Chen Qi struck again to assassinate the same location. Phoenix Battle Lance contains 2 types of Rule Power. There are still no injuries, but Chen Qi stabs again.

berserk 100 kills!

Hong long long !

Chen Qi mentioning lance is a fierce stab, and the wings are fanning behind, giving full horsepower, 100 consecutive stabs, assassinating the same position, and the Heavenspan Immortal Tree behind stimulates countless wicker to surround Chen Qi’s body, blessing Chen Qi’s body, making his explosive power even more For ferocious.

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Twentieth Continuous Bursts!

Ka-cha !

A trace of shattering finally appeared.

And Long Xiaotian still keeps his eyes on Little Tortoise. Spirit has been infected with Tortoise Angry Roar of Little Tortoise and is completely in anger.

This is a necessary killing skill for Little Tortoise. It is not the first choice to kill boos, and it shows great power at this moment. Let the enemy not know his situation. In front of his head, the whole mind is only Little Tortoise. As if he saw a strong sword, Ominous Beast 2 times, the hate emotion in his heart sprang up. He wanted to slay Little Tortoise to vent. Hatred in my heart,

Thirty Continuous Bursts!

Chen Qi continued to stab, ka-cha, suddenly the scales on Long Xiaotian’s neck exploded, exposing the flesh inside, a trace of blue blood flowing out, it seemed to feel the pain, Long Xiaotian turned back suddenly, looked at Little in amazement A glance at Tortoise and the nearby Chen Qi.

Suddenly, Chen Qi, this brat, was attacking himself?

“What are you doing? Sneak attack me! Hateful, pierced my scales.” Long Xiaotian burst into a cold sweat and was about to bite.

“Little Tortoise, go on.” Chen Qi kept moving and remained assassinated.

“Tortoise Angry Roar!”

Little Tortoise continued to spit a loud angry roar, the turbulent sound of Black Tortoise rang through the entire Domain World, and Little Tortoise again performed the Wrath of Tortoise.

“hateful !”

Long Xiaotian turned around, and the scene just now emerged from this roaring mind. Little Tortoise dared to scold him bastard, but was so furious that he shot towards Little Tortoise.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

Chen Qi’s lance was assassinated again, and Long Xiaotian’s flesh was also very thick, but he did not directly kill it.

Fiftieth Continuous Bursts!

Chen Qi went on to mention lance as stabbing and going crazy.

Long Xiaotian felt severe pain, seemed to be awake for a while, and suddenly rushed to Chen Qi.


But Little Tortoise was another angry roar, the intangible breath spread, and Long Xiaotian was affected again.

This is already a kind of Spirit Attack, as long as the middle move will provoke Long Xiaotian’s inner anger, swell to Peak, and make people lose their sanity.

In this way, Long Xiaotian was stabbed by Chen Qi as soon as he was awake, he would be affected by Little Tortoise. Once and again, this lance assassination went deeper and deeper. Chen Qi had felt Long Xiaotian’s blood vessels.


Seventy Continuous Bursts!

Eighty Continuous Bursts!

Ninety Continuous Bursts!

Long Xiaotian’s neck shot blue blood at four places, getting deeper and deeper, and blood vessels had ruptured. A lot of blood was pouring out.

Hundred Continuous Bursts!

Pu chi!

Chen Qi had a terrible look. The last sprint of lance in his hand, pu chi, this lance directly penetrated the blood vessels, completely pierced, and finally reached his throat. The blue blood sprayed like crazy, and Chen Qi lance strangled in one of them. .

The throat was extremely fragile, and energy swept through it, reaching Long Xiaotian’s body through the throat, destroying all the internal organs along the way.

Ka-cha !

Finally, the energy exploded from it and continued to stab several times. Long Xiaotian’s huge head exploded and broke, and a large dragon head flew out. The blue blood sprayed from the neck was almost unhealthy and could converge into a large river.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … no !!!!”

With this severe pain, Long Xiaotian’s entire soul was awake, but he could not feel the existence of his head. From the giant dragon body, a small dragon was equivalent to Immortal’s Immortal Infant.

The small dragon flew from the broken neck.

“How could it be, what’s wrong with me, why is my head gone! Damn Chen Qi, what the hell did you do? Dog, how could I be defeated by you!”

Long Xiaotian couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Your head was naturally chopped by me. What’s so good about to make a fuss about nothing, this is your own sin, who makes you fight for life and death? You think you can kill me Chen Qi, you’re still tender. “Chen Qi moved, flew to the small dragon, and grabbed him.

“I remember now.”

Long Xiaotian looked back at Little Tortoise in horror. Just now, it was this Little Tortoise that sent angry roar, and then he was attacked by spirit, fell into anger, and disregarded Chen Qi ’s attack at all. Then he was beheaded. What was that just now? method?

He’s the Grade 2 Immortal King, how could this be.

Long Xiaotian is stupid!

Being caught in Chen Qi’s hands, Long Xiaotian’s face was not reconciled, he made an angry roar, said some threatening words, said what he would dare to kill, and the entire Dragon Race would not let him go.

Chen Qi glanced at Long Xiaotian: “earthworm, you are joking with me, the battle of life and death is yours, and now you are defeated and want to survive, I think you are doing a grand yet unrealistic dream.”

“Since the life and death fight, now you lose the dead end, your Dragon Race people can’t say anything. This is the life and death fight you started. Dragon Race would have to retaliate against me.”

“What do you mean?”

Long Xiaotian has never heard of anyone who likes to be retaliated. Isn’t Chen Qi really afraid of his Dragon Race? Dare to kill yourself?

“Let me tell you this, I can kill and upgrade, Laozi is afraid of everything, but I ’m not afraid of being retaliated. The more revenge, the more enemies I have, the stronger my strength will rise faster? If no one retaliates against me one day, Laozi will not be covered Comfortable. “

“Forget it, it’s a waste of saliva to tell you, you can hang on.”

“How is it possible to kill and upgrade? Are you kidding me?”

Long Xiaotian was shocked, but looking at Chen Qi didn’t look like a joke. Suddenly, Long Xiaotian felt a chill, and one could kill someone to break through the cultivation base, what a terrifying!

Who did he provoke?

Long Xiaotian was cold all over. He was scared.

Chen Qi has all kinds of methods, and also owns the Antiquity Sacred Beast Black Tortoise. The Principle Celestial Immortal shows such strength, and it is more capable of killing and upgrading. All these things make people feel chilling.

“Do not!”

But Chen Qi not at all just let him go, and directly exploded his dragon baby, completely dead.

At the same time, a Rule of Dragon similar to Dao Fruit was also captured by Chen Qi. This Rule of Dragon is a combination of Water Attribute Rule Power. Contains the Rule energy of Grade 2 Immortal King, which is a great supplement.

Chen Qi was going to put it in the storage space ring and wait for it to break through Immortal Monarch in the future, but after thinking about it, Little Tortoise is Black Tortoise, which is the Sacred Beast that masters the Water Attribute. Why not give it to him?

Now Long Xiaotian is dead, but Domain not at all disappears immediately, and it can last for a while.

“Little Tortoise, this Grade 2 Immortal King Dao Fruit is for you. I will use secret art to transform it for you and eliminate the Long Xiaotian Will in it. After you absorb it, you will definitely reach Grade 2 Immortal King strength.”

Chen Qi grabbed the Rule blue Water Dragon and pinched it directly. Under the operation of Absorbing Stars Great Technique, the Rule of Dragon exploded layer by layer, all turned into pure energy.

“Little Tortoise, open your mouth.”

Little Tortoise opened his mouth wide, and the pure Water Attribute Rule Power entered the mouth, gathering 4 skeletons of four limbs. His body was exploding, expanding, and the movement technique was violent, and the body color was darker. Strength is rising.

While Chen Qi promoted the cultivation base for Little Tortoise, I also noticed that after the death of Long Xiaotian, countless rays of light erupted from the Long Xiaotian corpse, all of which were countless equipment bursting out.



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