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“Huh … it seems to be a person.”

In the vast and dark All Heavens and Myriad Realms starry sky, the pink long hair, exotic, outstanding beauty, the little girl of the extraordinary extraordinarily beautiful women winked, stepped forward and grabbed the black clothes youth cuff: “Big Brother ~ ~ Big Brother, look at it, it seems like a person. “

“Nonsense, of course it is a person.” Monster Fox Empress rolled his eyes.

da da… da da.

Karma Clone has stopped, and the young man in white clothed is getting closer and closer. “His pace has become the only voice in this silent mysterious universe, touching people and lingering.”

Monster Fox Empress took the lead in magnifying beautiful eyes and screamed, “… Ah! Then … how can that person get along.”

Little Wu Yue also discovered, “white clothed youth,” looks exactly the same as side Big Brother, exactly the same. “


side Big Brother tempers cold and detached, not say a word, like a stone.

The white clothed youth actually had a smile arc that made him familiar with the corner of his mouth.

“What’s the matter.” Little Wu Yue rubbed his eyes vigorously and ran to Monster Fox Empress again. “Smelly Fox, are we dreaming? How could there be 2 Big Brother.”


Monster Fox Empress smiles bitterly: “You ask me … I ask who to go. Wait … The wooden man said to show us to someone, this person is it possible that is him?”

“It’s been a long time since we last met.” Stopped a few hundred miles away, Qin Tian’s eyes were deep and bright, and he met Karma Clone’s calm and composed, deep and detached eyes.


Karma Clone indifferently nodded.

“You cultivation base?” Qin Tian raised his brows, “Karma Clone’s cultivation base is vaguely mysterious, and I can’t find out what it is.”

I “do not repair” Realm, only “Dao”.

Karma Clone answered decisively.

“Hehe, whatever you say.” Qin Tian shrugged, looked away, and fell on Monster Fox Empress. “I have to say, this woman is really an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Snow skin is like jade, shining white, wearing white The kimono, graceful lithe and graceful, is very charming, and the eyebrows show a more tempting taste, soft and watery, and cannot be depicted. “

Staring at the white clothed youth, Monster Fox Empress swallowed directly, confused: “Ah! What the hell is going on, can you not look at me … to scare people.”

“Who are you?” Immediately, Qin Tian speaks in a gentle tone and asked.

Lovely body trembles, Monster Fox Empress The voice is small, “I, I am Monster World” Monster Fox Empress “.”

“Monster Fox Empress? Enchantress, no wonder …” Qin Tian nodded, his eyes locked on a pink long hair, the face of the work of the Gods, scaring ghosts sobbing gods, more than Monster Fox Empress beside him On the winner, the little Mei daughter, “Little Wu Yue, don’t you remember me?”

A familiar voice, a familiar smile.

Little Wu Yue little mouth pouted, tears shed bright and intelligent, “Big Brother … you are Big Brother.”

“What’s the matter?” Monster Fox Empress pinched his long legs hard. “Aren’t you Big Brother here?” She was referring to Karma Clone.

Wu wu wu.

“Big Brother.” The fragrant wind surged, and Little Wu Yue suddenly fell into Qin Tian’s arms, sobbing said: “Big Brother, you lied to me!”


Looking at the bitter anger and anger that condensed from the charming face of the work of the Gods in Little Girl, Qin Tian pityed, “… me, how did I lie to you?”

“He is fake, right?” Little Wu Yue pointed to Karma Clone. “He ignored me! I talked to him every day, he ignored me!”

Cough cough.

Karma Clone ca n’t be blamed, except for my true body, who else does he care about?

Qin Tian ridiculed, “Little Wu Yue ~~ He is not fake, he is my clone. How to say, we are one.”

He has no emotion, and I am different.

“Clone?” Monster Fox Empress couldn’t believe it, stunned. “Karma Clone has always been mysterious in her eyes. It’s terrifying to the extreme! Now … there is someone who says, that’s his clone! Should there be less of this person? Taboo? “


I do not care! Big Brother, you just lied to me! You cheated me so hard, I do n’t like Big Brother anymore. “Little Wu Yue chirped and raised his fist, kicking and kicking this young man. It was just this force that was not enough to tickle Qin Tian.”

“Cough cough, don’t be coquettish.” Qin Tian swallowed and couldn’t bear it. “After so many years, Little Wu Yue and the original did not change much, but only matured 3 2 points, more and more exciting. I have met too many women along the way. There are 1000 charming 100 charming, enchanting peerless, also as cold as ice and frost, those who refuse to be beyond a thousand li, and divine honorable, not blasphemous. But they and Little Wu Yue, this little beauty, is really overshadowed. “

“Then Big Brother swear! I swear never to cheat me again, but also swear that I will never be left alone.” Little Wu Yue stretched out a green finger, “Look!”

Why is it the same as a child?

Qin Tian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, helpless, fingers stretched out, “Look ~~ I swear, I won’t lie to you anymore. Actually I haven’t lie to you.”

After the “en.” Pull hook, Little Wu Yue smiled like a flower, “Big Brother, I want to sue!”

“Sue?” Qin Tian stunned, “You … what do you have sued? How come there are so many things.”

Monster Fox Empress trembles, “You … Dead Girl, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Big Brother, this is Smelly Fox bullying me! Bullying me all day long.” Little Wu Yue smiled with suspicion, whispered: “Smelly Fox, hurting right ?! My Big Brother is here, I will not kill you!”


Monster Fox Empress is not terrified. The white clothed youth in front of him is the true body of the wood man. His terrifying is not something he can speculate. “I have n’t bullied her. It ’s all this Little Girl … I ’m stupid. , I just said a few words about her. If you really want to bully, she also bullied me. “

took a long breath of air in, Qin Tian would not listen to Little Wu Yue himself, “Monster Fox Empress followed Karma Clone’s side, and dare to bully Little Wu Yue? Just wondering, Karma Clone took Little Wu Yue The reason can be thought of, because Little Wu Yue is also Spirit Witch Race bloodline, and that Wu Mo belongs to Race … Why should I bring this Enchantress? “

Certainly not because this Enchantress looks good, no matter how beautiful a woman looks like air in “Karma Clone”.

“I really didn’t bully her.” Qin Tian was silent, and Monster Fox Empress became more and more afraid.


Qin Tian smiled, “Relax, I didn’t want to treat you.”

Karma Clone, you talk about what we will do next.

“I can’t fuse with you for the time being.” Karma Clone shook her head. “You have this idea, I feel it.”

“Why not?” Qin Tian looked seriously.

“My” Dao “has no Perfection!” Karma Clone turned around and said.

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