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Bang! bang! bang!

Universe starry sky, has been a mess for a long time, 1000 sores and 100 holes, scattered fragments.

The “Divine World Heavenly Kingdom” suppression issued by Divine World Great God King old man, under 9 “Monster System Summon Role”, plus the strength strikes of Qin Tian, ​​is already on the verge of collapse, dim and dark.


Divine World Great God King old man heart wave 10000 zhang, “old man don’t believe it, I can’t believe … you brat is just 1st Revolution Immortal Ruler Realm cultivation base, old man Half Step Control Realm is All Heavens and Myriad Why the most high-end powerhouse in Realms can’t kill you! “

Looking at the Great God King old man, Divine World Eldest Prince, Divine Sovereign, 2 father and son looked at each other in blank dismay, they could n’t stop trembling and shaking, “Forbidden like this, All Heavens no second!”

Imperial Father-How are we good

Divine World Eldest Prince Shen Qiong How could that monster still have a killing heart, and some are just endless fear and panic.

“He must have died today.” Divine Sovereign gritted his teeth to control his trembling figure. “He is fighting with our ancestors, and it is still in the range of our Divine World. The other 2 ancestors must have sensed it, but they were peeping in secret, when necessary … and hit in one hit. “


Divine World Eldest Prince Shen Qiong saw the dawn again, “haha! I have forgotten, our Divine World is Head of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but there is more than one Great God King ancestor of Half Step Control Realm, and 2 Great God The ancestors of King, they are also Half Step Control cultivation base. “

“Old man, crazy?”

Qin Tian’s voice joked, “If you are crazy, I don’t think I need to fight you down, I won’t bully a crazy old fogey.”


“Furious red under the eyes.”

Divine World Great God King old man stare in anger and grievance, “Do you think you can escape today’s disaster by breaking the old man’s” Divine World Heavenly Kingdom “suppression?”


Meiyu awe-inspiring, Qin Tian looked at him sideways, “ha ha ha! A big handwriting, in order to deal with me a junior, Divine World 3” Half Step Control “is out? Interesting, really interesting.”

Aware of our existence.

2 old man walks out from left to right, expression is generally heavy and extreme, speak in unison shouted: “What an unrivalled, peerless grace and elegance mad monster, your presence has already affected the pattern of All Heavens and Myriad Realms! You are promoted to Half Step Control and battle strength is taboo invincible under control. How can we Divine World allow you. “

“is it.”

Said the sounding grandeur, is it interesting?

Qin Tian waved his hand, “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

strength of single-handedly, against 3 Half Step Control, Qin Tian will not be so arrogant, but there is one thing that must be done before running away!

Hua la la.

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique, solidified the Universe Heaven and Earth.

With a bang, Divine World Eldest Prince Shen Qiong fell under the fist of Qin Tian, ​​scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Next, it is “Divine Sovereign”.

When the “Divine World Eldest Prince Shen Qiong” was killed, the effect of 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique was dispersed.

Qin Tian released his hand, punch towards “Divine Sovereign”.

“–Do not”

Cold sweat soaked the robe, and Divine Sovereign broke out the cultivation base of “9th Revolution Heavenly Dao Ruler Realm 99th Step” to expand the defensive barrier.

However, under the might of a single fist of Qin Tian, ​​this defense becomes impossible to withstand a single blow, Divine Sovereign spit out three mouthfuls of blood, the flesh collapses, and a completely black with no light soul escapes.


Qin Tian shook the head.

3 Surrounded by the “Half Step Control” powerhouse, the Divine World Eldest Prince was killed and the Divine World Divine Sovereign was reinvented … This story was spread, which is undoubtedly the ups and downs of futile in “All Heavens and Myriad Realms”, Qin Tian is still downcast?

—— 啊 ——damn it

Divine World 3 “Great God King old man”, his eyes spitting fire, “start together, suppress this person.”

“Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law, Open Opportunity To Live.”

Under the order of Qin Tian, ​​the mysterious power of nothingness engulfed the body, and sent himself into a ripple vortex, leaving the land of right and wrong.


3 Divine World Great God King old man froze in place, not knowing what to do.

“That monster mastered the legendary” Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law “. 3 Ancestor, he must have used this power to escape without trace.”

Divine Sovereign in the form of Remnant Soul, weak roar said: “All Heavens and Myriad Realms are vast for others, but it is nothing for the 3 ancestors of Half Step Control Stage, as long as 3 ancestors each and everyone World Plane search, that The monster must be nothing. “

“A Word Command The Law—”

The Great God King old man who first confronted Qin Tian could be said to hate Qin Tian, ​​but also fear it. “If we can’t kill this monster early, we will never have a Divine World!”

sou! sou!

3 Divine World Great God King old man disappeared on the edge of Divine World, a pervasive, terrifying monstrous will spread all directions. “They started the tracing of each and everyone World Plane, and they must pull out the monster.”

“Okay-Hope 3 Ancestors-killed the evil barrier”

Divine Sovereign murmured, “Now return to Divine King Star now and recover from injury … reshape the fleshy body.”

da da ~~~ da da

Footsteps sounded in the starry sky, where the silence was restored.

Clothes sleeve fluttering, divine beautiful woman seems to have fallen into the Goddess of Mortal World, Lotus Blooming at Every Step.

She is like a ray of light between Heaven and Earth, shining on the dark starry sky outside, making Divine Soul yearn for not blasphemy.

“Saintess ——Shen Li”

Divine Sovereign accidentally, “Why are you here?”

The red lips made a cold smile, and the woman said agreed: “I was never your Saintess” Shen Li “in Divine World, I was Tantai Wuxin in the mouth of that guy.”

You, what do you mean.

Divine Sovereign was a little apprehensive, but didn’t know where this uneasiness came from.

“I don’t like Divine World. You dare to intercept” He “. I even hate Divine World.”

Behind the 8 Light Angel wings spread out, Tantai Wuxin held a bright long sword in her small hand, “you should die!”


crazy! You are my Divine World “Saintess”, this Sovereign is not thin for you.

Divine Sovereign at the peak period, he will never be afraid of Tantai Wuxin, but he is at this moment … Remnant Soul’s body, dying.

“No matter how good it is to me, the guy called me” Tantai “.”

A sweet gleam flickered under the eyes, 8 Light Angel wings flapped, pushing the girl to fly out.

Stop it-don’t

The screams did not last a few times, and a generation of Divine Sovereign died.

After killing “Divine Sovereign”, he looked back at “Divine World” and Tantai Wuxin left without any hesitation: “You can’t do anything, I will go find you now.”

“Where is this?”

All Heavens and Myriad Realms A desolate Star Domain, Qin Tian’s figure presents, “Using the vitality developed by A Word Command The Law, I sent it here myself.”

do not care.

First look for a star that has been conceived by life.

Choosing a direction, Qin Tian flew away.

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