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On the ground of Control Great War.

The team composition of Murong Yuan, Murong Wuji, Zhou Xie, and Zhou Kuang seems extremely powerful.

After all, aside from the fellow Murong Yuan, the other three are all “Great Control Level”.

But in Qin Tian’s eyes, “cricket ants” that’s all.

“Hei Ling ~~ Anyway, they also said, as long as you leave, let you go, and you will go.”

After kicking off Little Lady Hei Ling, Qin Tian can unscrupulously launch the slaughter, “Control Great War 1st Name, whoever I am!”


“Crazy.” Who thought, Hei Ling moved towards Qin Tian spat, and then fiercely scolded said: “This Young Lady is a man who is greedy for life and fears death, and throws away his companions? Having said the team action, that is in Control Great You and I are going to retreat together on War! If you have difficulties, you will have the same blessings! “

ha ha ha.

Qin Tian smiled, “Little ladies … Anyway, you are Interesting. Then you just go away and these clowns will deal with it for me.”

“Clown?” Murong Wuji, Zhou Xie, Zhou Kuang, 3 people, all show their angry eyes: “good brat! Dying to the end and dare to boast shamelessly, I really don’t know the sky is how high, the earth is how deep! “

“Murong Wuji, you said, there are secrets in this brat, and there are a lot of Control Spirit Liquid, not to deceive us.” Zhou Kuang with short hair was asked immediately.

Of course not, Murong Wuji solemnly vowed; “He can take 3 months, from” 1st Revolution Silver Control Realm “breakthrough to” 5th Revolution Yellow Control Realm 1st Step “, from this point of view, there can be no secrets in this brat ? Can there be a lot of Control Spirit Liquid? “

“Big brother! You 3 deal with that monster smashed, I’ll clean up that Hei Ling.” Murong Yuan stepped forward, “Hei Ling! I used to be flattering to you 100 times, you don’t even look at me! This time is in Control Great On War, there is no Vice City Lord Hei Sha to protect you. I ’m going to ravage you from the beginning to the end of the human race, and then scrap your cultivation base and take it back to become my slave! “


That’s because I know your ugly face!

Hei Ling beautiful eyes are wide open, Baleful Qi is rising.

“Murong Yuan let you deal with it.” Qin Tian said a sentence, stepped down and walked forward, “You 3, come on.”


“Ha ha ha, what a madman.”

Zhou Kuang, with short hair, laughed, “I’ll kill this monster!”

hong long! hong long!

1st Revolution Great Control Realm 99th Step cultivation base released.

The billowing power of Swallowing heaven covering sun turned into a great hand, which seemed to have crossed 1000 mountains and 10000 waters, and fell directly on top of white clothed youth.

“Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law, Break! Break! Break!”

Qin Tian issued a paragraph of irreversible subtle words from All Heavens.

Ka cha.

ka cha cha.

In a word … reversible Heaven, in a word … can sun and moon!

The great hand shaped by Power of Control breaks apart, scattered fragments, and disappears.

“What … what’s the situation?” Zhou Kuang was surprised, “I didn’t show mercy! I couldn’t compete with the Yellow Control powerhouse at 9 turns.”

And that brat, just standing there, did nothing and did not move a finger!

“Hah!” Look at Hei Ling again, holding a “Black Dragon Stopping Moon Blade” that doesn’t fit his slim body, and Murong Yuan has been entangled with each other.

This monster is tricky.

I don’t know what “unorthodox way” Monster Art relies on. We simply took a shot and the depression captured him.

Murong Wuji suggested.

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 30,000 Times battle strength power

“Congratulations to the host” Stage 5 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 30,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 5 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan

“Congratulations to the host” Hulk Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 6 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 6 Zangetsu Form

The long hair of black is extended to the heel, golden color, 10000 zhang is flaming, the hairstyle is mad, the same as the great python.

Green’s giant body, 9 Feet tall, burly explosion, steel muscles iron bones, indestructible.

Qin Tian’s appearance and form deeply penetrated the soul consciousness of the three people in front.

“You … you are a monster!” Murong Wuji’s eyes shuddered and his hair stood tall.

“It doesn’t matter what, thou 3 people still care about their ending.”

After answering the sentence, Qin Tian preemptively attacked the muscles on his arm, twitched his large muscles, and punched with a punch, running through Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

“Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion!”

“Roar!” The unmatched dragon fist glow, instant kill “1st Revolution Great Control Realm” is more than enough.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The storm resounded and spread all directions.

Murong Wuji, Zhou Kuang, Zhou Xie 3 The figure is flying out, looking embarrassed, “no! Impossible! 5th Revolution Yellow Control Realm 1st Step cultivation base, how can you have this level of power … must be an illusion , Yes, an illusion! “


Qin Tian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “Then try again, is this an illusion!”

“Super God of Destruction Kamehameha!”

Bright and horrifying, the Energy Wave that penetrated the Heaven and Earth universe “shredded the void” and instantly reached the front of 3 targets.

“Hong long …… pu chi.” 3 people flew out again, vomiting blood in their mouths, trance, lost their souls, unable to accept and believe.

Murong Wuji!

Zhou Kuang, Zhou Xie brothers, speak in unison shouted loudly: “You … you dare to harm our brother, this monster is so taboo invincible, you still confuse us to kill him …”

“Me, how can I harm you.” Murong Wuji explained in tears and said: “… I want to know that this is an invincible heaven defying monster, and I won’t come to provoke him. Now that these are useless, we think To survive, only to suppress him! “

Also “suppression me?”

Dragging a golden long hair, Qin Tian stepped out, “Come here, I want to see how hard you are? How to suppress me?”


Murong Wuji, Zhou Kuang, Zhou Xie, 3 people all show up without reservation.

“Unable to withstand a single blow.” It is like a Heaven and Earth Great Demon God, Ominous Beast running out of the abyss of hell, Qin Tian meet force with force on the bar of 3 Great Control Level powerhouse.

Without bells and whistles, a punch and a kick is a formidable power that destroys the sky.

Hei Ling, Murong Yuan The two-person battle has come to an abrupt halt, and the two are staring at the distance.

“It’s amazing … This abnormal is so powerful, why didn’t he tell me?” Hei Ling bit his lip, very bitter.

Murong Yuan’s legs were soft and he couldn’t walk out in one step. “Big brother, plus Zhou Xie Zhou Kuang brother, why can’t I get that monster?”

“Peng long.”

Qin Tian’s fist, overbearing absolutely destroyed the defense in front.

The flesh and blood flew across, the muscles and bones smashed, and Murong Wuji hit the ground heavily, lifting up large pieces of dust and debris.

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