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