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Day by day.

On this day, all black, no daylight, unfathomable “Curse Star”, it can be described as Spirit Herd Chaotic Dance, all day.

A magnificent and huge square, covered with the grim Totem, was vastly crowded.

Almost all Curse World creatures are gathered together.

3 silhouette mixed in the crowd, no one noticed something wrong.

“If we leave now, it’s too late. When the” Curse God “will come, it’s really impossible to retreat all over the body.” Monster Fox Empress solemnly said with a sound transmission.

Fox, don’t talk.

Karma Clone’s tone is reminded.

“You … call me a fox again! You two are abominable! One is called Smelly Fox, the other is called fox! It’s really fucking.”

Monster Fox Empress’s angry face was red, because outsiders could not see him while wearing a mask.

hu chi!

one after another terrifying imposing manner dropping from the sky.

It was 10 silhouettes, and 9 people wore black robe and wore dark masks.

Although only one person was wearing a black robe, he showed a man’s face, his pale skin was scary, he couldn’t see any blood, his eyes were scarlet and dark, and he chose to eat. It made people glance at the uneasiness of the soul stage.

Monster Fox Empress glanced at 10 silhouette, especially the man, who was suddenly trembling, “This … this is 10 Half Step Control! In Monster World, we only have Sir Monster Ancestor, a Half Step Control! All Heavens and Myriad Realms are called the most The powerful Divine World, which is said to be only 3 Half Step Control, their Curse World … they are hidden too deep. “


In the center of the square, black robed man opened the mouth and said: “The” Curse God sacrifice “once every 100 years begins today! Everyone bows down to Sir Curse God!”

Hua la la.

Countless Curse World creatures around the square kneeled down.

Karma Clone raised her eyebrows. “Let me kneel?”

It is only at this time that if Karma Clone does not kneel, it will cause waves to be expected.

Covered outside the square are all the creatures of Curse World, which are very pitiful, far less than any race of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but there are more than 10000 people. Karma Clone sat on the ground, but this gesture is nothing. People are aware.

All Curse World creatures are wearing black robe, kneeling and lowering their heads, looking from the center of the square, they can only see the black pressure, and do not deliberately check how to know that there are individuals who are not kneeling, but have a loose posture Sitting on the ground?

Monster Fox Empress, Little Wu Yue is very tacit, sitting on the ground.

“Okay! Welcome to” Sir Curse God “will come!”

Curse World black robed man cut his wrist and a piece of blood appeared on the ground.

Only then did I see that a path of line groove was carved on the ground of the square.

The other 9 Curse World cultivator, cut their wrists together, and the blood was all over the ground.

The blood carrying the uncharacteristic evil and violent charm flows in the groove of the ground line and finally connects!

A bloody demon pattern, presented on the square, is shining brightly, rays of light bewitching, and it is inspiring.

peng long!

peng long long!

It’s terrifying, imposing the monstrous aura hangs, covering every inch of the corner of the endless “Curse Star”.

Karma Clone rose suddenly at this time.

On the square, 10 silhouettes of the mind and spirit were scattered on the will of the coming “Curse God”, before they noticed the movement of Karma Clone.

ha ha ha!

“Okay! Yes, the bloodline of Curse World is growing stronger and stronger.”

All split up and in pieces in the sky, a path of space deep and unmeasurable, like an abyss, wild beast bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

In one of the biggest gaps in space, a man came out, wearing a white long robe, his face covered with mist.

“Who … who is he?” Little Wu Yue exclaimed, “Why is the aura in this person the same as me?”


In the void, Curse God will look with incredible eyes, “This … how is it possible! It shouldn’t be, in this Curse Star, the living creatures, with the body flowing my blood factor is not false, but it is absolutely impossible to conceive One, bloodline exists like me! Unless she is … Spirit Witch Race! Spirit Witch Race In addition to the old woman, there are still evils?

Great Sir Curse God!

On the square, Ten Great Curse Kings respectfully shouted said: “Sir Curse God, why are you so surprised?”

“Jie jie jie.”

My clansman!

After many years, I can still see a clansman, this God is really happy.

Curse God’s will covered in the mist, staring at Little Wu Yue, his eyes seemed to break the mask, and peeped into the true face of Little Wu Yue. “Not bad! In the Wu nationality, you are also equal. The appearance of bloodline, if it can be combined with you, it will derive the bloodline of the most pure bloodline. “

“Big Brother … This person has bloodline like me, but he is annoying, this guy is not a good person.” Little Wu Yue hided behind Karma Clone muttered.

I am really, more and more confused.

Monster Fox Empress is puzzled.

“And you! Are you actually here? Ha ha ha, this God Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth is looking for you, you actually sent it to your door!”

Give me a clansman too! “Curse God’s will fell on Karma Clone and laughed wildly.”

The black robe took off and the mask was removed.

In black clothes, Karma Clone with a delicate and pretty face walked to the sky. “Very well, we finally met.”

You … you are not among our Curse World!

Ten Great Curse Kings speak in unison exclaimed.

So bold! You dare to sneak into my Curse World, blasphemy Curse God Great God will come, the break the corpse into ten thousand pieces, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

don’t be impatient.

Curse God waved his will and looked at Karma Clone and asked said: “Speak, why are you here!”

“Be with you for a while! Now I am not your opponent, but I can compete with your ray of will, so that I feel control.”

Facing Curse God’s will, Karma Clone didn’t seem insignificant and humble at all.

this God got it.

I ca n’t complain that I ’m so painstaking and hard to deduce your whereabouts. It turns out that you and one of my clansman stay together! This affects and messes up my deduction method.

Curse God will say this, and do n’t forget to look at Little Wu Yue greedily, “That race is not in in, I can only find some other women from Plane, and breed this so-called“ Curse World ”! When I met you, hehe … this God was able to recreate that disappeared race! “

Gu lu.

“Little Girl, I think we do n’t care about your Big Brother, he is a madman, you do n’t want to capture this Curse God, just run with me.” Monster Fox Empress swallowed and reminded: “I feel it , This Curse God … even a ray of will is more powerful than Sir Monster Ancestor. It is likely that the Control Domain exists, which is incredible. There is actually Control in All Heavens and Myriad Realms! “

Don’t run.

Little Wu Yue pursed her lips. “Big Brother doesn’t go, I won’t go! Smelly Fox, you are not allowed to run. If you dare to run, I will cut off all your 9 tails.”

… you, “Monster Fox Empress wants to cry but doesn’t have tears” What is this?

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