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“Shibe don’t wait for the third day–“

This sentence has not dispersed for a long time, echoed in the endless dark starry sky.

Shaky, gray-haired Divine World Great God King old man, brows frowned, skinny face is extremely ugly: “monster, don’t give me a bluff, just a month’s time, your cultivation base Realm is not at all change!”

To tell you the truth, the three of us are not too far apart, as long as the old man is here to deal with you, the fluctuations leak out … It won’t take long, they will rush over. “The two people he refers to are undoubtedly Divine World 3 Great God King old man.”

ha ha ha.

How about coming over? You were already a dead man before they came over.

On the black hair, Qin Tian showed a surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, an imposing manner of can’t look at.

In addition, a mysterious Supreme force that surpassed All Heavens and Myriad Realms appeared to surround the white clothed youth.

“What–this–this is”

Divine World Great God King old man, at the moment when he felt this power, he immediately showed a panicking expression, “no! Impossible!”

1st Revolution Immortal Ruler Realm 99th Step’s cultivation base, how could you possibly comprehend Power of Control ——

Yes, the Power of Illusory swimming outside Qin Tian is “Power of Control”.

“A month of retreat, due to coincidence, comprehend the Power of Control. Qin Tian couldn’t explain this point.”

Qin Tian open mouth and laughed said: “good luck!”


Divine World Great God King old man The dilemma under his eyes turned into “fear and fear”.

As everyone knows, touch the Power of Control at least there is “Half Step Control” cultivation base.

If it were a person, the 1st Revolution Immortal Ruler Realm 99th Step would comprehend “Power of Control,” and once such a heaven defying character grows up, it will be self-evident.

“Kill-don’t kill you-Divine World will never be peaceful”

Shout loudly, the power of Universe Eight Desolates exploded.

Divine World Great God King old man is the release of the “Power of Control” vividly and thoroughly that he has mastered.

Under the pressure of this God-like momentum, the magnificent Five Elements World has fallen into turmoil and countless creatures shiver coldly.

However, from the beginning to the end, Qin Tian, ​​who hit the white clothed, was still so calm and unpretentious, “hehe-scaring me”

“And slow!”

An old great bell-like voice goes from far to near.

Qin Tian leaned his head and looked at the past, “It’s an old man with a kind of old man who haunts the Power of Five Elements.”

Half Step Control.

He should be the Old Ancestor of “Five Elements World”.

“This is one of Divine World 3 Great God King.” Five Elements World Old Ancestor looked at Divine World Great God King old man, cupped the hands and asked said: “I don’t know that Fellow Daoist is showing control of imposing in my Five Elements World. manner, why? “


In the eyes of Divine World Great God King old man, Five Elements World is just a small World Plane. Of course, this Five Elements World Old Ancestor will not be too polite, coldly snorted said: “No matter what you do with Five Elements World, old man It ’s just to demoralize this monster into Nine Nether and let him forever unable to reincarnate. “

“The mouth is very neat, but unfortunately it is useless.” Qin Tian shrugged, not taken seriously.

Five Elements World old man This is when I noticed that white clothed youth, the pupil suddenly contracted, and the expression changed wonderfully, “There is such a thing in the world … 1st Revolution Immortal Ruler Realm 99th Step, comprehend to” Power of Control “.”

All right.

If you “Five Elements World” don’t want to get involved, let me go immediately.

Divine World Great God King old man shouted loudly.

“Well–” I’m a good old Ancestor anyway. The Great God King old man has contempt and contempt for himself again and again. Five Elements World old man can’t contain his anger. “You are Half Step Control. World is opening killing for warning, it is necessary for the old man to watch here, 10000 implicated the creatures of Five Elements World when you start, and the old man can promptly block it. “


Too lazy to entangle this issue, the Great God King old man dragged a cultivation base, and an energy of control emerged in his hand.

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 20,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 4 super God of Destruction form

congratulations to the host for receiving 25,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Divine Level Stage 9 Ultimate Eight Inner Gates

congratulations to the host for opening Divine Level Stage 4 Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 5 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 5 Zangetsu Form

congratulations to the host for opening Hulk Mode

In an instant, Monster System Form capabilities are all to open.

For the body transformation of youth, Divine World Great God King old man is no longer strange, but after witnessing it, he still became unable to bear and his heart was alarmed.

The blazing golden hair was violent and dazzling, and it was swaying like flood dragon and python.

indestructible, the Hulk physique full of explosive energy, the bulging muscles are green and oily, and it crawls on and off with a lot of green muscles, horrible to see.


Inhaled deeply in one breath, Qin Tian shook his fist, “Old Fool! Burying you here, is a very good choice!”

1st Revolution Immortal Ruler Realm Peak cultivation base, dare to challenge a “Half Step Control.” It is already a strange thing that All Heavens and Myriad Realms find hard.

After seeing the appearance of Qin Tian Body Transformation, the violent increase of the look of disdain power, Five Elements World Old Ancestor collapsed more and more, “Now the little fellow … there are so monster heaven defying, terrible taboo, afraid of being an old man Today’s eye-opening is my— “

“Ruler Glow, Evolve Everlasting!”

Qin Tian mobilized the power of “Ruler Dharma Idol, A Word Command The Law” while using all his explosive energy, and then integrated his comprehend of “Power of Control” into it.

ka cha cha.

On the starry sky of Five Elements World, a path of crack appeared and continuously spread out.

“Brand new Power of Taboo is born!”

“Danger!” Not only was Divine World Great God King old man startled, Five Elements World Old Ancestor swallowed, “I’m a good boy.”

“go with.”

But see Qin Tian shout loudly, shock Universe, brilliant, unmatched, shake Eternal Long River.

“The divine rays of light that can’t be portrayed by the language have invaded, and the destructive formidable power displayed is outrageous and threatens Half Step Control.”

Divine World Heavenly Kingdom.

With the shadow of death approaching, how could Divine World Great God King old man be taken lightly.

The means of taking out is “Divine World” Divine Ability, which is the most proficient mystery. When Qin Tian confronted Divine World and another Divine World Great God King old man, the other party also showed this move. “Thinking back then, Qin Tian was able to break away from Divine World Heavenly Kingdom Divine Ability thanks to summon’s 9 Monster System role, which is very different now.”

gold and jade in glorious splendour, Immortal Divine Heavenly Kingdom.

There is also the terrifying “Ruler Glow”, two kinds of Power of Taboo hit one piece in the blink of an eye.

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