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Divine World, Divine King Star great hall.

Long hair pink, like the cherry blossom-like Little Wu Yue, stupidly cute sitting on the ground moving, bright and intelligent eyes looking forward to flowing, including the white clothed youth staring at the “closed eyes sitting” in front of the meaning.

White fur coat, charming and mature Monster Fox Empress said nothing.


A month passed silently.

On this day, Qin Tian suddenly opened his eyes and muttered in his mouth: “Come.”

“Besides Divine King Star, starry sky is overwhelmed and twisted and broken.”

A figure imposing, eyes red and pale, the man who was extremely evil stepped on 10000 1000 stars.

The vast and endless “All Heavens and Myriad Realms” seemed humble and small at his feet, unable to withstand a single blow.

This is a powerful and outrageous Realm.

“Yes, it’s here.” Wu Mo brows frowned, a pair of evil eyes annexed All Heavens, the sound made was hollow and severe, biting the soul: “I don’t want to get out of this God!”

Hong long long ! Hong long long !

Not only “Divine King Star, Divine World”, but also the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in this brief moment, echoed the evil and cruel voice of “Wu Mo”.

“Little Wu Yue, fox.”

“Don’t go out, wait for me to come back here.” Calm down, serene, Qin Tian slowly stood up.

Big Brother, that Wu Mo bastard is here, I’m going to pack him with you. “Little Wu Yue raised her fist,” I want to avenge my grandmother! Revenge the clansman before! “


no need.

Qin Tian shook his head, “Don’t you believe me?”

“Believe, Big Brother is the most powerful in the world.” Little Wu Yue stupidly cute innocently.

Then let me kill this “Wu Mo”.

He regards All Heavens and Myriad Realms and even me as a chess piece, so he said … I won’t be at ease if I don’t kill him!

After Qin Tian finished, the silhouette disappeared in the great hall.

“Smelly Fox, why are you silent, are you afraid?” Little Wu Yue looked towards Monster Fox Empress.

“Dead Girl! Are you” endless “?” Monster Fox Empress turned the head, “Don’t talk to me, I don’t want to treat you.”


Divine King Star.

Qin Tian, ​​who hit white clothed, walked out from the air.

Wu Mo ’s eyes appeared to be “cruel” rays of light greatly rises, “I knew that it was possible to break the Control Paradise created by this God. In this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, you are the only one who can do this!”

Karma Clone should have an intersection with this Wu Mo.

Qin Tian’s heart was clear. For his own words, he saw the other person for the first time, “Well, it’s me. I’ve waited for you for a month. If you don’t come again, I will take the initiative to find you.”

ha ha ha!

How dare you take the initiative to find “this God”?

Wu Mo laughed sarcastically, “Last time, you defeated but this God’s will! The one who came here today is this God true body!”

“Call yourself” God “.”

Qin Tian thought it was ridiculous, “What are you qualified to call yourself” God “? Hidden in the dark gutter, treat the creatures of All Heavens and Myriad Realms as your pawns, and come up with a cage that holds all Control Realm powerhouse, People like you … poor! “

The youth’s words like a knife, penetrated deeply into his heart.

Wu Mo “turned his eyes round”, his face twisted, “You … you dare to say this God is pitiful! I am this All Heavens and Myriad Realms strongest person, do you know! Everything should be played on the palm by” this God “, You want to escape the palm of “this God”, delusional delusion! “

“The strongest?”

“Who told you? You are fantasizing yourself.” Qin Tian is ridiculous. “From the moment I broke Control Cage, All Heavens and Myriad Realms strongest person is destined to no longer be you, but me! It’s not helpful to say more , See the chapter in hand. “

well! well!

The figure was trembling violently, Wu Mo was not angry, and the pale, red and evil eyes were about to bleed out of blood.

“Ka cha cha …… dong dong dong.” All Heavens and Myriad Realms are chaotic, and the creatures of each and everyone World Plane creep and panic.

I’m not going to “clash” with you here.

So as not to destroy All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Qin Tian turned to the end of starry sky, “Go, that place is suitable for us.”

“It’s the same thing! With all your hands, All Heavens and Myriad Realms collapsed and annihilated … but it affected this God’s plan.” Wu Mo complied, following the youth.


Qin Tian glanced back, “Things have come to this point, may I tell them to let me listen?”

“Jie jie ~” Wu Mo smiled, “at first, this Demon just wanted to refine all the Control Realm powerhouse in” Control Paradise “. Now that you are done, you release the Control powerhouse in” Control Paradise “, That Demon simply refined All Heavens and Myriad Realms! From this, the extraordinary Divine Power can certainly help “this God” to be directly promoted to Eternal Stage, break the shackles, and escape to the next World. “

completely crazy and ridiculous.

“Refining All Heavens and Myriad Realms! You dare to think about it.” Qin Tian shook his head and sneered. “If you enter the next World, you must” become among the eternal “? Karma Clone does not stay to help me deal with” Wu Mo “, but go It ’s the next World. Think about it, is n’t Karma Clone already at that stage? “


I might as well be a “Karma Clone”.

Qin Tian bitterly sighed.

Fortunately, “Karma Clone” and heaven defying, after all, is my clone, his achievements will sooner or later be integrated into my within the body …….

while walking.

2 people presented in a familiar space Heaven and Earth.

Control Paradise.

Qin Tian came to Control Paradise with “Wu Mo”.

Treat this as a decisive battle!

Wu Mo was not surprised, “Control Paradise is a cage built by integrating it into the Great Divine Ability, and its structure is stronger than All Heavens and Myriad Realms. The storm waves caused when fighting in this place are indeed not against All Heavens and Myriad. Realms are too involved. “

“Is it ironic to bury you in the cage you created?” Qin Tian turned around and looked at each other.

“Buried me here”?

Do you have that skill? “Wu Mo to disdain as beneath contempt,” the cultivation base of the 9th Revolution Immortal Control Realm 99th Step, in the eyes of this God is impossible to withstand a single blow! Do you know “?”

To kill you, this God does not need 2nd move.

“If this is the case, you will kill me outside Divine King Star, and you will not come here with me!” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed: “You are afraid, right! Because someone jumped out of your control , You ca n’t be sure what kind of difference I am. “


Wu Mo is speechless.

“Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law.”

“Ruler Dharma Idol, Who Dares To Compete.”

2 The two are blended to form “Executing Heaven Finger, Executing Heaven Extinguishing Earth, Shattering All Heavens.”

Pre-emptive, Qin Tian a finger pointed, “This finger Peak is glorious, destroyed at its peak, can be called Four Seas and Eight Desolates, and evens out Heaven and Earth and Universe! Ordinary 9th Revolution Immortal Control Realm 99th Step powerhouse, before this finger It will only end in an instant kill. “

It’s useless.

“Light of firefly, differ to compare to the splendor of the bright moon!” Wu Mo opened his mouth, actually eating the formidable power of “Executing Heaven Finger” …

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