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Divine World new Sovereign enthronment has passed half a month.

“Gold and jade in glorious splendour, in front of the great hall of Divine Sovereign of magnificent.”

One man and one woman stood side by side.

“Tantai, since I discussed the” control secret “with all Half Step Control Old Ancestor in All Heavens and Myriad Realms that day, the more I felt that a storm involving All Heavens and the Control Road was about to fall “The white clothed youth moved towards the girl beside the mouth opened the mouth and said:” I will also be drawn in, because my cultivation base has reached the point of tracing the Control Stage. “

what about me?

Tantai Wuxin blinked, “Will you …”

rest assured.

I do n’t have to worry about my life. No one in the world can kill me. Do n’t you know?

Qin Tian took a deep breath in one breath, “Before that, you can help me take Spirit World Young Princess and Wife Qing Yao.”

I’m going to Dragon World.

“Why go to Dragon World?” Tantai Wuxin wondered.

“I said, don’t be angry.”

Qin Tian embarrassed shrugged, “I still have 4 Wife in Dragon World … they should all be waiting for me to pick them up.”



After a question and answer, Tantai Wuxin beautiful eyes burst into anger, “Asshole! You are not afraid of bursting yourself.”

I am also afraid, but when I see the attractive Young Lady, I cannot hold it.

Qin Tian’s self-criticism of fiercely said: “Self-control is needed in the future, otherwise, if the wives and concubines are in groups, it’s really no good.”

“Asshole, you are already wives and concubines, Three Palaces and Six Courtyards.” Tantai Wuxin spitted and said, also whispering in his heart, “I don’t feel a little attractive when I say that I can’t hold the beautiful Young Lady? I dare not say that, as for Spirit World Young Princess, and Qing Yao, where are they better than me? “


please. “Qin Tian stepped out and disappeared in the same place.”

“Dragon World and Divine World are far apart.”

But for Qin Tian, ​​it is nothing, 2 days has already appeared on the “Dragon World edge.”

“Dragon World is divided into East Dragon World, West Dragon World, North Dragon World, South Dragon World, and the most prosperous center Dragon World.”

Qin Tian is going to go to “East Dragon World”.

Princess Long Shengying, Tyrant Dragon Race Young Princess, Wife Hong Yi, Wife Bing Yu.

And Little Jin Ying will also receive “Divine World”.

The grand and ancient East Dragon World, Divine Dragon Continent.

Tyrant Dragon Race, in the familiar courtyard, with heroic spirit overbearing between the eyebrows, a small face is as pure as colored glass, a beautiful and moving woman is lying on the stone table, and the small mouth is murmuring something: “Not yet back … … Not to come back, forget that damn it thing … I hate him. “

“Hehe, who is it, annoying our Young Princess?”

Needless to say, the bastard of Qin Tian. “The girl subconsciously blurted out, suddenly realized something, and got up and looked back, water so clear you can see the bottom of the eyes suddenly a large spray of water spewed out.” Ah! Bastard, you … why do you always like to eavesdrop behind others? “

The last time Qin Tian came to Tyrant Dragon Race, it happened that the girl was chattering, Qin Tian came without warning, and this time was the same.


Am I not here to pick you up?

Qin Tian extend the hand and hugged the girl, “Young Princess, let’s go with me.”

Go there. “Snuggled in the arms of a young man, Young Princess Ba Long asked.”

“A new home.”

Qin Tian smiled brilliantly, “I found a new home for you, do you want to go.”

… this.

Ba Ling Young Princess hesitated, “I don’t want to leave Dragon World.”

“Follow the man you marry, be he fowl or cur Do you not know this sentence?” Qin Tian said solemnly, “Hurry up and prepare, and then we will pick up others.”

All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Curse World, in the dark great hall.

A man opened his scarlet and pale eyes, and these eyes were extremely uncomfortable. “It’s only the last trace, I can override the control and cast eternity! This last step is relying on the cage alone. Some Controllers are not enough, I still need a batch of Controllers … But now All Heavens and Myriad Realms, there is no Controller Level powerhouse. “

“Jie jie jie.”

Okay, just do it.

As if I thought of a good idea, the man got up and walked out of the hall. “Open the cage and attract all the powerhouses of Half Step Control Stage in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. In that cage, they will not be disturbed by my power. With the opportunity to reach the Controller stage, when there are more controllers, I can break through the shackles and step into eternity. “

“It took less than ten days to go back and forth.”

When I left Divine World, I was cumin, and when I returned to Divine World, there were 5 more girls beside Qin Tian, ​​”Beautiful and noble Princess Long Shengying, Young Princess Ba Long with masculine overbearing aura, and gentle and charming Wife Hong Yi, Wife Bing Yu as cold as ice and frost, and finally the Golden Dragon of Human Transformation. Her current name is “Little Jin Ying”, Princess Long Shengying gave her. “

“Isn’t this Divine World?” Princess Long Shengying looked at the scene in front of him and said: “Do you have to take me out of Dragon World to come to Divine World? Why not go back to Human World and you are not Human Race bloodline.”


“I took you away from Dragon World, are you still not happy?” Qin Tian smiled bitterly.

“Shuaa ——”

starry sky rippling and twisting, a figure came out, and it was Tantai Wuxin.

Qin Tian quickly introduced said: “She is Divine World new Sovereign” Tantai Wuxin “, my friend, you will live in Divine World from now on.”

“Divine World new Sovereign?” Long Shengying was taken aback. “This … when did Divine World replace Divine Sovereign.”

And is a woman.

“Haven’t you heard of it?” Qin Tian unexpectedly, “The Divine World incident that swept through All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Long Shengying is Royal Family Eldest Princess of East Dragon World, shouldn’t have heard of it.”

No, Princess Long Shengying shook his head.

“When you reach Divine King Star, you will know everything.”

I have to go back to 9th Layer again, where there are some of my family, I have to receive Divine World.

Qin Tian looked towards Tantai Wuxin.

“Come with me.” Tantai Wuxin understands the meaning of the other party, “Isn’t it just to take care of these women.”

9th Layer, the starting point of Qin Tian, ​​is also the beginning of Qin Tian cultivation.

After coming back after many years, there is a feeling of shyness near home.

After crossing All Heavens and Myriad Realms, passing through the party Plane, Qin Tian stood on the 9th Layer.

A cultivation base’s power is very likely to be suppressed in the trough, otherwise Qin Tian sneezes out, and the small 9th ​​Layer Plane may return to nothing, smashed.

“Lord child Qin Tian Nan didn’t know how-and Wife Bing’er gave birth to a boy or a daughter-what about Little Seductress Mu-what about Wife Jun Lingshang”

Thinking of these, Qin Tian overwhelmed by emotions, the blood flow accelerated, “I will go to reunite with you now and startle you, ha ha ha.”

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