“How is that possible! No … this is Amaterasu Fire, but how do you refining so much? It is absolutely impossible!”

He is no longer Chen Qi’s opponent.

Immortal Venerable Yan Huo’s face was full of fear, and when he fell off in the distance, he was about to run away, still burning with a few flames, forcibly suppressed by his Rule Power. Just a silhouette appeared in front of Immortal Venerable Yan Huo. The huge black flame grabbed Immortal Venerable Yan Huo and couldn’t resist.

Just caught, the black flame contaminated Immortal Venerable Yan Huo’s whole body, surrounded by flames up and down. This time, no matter how he resisted, it would not help. There were too many flames, and his body protection was instantly burned into the body.

Immortal Venerable Yan Huo’s screams were so screaming that no one heard them at the depth of the chi chiming flames.

In addition to his complexion, he was puzzled by Chen Qi. He didn’t understand how Chen Qi could refining so many flames.

The flames burned for a moment, Chen Qi withdrew from the flames, and the Amaterasu Fire on Immortal Venerable Yan Huo suddenly seemed to follow Chen Qi’s orders and entered Chen Qi within the body.

A flesh fuzzy silhouette appeared in front of him. He could not see his face, his skin had been burned, and it was miserable. Immortal Venerable Yan Huo is even more shivering. But his gaze was very ruthless, but he sent out a sound transmission.

Chen Qi took away all his storage rings and was led out by him along with the Amaterasu Fire in the bracelet. A large amount of flame entered Chen Qi within the body and was absorbed by him within a moment.

Dao Fruit of Immortal Venerable Yan Huo was caught directly by Chen Qi, and all cultivation bases of Immortal Venerable Yan Huo were abolished.

Once the cultivation base was lost, Immortal Venerable Yan Huo was quickly burned to nothingness by the flames, but before he died, he saw Chen Qi covered with Amaterasu Fire, still a deep fear. Knowing that Chen Qi’s strength has surpassed him. Unwilling, died by fate.

Some ordinary things broke out, and Chen Qi randomly entered the storage ring, and then looked at a large number of Amaterasu Fire in front of him.

“Fuck, you’re rich. This Amaterasu Fire is too much, grass, how long does it take to absorb it all?”

Chen Qi looked at the circumference and couldn’t see the marginal Amaterasu Fire. He was excited.

It is estimated that this is already close to the center of the sun, otherwise it would not be possible to see so many Amaterasu Fire.

But Chen Qi wants to absorb, and it won’t work for a while.

Chen Qi felt the nature of the Amaterasu Fire in front. “If I didn’t guess wrong, these flames are already the source of a fire of the Amaterasu Fire. After absorption, the Amaterasu Fire can always be generated, but it is not the true core source of a fire. . “

Chen Qi was thinking, because the core source of a fire could not be so large.

The source of a fire is usually small and extremely concentrated.

Amaterasu Fire definitely has a core source of a fire. It is the kind of Amaterasu Fire that is the most pure, the essence, which belongs to the source of a fire of the flame source.

I absorb these flames myself, I don’t know when. Just find the real source of a fire. You can create boundless endless flames, and it is much easier to absorb them.

And, to get the real source of a fire, it is neither absorbing nor obstructing.

Amaterasu Fire core source of a fire is the most precious thing of this sun.

Chen Qi thought for a while. When he moved, he jumped directly in front of a large number of black fires. Just after entering, the burning sound of all around countless chi chi was burning, just like Specter Will-o’-the-wisp. -black, and the temperature is scary.

The Amaterasu Fire here not only contains its own terrible high temperature, but also is getting closer to the sun’s core.

“Fuck, this temperature Laozi can’t stand it. This is the rhythm of death. Is it?”

Chen Qi grinned his teeth and suddenly made a strange noise, even if he mastered so much Amaterasu Fire body protection, he still couldn’t bear it.

If he hadn’t mastered the Amaterasu Fire, he didn’t dare to jump in just now. Even if he jumped in, he would be burned in an instant. Even the Immortal Venerable powerhouse would die here.

A scorching heat penetrated Chen Qi’s defense, dipping deep inside the body, Chen Qi meridian was all hot, and the blood and water boiled, turning into boiling water. Complexion sweat dripped a lot, feeling myriad fires burning heart, entering Flame Hell soul and suffering extremely much.

“Chang Yue, use your Power of Absolute Yin, otherwise my body will be incinerated.”

Chen Qi’s skin has begun to crack.

Sweating under the rain, a lot of water is evaporated to dryness. On the surface of Chen Qi, there is 1-layer Rule body protection, and the periphery of Rule is 1-layer Amaterasu Fire defense.

Outside Amaterasu Fire couldn’t get in, but it could pass the hot air in, like a roast chicken, and Chen Qi was uncomfortable.

At this time, silver Power of Absolute Yin was passed from the storage ring, and a cool stream entered Chen Qi’s body, and it felt better. But how long does not at all last? The heat is obviously higher than Chang Yue’s Power of Absolute Yin.

Over time, the burning continued, Chen Qi’s skin had cracked a lot, blood and water began to transpiration, and a bloody smell filled the body protection barrier.

“No, I can’t take it anymore.” Chen Qi screamed horribly, really couldn’t stand it, grinned his teeth, and rushed away towards the position when he came.

It seems that this Amaterasu Fire Source Core only slowly found a way out after going out.

Why so many people?

It’s just that Chen Qi has just gone out, but in front of him there is a large silhouette, Chen Qi feels cold physically and mentally.

The Grade 2 Immortal Venerable Sir Lu and the remaining 9 Immortal Venerable. All 50 Immortal Sovereign were also present. Crown Prince He Yu is also doped in it.

Crown Prince He Yu is watching how Chen Qi died. The people who found these Blood Divinity Palace rushed over, knowing that Chen Qi must have been found.

What Chen Qi didn’t know was that Immortal Venerable Yan Huo sent a sound transmission to the members of the Blood Divinity Palace when he felt the crisis, which revealed the specific position, and everyone chased him in preparation for encircle and kill Chen Qi.

A path of breath burst into the sky, and Immortal Venerable prestige spread at 4 places. And what made Chen Qi even more alarmed was that in front of Grade 2 Immortal Venerable Sir Lu, several Immortal Venerables arranged a Space Teleportation array, and the circular Teleportation Formation rays of light bloomed.

It turned out that the teleportation with other places in Blood Divinity Palace, a path of horror passed from the formation, are Immortal Venerable powerhouse of Blood Divinity Palace. Immortal Sovereign powerhouse is even more numerous.

One, two, three, four, ten, 2, 3 … At last, 4 full Immortal Venerables appeared here. Each breath was robust, and the prestige was like prison. It stretched every corner and locked Chen. Qi. both eyes are stern and contain Murderous intention.

They were all Immortal Venerable experts wearing deep red robes. Ten Immortal Venerables with 50 people together with Sir Lu are 60 Immortal Venerable powerhouses.

And that Immortal Sovereign powerhouse is a path of emergence, as if there is no end. More than 100 people soon emerged, followed by 2 100, 300, and finally reached more than 400 Immortal Sovereign powerhouses, which appeared here.

A member of the Blood Divinity Palace, this time, Blood Divinity Palace was really angry and wanted to kill Chen Qi.


Suddenly at this moment, the Teleportation Formation transmitted a more terrifying atmosphere, as if it could easily break the sun, moon, stars, 4 places are all violent winds, the lava area is up and down, imposing manner overflowing heaven, containing the peerless ominous prestige , Blood Divinity Palace appeared more powerhouse.

A distinguished azure boot, containing mysterious veined pattern, stepped out and stepped on the Void. At this moment, the entire sun seemed to sink together, and then a middle-aged man came out of it. With both hands on their hands, both eyes like Heaven Prestige glanced at the world. With the breath of the irreversible superior.

A black robe, surrounded by countless blood light, is baleful qi, and behind it are 3 Dao Fruit, Slaughter Dao Fruit, Flame Dao Fruit, and Water Attribute Dao Fruit. This person looks like he is in his 40s, but he is old-fashioned. Gazes can seem to destroy people’s souls.

Is a Grade 4 Immortal Venerable!

“Pay respects to Sir Yu Qing.”

At this moment, all 60 Immortal Venerables and 450 Immortal Sovereign powerhouses were saluted half-kneeling.

“Let’s get up.” Immortal Venerable Yu Qing’s voice was boundless, with a prestige of Rule, and Immortal Venerable’s breath was irritating. Every move drew all around the flames, and the powerful breath shocked everyone present.

On the surface of his clothes, Flame Hell was burning and the heat wave was steaming.

“Yes!” Then everyone dared to stand up.

Immortal Venerable Yu Qing’s indifferent eyes glanced over, locking Chen Qi, Chen Qi’s body bones trembled immediately, qi and blood seemed to squeeze out of the pores within the body, there was a sense of immobility. The remaining 100 powerhouse eyes also locked Chen Qi.

Each aura can stun an Immortal Domain, all at this moment on Chen Qi. Chen Qi felt unprecedented pressure, feeling 10000 heavy fairy hills, covering his body, and making moves difficult.

… ..

… ..

PS: That’s it for today, thank you for the book friends who voted. .


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