“No, just understood when you break through Immortal King Boundary.”

“That line, I will break through now.”

Chen Qi was still a little curious. At a moment, more Rule Crystal Stones appeared Chen Qi all around. After a short break, Chen Qi spirit eased a bit and continued to cultivation. Body breath is gradually accumulating.

A lot of Rule Crystal Stones appeared in the great hall, densely packed were broken sounds, and the glass exploded everywhere.

Dadao Rule Gwanghe converges into Chen Qi within the body. Chen Qi looked terrifying, within the body seemed to explode, strong breath overturning seas and rivers, the whole palace shivered, unable to bear the robustness of Rule.

At the same time, many Rule Dao Fruit also appeared above Chen Qi’s head, and then Ka-cha shattered, and Rule Essence perfused. At this moment, Chen Qi’s improvement speed was simply amazing, comparable to rapid progress.

The ordinary Immortal consumes resources for decades. Chen Qi absorbed it in just one day. He cultivated 2 Rule Power, which is also the power of running Divine Art. The robustness of the physical body and the rule’s rule are higher than that of ordinary Immortal. Out many times.

These resources are given to a Grade 10 Immortal Monarch cultivation, which has already broken through the Immortal King, even Grade 2 Grade 3, and Grade 4 Immortal King. In Chen Qi, it only reached Peak, not at all.

It was a long time ago, and I don’t know how many resources have become Chen Qi cultivation base’s boosted supplies. Finally, a bang, a mystery of Domain shocked Chen Qi’s mind. At the same time, a breath of Immortal King emerged from him.

At this moment, Chen Qi finally broke through the Immortal King Boundary, and Heaven and Earth turning upside down changed throughout the body and mind. All the Rule Crystal Stones and Rule Dao Fruits that were taken out were broken, and nothing was absorbed by Chen Qi.

Hong long!

The great hall was blasted by a breath of Rule, and the top of the great hall was lifted up directly. The bricks and tiles were shot at 4 places and became a big cave. Not only that, with the rising of the breath, all directions great hall was like a spider web on the wall. The fragmentation also turned into fine powder, hitting all directions.

Chen Qi suddenly formed a destruction center, everything around was destroyed, the continent where the entire Jade Maiden Immortal Sect was shaking, the black clouds in the sky violently gathered. Shocked everyone.

“This aura, this is the breath of Immortal King! But how could the breath of Immortal King be so strong? That’s the palace where Chen Qi is located. Did he break through the cultivation base?”

“It’s so breathable to break through the Immortal King. This Chen Qi is indeed the person who cultivates 2 types of Rule Power. The strength is definitely going up.”

“Well, everyone, Heavenly Tribulation has arrived. This Heavenly Tribulation pervades Jade Maiden Immortal Sect, which is 100 times more powerful than the Imperial Immortal King. This …”

The countless female disciple of Jade Maids are talking, both eyes are shocked, looking up, the rolling black clouds rolling in, the shadow of the earth seems to destroy Jade Maiden Immortal Sect.

Ka-cha !

This time Chen Qi Transcending Tribulation is Heavenly Thunder cataclysm, but this Heavenly Thunder is a purple light beam that fell from the sky and just fell. Chen Qi all around the place has become a large pit, dirt shot, and Chen Qi muddy movement technique is around , Resisted first.

Then came second, each of which was ten times more powerful than the previous one, and the formidable power increased exponentially, which was extremely appalling.

Such a horrible Purple Heavenly Thunder can kill the ordinary Immortal King, but here at Chen Qi, there is no such formidable power. Because Chen Qi’s level of Immortal King is beyond imagination.

Fist shot, rays of light fist crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, Rule Power 100 times stronger than before, gathered together, shattering Heavenly Thunder, and at the same time, circumference 10 million li countless Immortal Qi, deep in Void Rule Power continuously, like rivers converging to the sea, rushed over to penetrate the pores of Chen Qi countless, and finally reached the 2 Rule Dao Fruits behind.

Rule Dao Fruit is even more dazzling, and has doubled in volume than before. Each one is half a foot in size. A Flame Dao Fruit in the center illuminates ten squares, burning aura, cold breath, violent wind, golden Sword Qi, Space Ripple, Dark. , Light, shining, multi-colored strength come together, Chen Qi’s body is blurred.

It seems that the source of destruction stands on the ground of Jade Maiden Continent, bearing Heaven Prestige.

No matter how powerful Heavenly Tribulation is, he can’t split his Rule body protection. Chen Qi fist punched out, ten 2 Rule Power alternately displayed, and sometimes Icebound World, circle million li entered Cold-Ice Hell, great hall was Icebound.

Sometimes, it is a hot flame, such as the 10000 volcano erupting from Chen Qi within the body, destroying the World, going straight to the clouds, and sizzling the black clouds burning in the sky. Thunder and lightning strength is not Chen Qi ’s opponent at all.

Not only that, at this moment Chen Qi’s spirit has entered a wonderful boundary, which is a situation that everyone who promotes Immortal King will encounter.

He felt that his spirit was integrated into all around 100,000 li circumference, followed by millions li, millions li, 10 million li. All the flowers, plants and trees, the palace pavilion, and the jade female disciple that countless had been stunned, were vivid and reflected in his mind.

It seems that Chen Qi merges with Heaven and Earth, Heaven is Me, I am the Heaven. The spirit blended into every corner and became the Ruler of this World. The 10 million li circumference buzzed. Suddenly, Chen Qi thought of it, and the Rule 2 of Dao Fruit was brighter and thinner than before.

Suddenly, the countless Guanghe appeared in the surroundings, forming a 7-color bright circle, and then the light screen shot suddenly and wrapped around the circleference 10 million li. A 7-color Rays of Light Domain Barrier was formed. Domain World belonging to Chen Qi.

In this World, Chen Qi feels that his strength has been strengthened again, do as one pleases, and can even make an instant movement, which is completely under his control. Twelve types of Rule Power fill every corner, as soon as he wants, Can appear in any corner to kill the enemy.

Domain World can penetrate Space Plane and pull everyone into the Void mezzanine, leaving it under control.

This time to promote Immortal King, Spirit has also been greatly improved. Spirit and Domain are merged. You can use the Domain World to attack the enemy.

After realizing the Immortal King Boundary’s Domain, Chen Qi strength increased by more than 100 times, and I felt that I could execute the immortals and slaughtering the demons in the Domain.

5 With a pinch, the strong strength filled the whole body, and the transparent Rule of Power twisted around the body. Brush it, and Chen Qi disappeared in place.

With the entire Domain swept directly over the Jade Maiden Immortal Sect, the remotely unknown Heavenly Tribulation black clouds at the moment of his invasion, the World of black clouds was scattered by the light, completely disintegrated, and the hot flame swept the sky of black clouds.

A Heavenly Tribulation was thus resisted by Chen Qi. Not at all harmed.

Chen Qi is in the sky, and everyone below can only see the world of light above, as if the Sacred Flame Colorful Domain, ten 2 Rule alternately operate, combined with both defense and attack power, with compare and Immortal King powerful countless times .

Generally, Immortal King masters a Rule Power, and the displayed Domain also has only one type of rule. Chen Qi’s 2 types of Rules are all in the Domain. Not to mention that he masters the thickness of the Rule. It is only the number of Rule combined to kill the Immortal King. Completely trivial.

Chen Qi majored in Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art, so the Flame Rule formidable power is the strongest, that is, the countless steel giant enters the domain, and it will be completely burned into nothingness in an instant.

At this moment, if the people of the Blood Divinity Palace just appeared in front of Chen Qi, they only need to fist, and all of them are completely dead.


As soon as I thought about it, Colorful Domain immediately reclaimed within the body. Chen Qi ’s body surface rays of light, such as Celestial Divinity, made people dare not look directly, especially his eyes. 7 colorful rays of light seemed to be coming out of countless World, which was particularly appalling. .

“Well, Laozi is finally the Immortal King powerhouse.”

Chen Qi’s right foot suddenly trampled down and stepped on the ground of Jade Maiden Immortal Sect. With a bang, the ground cracked several million abyss, and the cracks continued to spread far away. The whole continent was shaking continuously at this moment, and Jade Maiden Immortal Sect was stunned.

Immortal King is so powerful and really unheard-of, this breath is enough to reach the Immortal Sovereign Level.

After stabilizing the strength, Chen Qi stood up, exhales one breath saying, all of which were ripples, flowing from the mouth and nose, like dragon breath, and pulling all around Space.

With his eyes flashing, Chen Qi looked at all around pieces, the messy ground, and the horrified eyes in the distance, secretly thinking: “Now I am promoted to Immortal King, and strength is directly approaching Immortal Sovereign, and I can even kill Immortal Sovereign. Someone from Blood Divinity Palace came and fist was dead. “

Chen Qi became extremely confident at this moment, from head to toe filled with the feeling of strength, and Rule twisted behind him, powerful and incredible, raised his hands to ripple, the weather myriad, countless World appeared in all around, as if it could create the sun and the moon, shock Big 1000.

“Pika pika, I’m leaving.”

Suddenly at this moment, Chen Qi’s storage ring lighted up, and then Little Tortoise and Pikachu ran out, and Pikachu’s silhouette gradually dissipated, and it was almost time, and it was time to go back.

“Big Brother Chen Qi, I’m gone. Can pika come again next time.”

Pika hugged Chen Qi’s face for a moment, and pulled her four limbs behind Chen Qi’s head again, and gave Chen Qi a small belly, which he occasionally froze.

“Fuck, pika, little dick came out, you bad guy.”

Chen Qi grabbed pika, at this moment pika’s body was about to dissipate.

“I can’t bear you, let me come out next time, OK?”

“Master, can’t pika stay, and finally have a companion. Master, you must find a way not to let Little Pi go, otherwise my Little Tortoise will be alone again.”

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