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“Sinked and broken, in” Control Paradise “of murky heavens dark earth.”

10 “Monster System Summon Role” blooms the rays of light that should belong to them.

“Celestial Arrow, Heaven’s Charm!” “Digimon Treasure Angewomon” with 6 angel wings on the back pulls the long bow in the start.

A “Celestial Arrow” that dispels the darkness and restrains the evil, and a “Heaven’s Charm” that purifies the darkness pounces forward.

As the “Angel” Digimon Treasure, there is a natural restraint to the existence of evil.

“Roar … hua la la.” So, Celestial Arrow, Heaven’s Charm 2 heavy divine skills hit, the number of times 10 “Gods and Demons illusory shadow” annihilated, vanished.

Monster, eat i Old Sun Rod!

Foot seven colors auspicious cloud, wearing golden armor bright dignified, majestic Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, Ruyi Golden Cudgel irresistible force swept out! “The formidable power is beyond suspense beyond the” 9th Revolution Immortal Control Realm 99th Step “dimension.”

Because of the limitations of “All Heavens and Myriad Realms”, Qin Tian himself could not be promoted to the next Realm, and 10 Monster System Summon Role could not surpass “9th Revolution Immortal Control Realm Peak”.

But “battle strength” is unfettered, and it can increase the growth rate forever!

“Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms.” Sister Hinata with black hair and bright, cute and pure play skills.

Final Death Ball!

Final Crazy Death Beam!

Summon Role King Frieza smiled sharply, and the offensive in his hand did not hesitate.

Great Tang Senior Monk Tang Xuanzang sat on the White Dragon Horse with his hands folded, recites silently Buddhist scriptures, purifying a Gods and Demons illusory shadow.


Gods and Demons illusory shadow from 1000 “Spirit Witch Forbidden Technique” summon, there is no way to break through the power of “10 Monster System Summon Role”.

Wu Mo was surprised for a while, “Why is this! Their power is the same as you … Just like you, beyond the Realm itself!”

divine light appeared.

Qin Tian raised high with both hands, “hehe ~~ I will give you a big gift!”

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, to understand the spirit of Spirit Bomb

[Spirit Bomb, Super Killing Move in Dragon Ball, can extract the vitality of all living creatures and turn into an Energy Ball destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth. The amount of formidable power depends on how much vitality the Heaven and Earth draws]

The title of “Myriad Worlds Lord” gives Qin Tian the power to use “All Heavens and Myriad Realms” arbitrarily.

Quickly ingest the vitality of all living creatures of “All Heavens and Myriad Realms” into one place across the sky.

Then … Wu Mo saw something, “Qin Tian raised his hands, a hiding the sky and covering the earth, the infinitely huge Energy Ball was shaped.”

This “Energy Ball” is like colored glass, perfect with no blemish, pure and perfect.

It is full of power, with a charm of purifying evil and darkness.

Before the fluctuation of “Spirit Bomb”, Wu Mo was frightened to the extreme for the first time in his history, “No! This God can’t sit still … kill him!”

Spirit Witch Forbidden Technique, Spirit Witch Dark Light Ball!

“Zi zi zi.” If “Spirit Bomb” is the power of justice, the dark light sphere that gradually rises behind Wu Mo, it is an evil assembly. “It’s like a big dark day!”

come on!

This move, make a difference!

With a happy roar, Qin Tian resolutely threw out “Spirit Bomb”!

“This God won’t lose to you!” Wu Mo’s voice shivered back to complied, and the “dark light ball” behind him greeted Spirit Bomb!

peng long! peng long!

Darkness and light immediately came into contact.

No more 3rd colors can be found in the world!

“Pu chi ……” Wu Mo vomited blood, Qin Tian also smashed into the ground, a golden long hair dull, steel muscles iron bones, indestructible green giant body emerged “blood like a note” wound.


This loud noise runs through the “Control Paradise”, conveying All Heavens and Myriad Realms an inch-by-inch corner. “After 1000 and 100 years, this represents the sound of the explosion of justice and evil. It is still inseparable, and it sounds at All Heavens and Myriad Realms every 3 minutes and 5 times. To prostrate and kneel down, and bow down to the person who brings continuity and tranquility to All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Qin Tian! “


On the verge of collapsing and falling apart, Control Paradise returned to calmness after a long time.

Wu Mo, drenched with blood, riddled with scars, stood in the air, with a sharp laugh: “ha ha ha! It is this God who won!”

But … you are also amazing! This God really wants to praise you, “9th Revolution Immortal Control Realm Peak” cultivation base, Exceeding rank and this God have spelled this step, you are really amazing. Sorry, finally lost to “this God”!

“cough cough.”

Wiping the blood from the mouth, the unprecedented embarrassment, Qin Tian climbed out of the ruins of the ruins, it would rather break but cannot be bend and stood up straight, “Hey ~~ how can you know that I lost to you? It can bring unexpected reversal surprises. “

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host to open “Ultimate One Punch Man Mode”

[Ultimate One Punch Man Mode, strongest explosive form, only one punch can be issued after speed to open, this fist has splitting heaven and earth apart, might of destroying Heaven and Earth and Universe. After a punch, the speed will usher in a period of weakness.]

“Reverse the surprise?”

Wu Mo’s pupil sinks, and from head to foot he looks at the embarrassed and feeble young man, “dead to the end, boast shamelessly!”

“One Punch!”

Qin Tian stretched out his arms, 5 fingers clenched into fists.


Wu Mo startled.

“Can’t you understand people’s words!” Qin Tian smiled, “I said a punch! A punch killed you!”

One Punch To Kill Me?

Wu Mo did not laugh ridiculously, but was calm and cold and detached in tone, “You and I have fought this situation! It is crazy to say such rampant words!”

“One Punch Instant Kill!”

Qin Tian answered Wu Mo with practical actions.

It is indeed a punch, without the bells and whistles.

“Bang! Bang! Ka cha cha!” The devastated Control Paradise to end it here no longer exists.

All the surrounding scenes fell into the abyss Primal Chaos, Wu Mo’s consciousness disappeared a little bit, until the moment of death, he issued a cry, “Why … this God is not reconciled! Not reconciled! It should have killed you of……!”


Sweaty and exhausted.

Control Paradise is broken, Qin Tian’s figure floats in the vast universe starry sky.

10 “Monster System Summon Role” flew and guarded outside.

Wu Mo is dead. All Heavens and Myriad Realms can enjoy peace and security forever. You can also put down all the burdens of All Heavens and Myriad Realms and rush to the unknown mysterious, looking forward to the new World!

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, exciting rank kill Wu Mo

“Notice to the host” due to the system version level up process, cannot receive Gold Coin Value, EXP reward

“Notice to the host” rewards an “Ascension Pill”

[Ascension Pill, after the host eats, you can directly ascend to the next World Plane]

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