At this time, more than a dozen Rule Dao Fruits flew from the storage ring, all of them were broken and absorbed by Absorbing Stars Great Technique. Infused with Chen Qi within the body.

At the moment when all Dao Fruit was broken, the cultivation base of Chen Qi grew a bit and broke through the Grade 2 Immortal King Boundary. The crackling and rattle sounds throughout the body, which has strengthened a lot of strength.

Now Chen Qi becomes the Grade 2 Immortal King, mastering a ball of Amaterasu Fire, the body surface of Amaterasu Fire is burning, and confidence is soaring.

At this point, he took out the Immortal Venerable items from the storage ring, and at a glance, found a few things.

There is an azure ring, a battle helmet, and a battle boots.

item: One of the Immemorial Dragon Elephant Kit, Dragon Elephant Ring.

item: One of the Immemorial Dragon Elephant Kit, Dragon Elephant Battle Helmet.

item: One of the Immemorial Dragon Elephant Kit, Dragon Elephant Battle Boots.

This set of ten sets can be worn together, and all of them will inspire Power of Dragon Elephant, incarnation 100,000 Antiquity Giant Elephant, invincible, offensive and defensive, and destroy 10000 troops. Each giant elephant has the power to destroy the Immortal Domain, and 100,000 heads come together. , Create destruction, in one thought.

At this point, there are already 4 rings, including a ring previously obtained.

Chen Qi put it away and kept looking. But the rest were some ordinary things, and Chen Qi didn’t watch them. It can burst out several Dragon Elephant suits. Once they are together, the formidable power will definitely be strong.

“Little Tortoise, I help you improve the strength.” Chen Qi also has a Water Attribute Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit, which I can’t absorb by myself, so I can use it with Little Tortoise.

After Little Tortoise came out, Chen Qi directly took out the thick and heinous Water Attribute Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit, which was completely white light waves, and it seemed that the 10000000 million significant seas were violent in it, and it was extremely shocking.

Ka-cha !

Dao Fruit showed a slight rupture, and a strong Water Attribute Rule was pulled out of the crack, infused with Chen Qi’s body and Little Tortoise within the body.

one big and one small 2 bodies are exploding, swelling, as if exploding.

Under this strength infusion, each meridian has a tendency to spread out. Chen Qi has a terrifying look. A large number of Water Attribute Rule permeates the body, and then enters the Water Attribute Rule Dao Fruit behind the head.

Water Attribute Rule Dao Fruit swelled, and Little Tortoise’s body was undergoing drastic changes.

This is the Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit. The thick thickness is conceivable, and it is even faster to raise the cultivation base than those of the Amaterasu Fire absorbed by Chen Qi. The Amaterasu Fire formidable power is powerful, and the nature of its flame can kill powerful enemies. But it is not enough to raise the cultivation base boundary.

So Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit is more rapid, and the absorption process lasts about 2 hours. Chang Yue’s heartbeat in the storage ring was scared by such crazy behavior as Chen Qi.

All around Rule’s sea, countless tornado, ripple, infuse Little Tortoise and Chen Qi.

Little Tortoise was originally Grade 10 Immortal King. When Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit shattered into countless shares, it broke through to the Immortal Sovereign Boundary, and Heavenly Tribulation suddenly came. Strikes Chen Qi In this area, Little Tortoise relied on a strong fleshhy body, a 100-fold increase in strength, and forced thunder and lightning strikes on him, to no avail.

At the moment, Chen Qi ’s cultivation base is climbing, reaching Grade 3 Immortal King and Grade 4 Immortal King. Until the end of all Immortal Venerable Dao Fruit, it disappeared and disappeared. After being divided by Little Tortoise and Chen Qi 2 people, Chen Qi this Only then stopped, firmly on the cultivation base boundary of Grade 4 Immortal King. Strength is greatly improved.

Soon, the Little Tortoise Heavenly Tribulation was over, and the body was deeper and thicker. Little Tortoise laughed heartily, an immortal Sovereign breath emanated from Little Tortoise, shocking surroundings Void, and it was particularly shocking.

Chen Qi put Little Tortoise into the storage ring and moved on again.

“Now I’m the Grade 4 Immortal King. The strength has gone up. I’m absorbing some Amaterasu Fire and raising the flame’s formidable power. I don’t know what level it will be.”

In Chen Qi’s thinking, soon, deep in the lava in front, a sound of gu lu came, Chen Qi found another ball of Amaterasu Fire, five meters circumference.

“Chang Yue.”


Chen Qi sent a message to Chang Yue, turning his Amaterasu Fire into a big hand, grabbing the flame, pulling it over, being caught by Amaterasu Fire, the flame would not backlash, because it is all Amaterasu Fire, Chen Qi went a lot smoothly .

Chang Yue Power of Absolute Yin enters Chen Qi within the body and continues to absorb as before, pulling a trace of Amaterasu Fire into the Chen Qi within the body.

Over time, the black flames on Chen Qi became thicker and hotter, turning Chen Qi into an incineration center. Whoever was near Chen Qi would definitely become ashes.

Just as Chen Qi absorbed, Immortal Venerable Yan Huo and Crown Prince He Yu deep in lava were also looking for flames, and they also found a small group of flames and began to absorb.

Immortal Venerable Yan Huo incorporated the flame into the body, and it was more difficult to absorb these large flames. It takes a long time to fully digest, and it is only temporarily stored within the body. Refining is not something that will happen for a while.

And Crown Prince He Yu, the same cultivation is Fire Attribute Rule Power, which is exactly the same as Immortal Venerable Yan Huo, it is extremely difficult to absorb, basically it is absorbed by little by little, which is much slower than Chen Qi.

At this moment, some of the Immortal Sovereign powerhouses coming in are also looking for the Amaterasu Fire. They are not very deep. They find a few strands of flames, not many. Even so in the presence of Immortal Sovereign, this flame is a challenge. A little carelessness will result in death.

Some Immortal Sovereign powerhouses use the flame-filled aquarium to put the Amaterasu Fire into it for refining in the future, while others absorb it on the spot.

“Ahhh !”

Suddenly, when an Immortal Sovereign absorbed a ray of Amaterasu Fire and wanted to refining, that Amaterasu Fire accidentally missed out of his within the body, ran out of the meridian, contaminated the meridian, and immediately the flame, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, In the end burned the entire body.

The Amaterasu Fire exploded immediately, turning into a blazing black flame, burning. Burn this Immortal internal organs clean and fall on the spot.


The people next to the complexion were shocked with cold sweat, more cautiously, and some even pretended not to dare to absorb here.

Pu chi!

远处一名Immortal 也在吸收,很小心。只要将其吸收入within the body ,然后在这里缓缓refining 他就掌握了这丝火焰,不过,突然从旁边出现a sword light ,从this Immortal 腹部穿透,那火焰顿时暴走,立刻将this Immortal 焚烧死亡。

随后一名Immortal 贪婪的取走他的storage ring ,连同Amaterasu Fire 也利用Rule 小心的放入容器中。

这一幕到处都在上演,因为这样一丝Amaterasu Fire ,放在外面价值太高。如果换成Rule Crystal Stone ,至少都是10000000 ,对于ordinary Immortal 来说,这是一笔不敢想象的resources 。

为了resources ,什么都做得出来。

火焰中如此凶险,Supreme Sun Fire 的外围依然有很多人盯着前方,只要有人坚持不住,就会有一群人冲上来直接斩杀。

“这里就有Amaterasu Fire ,可惜我们strength 不能太过深入,那些Immortal King powerhouse 都死在里面,我们还是看看算了。”

外围一个角落,Immortal Huo Fen ,Huo Wu ,还有Liu Qizhou and the others 都在观望,他们也收到消息,不过不敢进去,这里powerhouse 太多,稍有不测别说得到Amaterasu Fire ,most likely 会丧命。


“可惜了,如果我能得到一点Amaterasu Fire ,就有一门厉害method 防身。但这种火焰哪里这么容易得到。”

Huo Wu 目光看着那些Immortal Sovereign powerhouse 闯进去探索,有些羡慕,却仅仅只是羡慕一番,真要进去死掉是肯定的。

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