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“Ha ha ha … 1st Name, I think you are crazy.”

4 In the unmanned courtyard, the girl laughed with a clear mockery.

“It’s ridiculous, right.” Qin Tian couldn’t help it.

“Uh.” The laughter converged, Hei Ling shook the head, “Not ridiculous … just you are crazy.”


Control Low City, City Lord Jing Tian Mansion.

The magnificent “City Lord Mansion” is more than several times more magnificent than Vice City Lord Hei Sha Mansion, and it is very lively.

Yellow Level Control powerhouse comes in and out, and there is rarely seen “Great Control Level” powerhouse, showing up by 3 gaps and 5 gaps.

One man and one woman, arrive slowly.

“Well, here is” City Lord Jing Tian Mansion “.” The black dress and the charming white girl opened her mouth and said: “Control Low City is much weaker than Control High City and Control Sky City. Every time on Control Great War, The most annoying thing is the powerhouse of “Control High City, Control Sky City”. You must first kill the Control powerhouse that controls the end and kick it out of the field. “

Therefore, almost every “Control Great War” of “Top 5 Rewards” was completely taken away by the Control powerhouse of “Control High City, Control Sky City”.

“This time, that kind of thing will never happen.” A young man dressed in white clothed, who was out of tune with the girl in the black skirt next to him, in stark contrast, had a self-confidence arc in his mouth.


“A” crazy “went to Control Great War 1st Name.” Hei Ling filled nodded.


I haven’t lifted my foot and walked into “City Lord Jing Tian Mansion” yet.

A voice called out “Qin Tian, ​​Hei Ling” 2 people.

“Murong Yuan? This guy who harmed 15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid by himself and Hei Ling.” How could Qin Tian forget his voice and smile, and looked back, it was the real fellow: “I haven’t seen him for 3 months, he is also the 9th Revolution Yellow Control Realm Peak? 15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid are lost, and he still has a lot of Control Spirit Liquid to “promote” his breakthrough to Yellow Control Peak? “


“It’s my younger brother who lost the” 15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid “monster. It’s you.” Murong Yuan also has a man next to him. It is a young man with a negative hand, azure long robe, and a face of pitch black.

1st Revolution Great Control Realm 99th Step.

Qin Tian saw through the other’s cultivation base, “Hei Ling mentioned that Murong Yuan has a big brother who is Great Control Level, it seems that he is Murong Wuji! Murong Yuan lost” 15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid “, and there are resources for himself 3 months breakthrough to Yellow Control Peak must be the reason Murong Wuji gave him a lot of “Control Spirit Liquid”. “


It was my fault that he lost 15,000 drops of “Control Spirit Liquid”, but that was all he agreed with Murong Yuan himself, willingly.

“Shameful stuff!” Murong Yuan stared at the young man with hateful eyes, “I am willing, what the hell do you say …!”

Not “willingly”? Why did you hand over “15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid?”

Qin Tian mocked said: “Underground Life and Death Stage, you bet with Young Lady Hei Ling, all eyes are on, Young Lady Hei Ling didn’t force you to agree to” bet “, are you too stupid.”


I know that brat, he was in “Underground Life and Death Stage”, which caused Murong Yuan to lose “15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid’s monster.”

15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid? I also heard about this matter.

Murong Yuan’s big brother Murong Wuji is also there. It seems that Murong Wuji is about to get his younger brother’s face back.

This “Murong Wuji” is “Great Control”!

“Listening to the gossips around me, Murong Yan’s face was dark cold and twisted:” All for me! “


What are you doing so excited.

Qin Tian, ​​sloppy, a sloppy smile gesture, “Young Lady Hei Ling and I came to sign up for the” Control Contest “, if you want to do and so on, it is better to wait until the control contest is open . “

“The registration level for the contest is 1st Revolution Yellow Control Realm.”

3 months ago, he was still “1st Revolution Silver Control”, and after 3 months it was “Yellow Control”?

Murong Yuan’s pupils dilated and his body trembled in vain, “5 … 5th Revolution Yellow Control Realm first!”

3 months! Less than 100 days later, he was promoted to “5th Revolution Yellow Control Realm”!

The speed of cultivation of heaven defying! Put it in Control Paradise, something never before.

Murong Wuji listened to the younger brother Murong Yuan, Underground Life and Death Stage, Qin Tian “1st Revolution Silver Control Realm” cultivation base caused him to lose the detailed process of “15,000 drops of Control Spirit Liquid”. Along with Murong Yuan’s horror and tremor, Murong Wuji saw the cultivation base of the white clothed youth in front of him, and immediately showed a ghostly expression, “You … how did you do it?”

Are you referring to cultivation base?

Qin Tian looked up at the sky, “Good luck.”

“It’s all right, I’ll sign up if it’s all right.”

big brother …… big brother, what shall we do? “After Qin Tian and Hei Ling entered the City Lord Jing Tian Mansion, Murong Yuan stammered and asked.”


Murong Wuji clenched his fists, his eyes greedy and crazy: “3 months, can make a” 1st Revolution Silver Control “breakthrough to 5th Revolution Yellow Control Realm! I believe that he does not have endless Control Spirit Liquid, that is, he has no Known monstrous secret! When Control Great War to open, I shot him down and asked what happened. “

Maybe this is the key that will change our brother destiny.

“Okay!” Murong Yuan expression sank, “big brother … you are 1st Revolution Great Control Peak, but the monster’s power is unimaginable, I’m afraid our 2 is a bit overwhelmed?”


Murong Wuji thought for a moment, “I will draw” Zhou Kuang, Zhou Xie “2 people to help me! One of them is 1st Revolution Great Control Peak, the other is 2nd Revolution Great Control! No matter what benefits you get from that brat, give them to them Half of 2 people are enough. “


“City Lord Jing Tian Mansion, on the open air Martial Arts Stage.”

At a round table, sat a senile, closed eyes and rested old man, “Yo, Young Lady Hei Ling. Why, come and sign up for the contest?”

“Yes.” Hei Ling nodded lightly. “Not only me, but him.”

“5th Revolution Yellow Control 1st Step.” The old man glanced at the white clothed youth, and then threw 2 tokens. “Three days later, the control contest began. Sir City Lord Jing Tian when the time comes to take you to the battlefield personally, do n’t Forget the time, wait 3 days outside the city and wait. “

got it.

After taking the token, Black Dragon took Qin Tian all the way to leave “City Lord Jing Tian Mansion.”

The moment I walked out of the City Lord Jing Tian Mansion, an invisible imposing aura Short Lived swept my body.

Qin Tian subconsciously moved towards looking in one direction, “Who?”

“… Well, he actually found me?” In the warm pavilion of the carved beam painting building, a silhouette of red lips lighted up and murmured, “Very interesting brat, see what you bring on Control Great War Such surprises. “

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