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“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host exceeding rank kill Luo Holy City, Wang Family Young Master Wang Meng

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 3,800,000 EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 2,000,000 Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Transcending Tribulation 4th Layer


There is still a bloody smell on the street. Kusanagi is included in the system storage space of Qin Tian in the white clothed desolate.

“Xiu! Xiu”!

“Luo Mansion powerhouse simultaneously skimming with the teenager secretly, led by the old man cupped the hands” son-in-law! Kill this Wang Family Young Master. You and I will wait for the return to mansion immediately. Wang Family is also one of the Luo Holy City Three Great Influences. It wo n’t give up. The danger of staying outside in the son-in-law … is dangerous.

“After a moment, Luo Tianlong, who was sitting in the middle of the Luo Mansion hall, suddenly got up and his pupils were surprised.” You said that brat … killed Wang Family Young Master Wang Meng!

As far as I know this Wang Meng is Wang Family’s first Heaven’s Proud, Slashing Spirit 9th Layer Peak! Qin Tian is Transcending Tribulation 3rd Layer, how did he kill him?

“Patriarch, son-in-law is Heaven Warping Genius, and the power horror shown by kill Wang Meng is far from its true cultivation base!” old man answered wisely.


Luo Tianlong faced upwards and laughed heartily “it is worthy of Bing’er’s hit Heaven’s Child, definitely not a mediocre generation”!

“Oh? You killed Wang Family Young Master”? Deep in the bamboo forest, each and every move elegant and soft and beautiful Luo Bing’er, took a cup of tea and handed it to the pretty boy in front of him, his voice was bead circle jade glossy, moving the soul and soul. “That Wang Meng was doing evil, the city was overbearing, and the Young Master killed He also eliminates harm for the people “!

“The first thing that Qin Tian returned to Luo Mansion was to see this smart and gentle woman.” Now seeing Luo Bing’er’s expression in the still water’s face, she was speechless “… I killed Wang Family Young Master, In order not to hurt Luo Mansion, let’s not get married. “

“Oh ~”

Luo Bing’er cover her mouth with her hand, “Is this your reason? I really don’t understand which point is not good enough for you”?

“Oil and salt will not enter, not hard or soft”! This kind of woman is too terrifying, and the soft and beautiful appearance makes people unable to anger at all. “Qin Tian pats forehead” How can you let me go? Or would I introduce you a handsome guy?


…… Luo Bing’er was surprised for a moment, “Young Master, what does this mean?”

“A man who is better than me and looks better than me”! Qin Tian thought of the bastard Xuan Luo in an instant, but he had an alluring five officers who made women jealous. It was not that he had been with him for such a long time to know that he must be a man.

“No, you are my destined True Dragon Heaven’s Child.”

Luo Bing’er shook his head, “I can only marry you. Bing’er has been ill since childhood, living deep in this bamboo forest to avoid illness, through childhood, only elder sister can talk to me, but a few years ago … elder sister I have entered sect cultivation. “

“Captured the sadness and singleness under the eyes of the pitying girl, Qin Tian was a little emotional, sympathetic”.

“You’re ill, you might be able to help you.”

If you cure the disease, can you let me go. “To end it here, Qin Tian is a little skeptical. Does Luo Tianlong give daughter Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition?

“For many years, Luo Tianlong has searched for famous doctors in the world, various sects spirit pill and marvelous medicine, nothing can help”! Luo Bing’er has long been desperate for the ills in his body, but there is another person who can save himself, that is the ordained by the heaven Heaven’s Child! “Under Qin Tian’s aura, Luo Bing’er always feels like a spring breeze, serene and comfortable, and the rare disease within the body’s rare calm is not to get restless.”


Where does Qin Tian know what to do to cure the disease, and now pretend to be serious, “cough cough ~, Young Lady Luo, let me give you the pulse first.”

“Roll up the cuffs embroidered with lotus leaves, and the pure white as jade’s haw wrist is presented to the teenager.”

“Two fingers on this snowy white wrist, Qin Tian felt like touching a piece of sheep fat fine jade, smooth and soft.”

“Luo Bing’er fragrant cheek slightly red, moving heart” … Young Master.

“System ah system … these little ladies … no, what the hell is this young lady, do you have a way?” Qin Tian closed his eyes and pretended.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” to open Detection Mode

“Notice to the host” is scanning characters, Luo Bing’er

“Ding ding”.

“Notice to the host” character Luo Bing’er, with Fire and Ice Profound Female Body

[Fire and Ice Profound Female Body, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Supreme powerful bloodline Spirit Body! 1000 years later, the owner must not awaken Spirit Body Art but suffered endless sufferings, suffering from fire and ice burning internal and external organs day and night, 17 years old will definitely die before】

“I rely on”!

Qin Tian was startled “Fire and Ice Profound Female Body ……”.

“The unconsciously palm tightly held the supple as if boneless girl’s wrist.”

Luo Bing’er’s face was flushed, and there was a suspicious “Young Master …… Young Master” in the clear and quiet eyes.

“Do not talk”! Qin Tian eyes opened with a firm tone.

4 eyes, Luo Bing’er has a feeling of suffocation with a faster heartbeat.

“The young man’s deep, eye-catching eyes are free of impurities.”

“What is the Awakening Art of the System, Fire and Ice Profound Female Body”? Qin Tian asked and shouted in his heart.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, Fire and Ice Profound Female Body Awakening Art is as follows

“Notice to the host” Sun and Moon Yin-Yang Technique! Dual Cultivation Art

“Notice to the host” find a Supreme Realm powerhouse to guide the spirit wisdom body of Luo Bing’er

“Notice to the host” received a Great Desolate Sun and Moon Fruit and served it to Luo Bing’er

“Fuck your uncle”!

“Qin Tian was choked by the answer of the system.” The first method, Dual Cultivation Art … I won’t mention it first.

“Look for Supreme Realm powerhouse to help Luo Bing’er unblock the Meridian Spirit Body, Supreme Realm? Expert on Martial Dao Second Realm? Where can I find it? How can I find time that will never come, and Luo Bing’er cannot wake Spirit Body I can’t live for 17 years old. “

“Young Master”.

Can you find out what my illness is?

“Luo Bing’er’s open mouth was looking forward”.

“You …” Qin Tian took the tea cup in front of the girl and drank it.

“That’s mine”, Luo Bing’er’s autumn eyes shrank.

“… Why not?”, Qin Tian’s mouth smiled wryly. “Young Lady’s illness is not a disease, but a bloodline physique.”

【Bloodline physique】

“Luo Bing’er black eyebrows scramble” Martian Soul is known to the world by a few geniuses.

“But Heaven and Earth is big. In addition to Martial Soul, there is Bloodline Spirit Body, which is as powerful and rare as bloodline Martial Soul.”

But bloodline spirit body brings endless power and innate talent, how can it make life worse than death and worry about life?

“Young Master … really not a disease”? Luo Bing’er was dubious.

“If you don’t believe it, that’s all”! Qin Tian will leave when he gets up.

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