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“Control Low City, Vice City Lord Hei Sha, on the vast Martial Arts Stage.”

A man and a woman held each other at a distance.

Woman, 23, 4 years old, with a fair face and a charming face, looking at the flow of hope, is a top grade extraordinarily beautiful women.

What is frightening is that the weapon in the girl’s hand was actually a “Black Dragon Stopping Moon Blade” with a length of more than 10 zhang.

Such “domineering side leaks” Divine Armament weapon, it is really out of place to hold a charming woman in his hand.

“Hmph! This Young Lady has suppressed Realm cultivation base to” 1st Revolution Silver Control Realm 99th Step “, just like you.”

With his teeth clenched, Hei Ling shouted word by word: “Now, you can start.”

white clothed like snow, as stable as Mount Tai. “Qin Tian smiled and said,” Well, come on, what means do you have to use it unscrupulously? “

“Young Lady Hei Ling is the entry chamber disciple of Vice City Lord Hei Sha, which is also our influential figure of Control Low City, battle strength sturdy outstanding, Qin Tian he …” Commander Fu Ming, expression murmured with concern.

no problem!

Same rank cultivation base ranks, no one in this Control Paradise is Brother Qin Tian’s opponent. “Tiandang solemnly vowed, 100% confidently reminded.”

“On Control Spirit Land, Qin Tian’s unhindered invincible, being invincible’s elegant manner, if Hei Ling knew it, wouldn’t be silly to say that it suppresses the cultivation base and compares it with Qin Tian.”

pay with your life.

flying sand running stone, Vault of Heaven shakes.

3000 black hair Behind the brain, the lovable body’s Hei Ling has an imposing manner, Power of Control concurrency, “Black Dragon Stopping Moon Blade” slashed out in his hand, “It’s really powerful, this blade kills the ordinary 2nd Revolution Silver Control Realm Is not a problem anymore. “

Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law, Break!

For this woman, Qin Tian can’t really mention much interest, a finger pointed by indifferent.

“Mysterious nothingness, the incredible Power of A Word Command The Law directly resolves the offensive of overbearing.”

“Impossible ……” Hei Ling startled, “You … you used Monster Art! We said yes, you can’t use Monster Art!”

I bother.

Qin Tian spit and spit; “Endless? Monster Art Monster Art, do you still have other words? This is my normal fighting method, not Monster Art.”


“My this blade, you resolved it with just one finger, and I didn’t even see you use the slightest Power of Control, not Monster Art! What do you think you are Great Control?” Obviously, Hei Ling didn’t believe the words of a teenager.


It really confuses you.

rubbed the temples, Qin Tian’s eyes exude impatient and fierce, “Very well! You want me to beat you with violence, right, then I’m as you wish, but you can think of it … if I take out the violence , Your delicate appearance … can you bear it? “

“Boast shamelessly! You don’t need Monster Art, this Young Lady kills you very easy.”

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 30,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 5 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 30,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 6 Zangetsu Form

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 6 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 5 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan

congratulations to the host for opening Hulk Mode

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” An explosive blast exploded, and the huge Martial Arts Stage all split up and in pieces trembled to collapse.

golden long hair, golden glow 10000 zhang, blazing hot.

Hulk physique, indestructible, swollen muscles carry great destructive power, shuttled green bars, horrible to see.

In a blink of an eye, the pretty white clothed youth became a monster with a “golden hair green body” … the humanoid Ominous Beast.

Commander Fu Ming witnessed this scene and was not surprised, “He brat … will Body Transformation?”

Tiandang is not strange, “When Control Spirit Land is on, Qin Tian kills all directions, no body transformation has happened.”

The horror taboo formidable power revealed after this Body Transformation also made him fresh in his memory, “Young Lady Hei Ling, I have suffered a lot!”


Hei Ling’s eyes panicked and moved, “I said, how come you are Monster Art! It turns out that you are a monster!”

“Monster?” Qin Tian’s smile was cruel and brutal, insensitive, “Monster’s is still behind.”

Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion!

“Hong long long punched out, splitting heaven and earth apart, destroying the universe.”

This might of a single fist, able to make a big hole in Heaven and Earth in Control Paradise.

Instant kill “Silver Control Realm 4th Revolution 5th Revolution” level piece of cake.

Cultivation base is restrained in “1st Revolution Silver Control Realm” Hei Ling, ask yourself to do your best, take all on one throw, bursting to contend with “3rd Revolution Silver Control Realm”, it is still because you have “Yellow Control Realm” cultivation base The foundation is the foundation, and now Qin Tian might of a single fist is such a taboo … Eternal is unmatched … Hei Ling’s heart is crazy like never before.


At the crucial moment, Hei Ling was helpless, and the cultivation base suddenly rose to “9th Revolution Silver Control Realm”, destroying the blow power of “Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion” with a knife.

The raging storm continues to set off.

Commander Fu Ming, Tiandang, 2 people stand outside the Martial Arts Stage, “They don’t want to be implicated.”

“You lost.” Golden long hair rolled in the wind, Qin Tian voiced cold and severe: “Have you said your Realm cultivation base is suppressed at the same level as me, 5000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid? Hand it out.”

I didn’t lose! I won’t lose to you!

“It’s your monster that violated the agreement first. You used Monster Art first, and then came up with this ugly appearance. The person who lost is you!” Hei Ling shouted.

Hu stirs up arrogantly.

Qin Tian brows frowned, “Are you going to hand over 5000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid!”

“No! No death!” Hei Ling retorted said: “I see what you can do with this monster. I want to take 5000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid from this Young Lady. I cut you with a knife. ‘

ka cha ka cha.

The void is distorted and the Hei Ling holding the “9th Revolution Silver Control Realm” Peak cultivation base, the powerful offensive emanating from the Black Dragon Stopping Moon Blade in his hand is really an incomparable explosion.

“Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion!”

“Super Primal Chaos Shinra Tensei … Super Primal Chaos Kamui Strangling … Super Primal Chaos Tsukuyomi Amaterasu.”

Skills are emerging one after another, and Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan’s Eyes Power is also surging.

“Dong dong dong ……” Martial Arts Stage has fallen apart and 2 people hit the Vault of Heaven.

Commander Fu Ming looked at dry mouth, open eyes in surprise, “Forbidden, Tiandang, just like you said, in the same rank, no one in Control Spirit Liquid is the enemy of that monster.”

Hei Ling Young Lady has used the “9th Revolution Silver Control Realm” Peak cultivation base, and Qin Tian can even fight with her in full swing.

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