Hong long!

Chen Qi’s body retreated, he felt that his Rule operation was not working, and within the body Immortal Power could not be mobilized, as if this powerful imposing manner was integrated into the body to oppress every meridian, every drop of blood, even The brain seems to be slowing down.

He knows that he cares. The reason why the Immortal Sovereign powerhouse can become an Immortal Sovereign is that the Will itself is powerful, and the amount of Spirit Power has reached a very strong level. There is only one spirit to suppress, and Dragon King ’s boiling Rule Power is shrouded in all directions. , He is not an opponent.

If you really want to get started, as long as one claw kills him, Chen Qi has no doubt about all his defenses, even if the Phoenix Battle Armor is cast, his body will be torn, his body will be crushed, and he will be completely killed.


The Blue Domain erupted from Dragon King’s body, countless heavy World permeated, filled Chen Qi at the speed of thunder, permeated all trillion Asura Army, and countless Huaxia immortal citizen behind Chen Qi. They were in fear, trembling, and hearts Desperate.

Knowing that this is the consequence of the Huaxia Immortal Domain provoking Star Sea Dragon Palace, the Immortal Sovereign powerhouse is irreversible and really too strong.

Chen Qi was in pain all over his body. He took the card in his hands, and although he was spurting blood, he had a smile on his mouth. The moment his Domain was about to wrap him with the entire Huaxia Immortal Domain immortal citizen, the card in his hand lit up.


Then a light beam bloomed from Chen Qi’s hands, enveloping everything in front of him, countless ripple ripple Void.

At first, the moment everyone thought it was dead, with the rays of light, all the blue domains of Dragon King were directly settled.

Yes, the time in this brief moment seems to be still, and the blue light screen of the circleference 10 million li has permeated. It was meant to inspire everyone to wrap up and kill Chen Qi and Huaxia Immortal Domain, but at this moment it was a deadly fixation.

Not only did the light screen settle, but the huge True Dragon in front of it also stopped, but a little horror remained in both eyes. It seems that Chen Qi has no such hand.

Dragon King felt something like Time Rule, everything was quiet immediately, his body blood was stopped, Dragon Origin was no longer boiling, and even Rule Power was lost, let alone Domain.

But Dragon King’s consciousness seemed to remain a little sober, and he fell into a daze. He didn’t understand why this was the case with his own Immortal Sovereign attack in front of Chen Qi. It’s not clear what Chen Qi has done with Immortal Treasure.

In his opinion, this kind of Immortal Treasure is something that he never had, but Chen Qi just used a small card in his hand to completely lose all his ability to move.

Both Domain and Dragon King are banned, and from a distance, the giant True Dragon stays in Void, retaining its fierce cricket status, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and Chen Qi still looks small in front of the giant dragon.

Everyone is stupid.

what happened!

Did n’t you just kill Chen Qi just now, why did Dragon King stop! … It’s incredible.

The audience was horrified, even the white clothed woman was stunned. What exactly did Chen Qi do that made Immortal Sovereign stop everything!

8 times berserk!

Sickle 100 bursts!

Suddenly, Chen Qi moved. There was only 20 seconds. During this period, Chen Qi turned on berserk and a sharp sickle appeared in his hand. Soul Demon jumped on it, constantly impacting Dragon King’s soul. Want to hook it up and eat it.

But Dragon King’s soul is really too robust, and it doesn’t help how hard it works.

Hong long long !

The blood-red sickle inspired the sharp blade glow and kept chopping it on Dragon King’s neck. The scales on that neck were extremely hard. Impervious to sword or spear, it emitted sparks of light that could not enter for a short time.

Twenty Continuous Bursts!

Chen Qi continued to cut, looking very scary, holding the twelve Rule Power behind the sickle, the sharp blade glow became more robust, a path of looking on it, evolved a huge sickle form, and cut the Dragon King’s neck.

Thirty Continuous Bursts!

Hong long long !

Chen Qi kept attacking in a short period of time, physical body strength, Rule Power, Immortal Power, all in this brief moment. Unreservedly leaked on the sickle in his hand, each strike can destroy a small immortal domain and cut on it. It was just a little shock.

Fifty Continuous Bursts!

Chen Qi continued to cut. He didn’t believe that Dragon King had such a thick neck.

At this moment, everyone saw Chen Qi holding Sickle in his hand, chopping non-stop, and every time he chopped out, the rule rippled in the air, his body was blooming with 7 colorful rays of light, and 2 Rule Power intertwined, unprecedented violence.

Muscle bulges all over, like barbaric warrior in dragon slaughtering.

At this moment, it has reached 80, but Dragon King’s neck scales have not been chopped, as if everything is useless and has no effect. Seeing that the time had passed ten seconds, he couldn’t cut it down, waiting for Dragon King to recover was a huge trouble.

“Kill, Dragon King doesn’t know what was settled. We can’t let Chen Qi just go on like this. 10000 Dragon King is really bad if he is killed.”

“Hurry up for support!”

The countless Dragon Race expert behind him issued a path of Dragon Origin, Rule Power, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the starry sky, and the layer by layer came over to bomb Chen Qi.

Behind Chen Qi, there are ten Dao Fruits blooming rays of light, and countless hands extend out, just like Heaven Prestige, within the body countless silver white color wicker, condense into each and everyone huge fist strikes, the sky has 2 bright colors, layers Layers exploded, all attacks were disintegrated, rolled back, and killed the dragon clansman who wanted to kill Chen Qi.

Countless screams came and were killed by big hands. Chen Qi was like octopus, doing two things at the same time, and his arms were waving back and forth. These Dragon Race experts couldn’t get near and died, and some were smashed into fragments by silver white fist.

At this moment, Dragon King felt Chen Qi chopping his neck, revealing a slight disdain in his eyes. Immortal Sovereign’s body is also moved by a small Immortal Monarch?

If I cut you one day one night, nothing will happen.

“This neck is too hard to do.”

Chen Qi looked at the entire dragon body for a moment, and also knew that the dragon seemed to disdain himself. Immortal Sovereign longan stared at him. Chen Qi suddenly patted his brain. You, make you a one-eyed dragon. Haha. “

When Dragon King heard this, both eyes revealed terror.

Chen Qi picked up the blood-red sickle, just slashed past, and pointed directly at the eyes of the Dragon King water pool, this place is the most vulnerable place.

“So big weak spot, watch Laozi split you.”


In the shocking eyes of everyone, Chen Qi this move split up, and the extremely sharp sickle would contact Dragon King’s frightened pupil and let him die.

But there was a sound of golden iron and iron crossing, then Dragon King was at the last minute, his eyes closed, it seemed to be about to break through the fixation effect, and there was still 5 seconds for the fixation time.

Chen Qi greatly astonished, erupted in an instant, the blade passed, the huge eyes were shaken, and the giant dragon seemed to be mourning and suffering. Eyes are much more fragile than the scales on the neck.

Hong long long !

Chen Qi broke out dozens of times in one second, swollen the dragon’s eyes and became panda eyes, but there was no breakthrough. There are 3 seconds left at this moment.

brick in hand, the world is mine!

At this time, a red brick appeared in the Chen Qi storage ring, and it was caught suddenly. Under the infusion of Rule, the brick stimulated the red rays of light. It was extremely hard with the destruction strength, and fiercely smashed it down.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time I fell down, the body of the giant dragon vibrated, and the eyes could clearly see the destroyed energy hitting a wound. Chen Qi was overjoyed, and a Phoenix Battle Lance appeared in his hand. It was wrapped by Rule, so people could not see anything, sharp Phoenix Battle Lance, assassinated through this wound.

Pu chi, everyone heard a slight sound, the entire Phoenix Battle Lance inspired the spear glow of several dozen li, and stabbed into the dragon body through the eyes, like a lamb skewer, running through the head and tail.

And at this moment, just right, it’s time to settle down.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ah !!!”

The savage voice was so clear that Dragon King was completely furious, but he felt that his whole strength was eroded by the blood of Rule Power operated by Phoenix Battle Lance, and a trace of blood from the Qi Qi containing Vermilion Bird breath. All exploded.

Even his strong fleshhy body was fragile inside, and his visceral head was completely destroyed and completely killed. Falling from starry sky.

The soul of an incomparable gigantic escapes from lose one’s head out of fear. Want to escape.

But Chen Qi grabbed it.

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

Dragon King soul sends out a savage roar, both eyes staring at Chen Qi with hate rays of light.

Originally, he came to kill Chen Qi and destroy the entire Huaxia Immortal Domain trillion creature to let them know the offense of Star Sea Dragon Palace.

But now, Chen Qi himself does not know what to do, and completely kills him. Only the escape soul is left, and Chen Qi is arrested with no difficulty.

Without the shelter of fleshhy body, his soul couldn’t stand Chen Qi’s capture.

Chen Qi seized the huge soul Black Dragon, and no struggle could escape the cover of Chen Qi Rule Power, holding it in his hands. This scene made dragon clansman completely desperate, thinking he was dreaming.

Around the audience, both eyes rounded, not at all speaking, but the trembling body showed inner shock.

“None of the Immortal Sovereign is Chen Qi’s opponent? Is this … impossible?”

The distant white clothed woman thought that she had read it wrong, or that she was dreaming, but fiercely stung herself, a pain from her leg, not a dream at all.

The white clothed woman stepped back a few steps and stared at Chen Qi. At this moment, Chen Qi’s form suddenly became taller. Where is this stupid, stupid is myself.

Chen Qi obviously has this strength to deal with Immortal Sovereign, but he sees people low.

The complexion of the woman was pale, and for a long time she could not accept that Chen Qi was able to defeat the immortal Sovereign powerhouse in her mind.

“Very good, we Huaxia Immortal Domain are saved.”

Behind the Huaxia Immortal Domain trillion immortal citizen was all overjoyed, and shouts of eruption. In stark contrast to the fear of the Dragon Race Army.

The countless Asura Army is even eyes terrified. I never thought of an Immortal Monarch powerhouse that summoned himself. Even the little Human Race who was a little dissatisfied in his heart was so powerful that he saw the terrifying Great Demon of Nether Realm.


ps: Thanks to the youth for not asking about the past, and renewing 10,000 book coins in youth. . Thank you friends who voted.


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