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“It smells good ~~ Big Brother.”

“Be quiet.” Qin Tian bit the tip of his tongue, freed from the fragrance enchantment of “Drawing Beast Fragrance”, and turned around to cover Little Girl’s fragrant red lips. “Don’t say anything, these people don’t know where we came from. Wait and see how it changes. “

on the ground.

The scent from the lit Drawing Beast Fragrance becomes more intense and spreads farther and farther.

A girl nodded wearing a purple long robe and a long sword around her waist, “Let ’s ambush first, smash Jade Talisman, and tell Eldest Senior Sister to hurry up. If it ’s late … Then Blue Eyed Toad will run away , This is a good thing that hasn’t happened in 100 years. “


2 purple robe The teenager complied with nodded, and one of them crushed a Jade Talisman in his hand.

“Blue Eyed Toad?”

The “Drawing Beast Fragrance” they lit was to attract the so-called “Blue Eyed Toad”.

Then they said to inform “Eldest Senior Sister” to come over.

It must be to deal with “Blue Eyed Toad”.

Qin Tian secretly considered, “What is the value of this Blue Eyed Toad? Monster System ~~ squeak, give me a hint!”

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, “Blue Eyed Toad” is a Spirit Beast that was hardly encountered in 100 years

[Source World bred countless Magic Beasts, such as the giant bird and python that the host first encountered at Source World, which belong to the weakest Magic Beast. And there are some magic beasts with unique means, which can also be called Spirit Beast. “Blue Eyed Toad” is a kind of Basic Rank Spirit Beast. It is good at breathing poison mist. Formidable power can poison Core Raising Realm powerhouse. Blue Eyed Toad within the body pregnant with Spirit Core, after taking it, it will benefit people]

Spirit Core?

i have understood, they seduce “Blue Eyed Toad”, and then kill, the picture must be “Blue Eyed Toad” within the body Spirit Core!

Qin Tian thought of this, unable to bear licked his lips, “hehe ~~ Blue Eyed Toad Spirit Core, if I eat it, cultivation base 100% surged! Complete Monster System mission within one month, breakthrough to Core Raising Realm, not impossible! “

“I’m dark, they’re bright, and I don’t want to find me.”

In order to make sure that there is no loss of 10000, Qin Tian hastily evoked the ability effect of “rare item, Dark Night Cloak”.

The nothingness “Dark Night Cloak” is like a layer of air gauze “covered” on Qin Tian, ​​Little Wu Yue.

Even if a High Rank Core Raising Realm powerhouse came here, it would definitely not be able to detect a weak spot.

“Wu wu ~~” Little Wu Yue pushed away the young man’s palm covering his own delicate, ruby-lipped mouth, his face blushing, “Big Brother, I can’t hold it anymore.”


Qin Tian was embarrassed, “Sorry, I covered your nose too.”

Time passes by.

Half a day later, the trees were horrified, and the ground shook slightly.

The 3 silhouettes hiding in the grass opened their eyes wide, “haha! Here … it’s just that Eldest Senior Sister is not here yet.”

On the contrary, Qin Tian with a long wait in the cave also stared at the past, “Blue Eyed Toad, not as big as a mountain in the imagination, fierce and evil. The overall appearance is only palm-size, full of jade green sparkling and translucent, like green agate Created, the eyeball “gu lu lu” turns, and soon its eyes are locked on the two “Drawing Beast Fragrance” that have not been burned clean. “

“Big Brother, is this a toad?” Little Wu Yue was naively asked.

Don’t tease me, please.

Qin Tian laughed, “Girl, this is jade green toad! Let them fight to kill, let’s sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.”

“Oh, I have understood.” Little Wu Yue nodded, a look that I understand, “When this toad and the three people both sides suffer, we will go out and pick up cheap!”

I serve!

Qin Tian pats forehead.

“Hu chi!”

A woman flew into the air.

But seeing the women’s biennial decade, the pill eye phoenix eye, the jade nose jade tooth, are particularly beautiful and moving.

A stroke of purple long robe outlined her exquisite posture, and she put a treasure sword in her hand. The gem was inlaid on the sword sheath, unlike Mortal Grade.

According to the “Source World Introduction Book Canon rewarded by Monster System”, in Source World, Core Raising Realm Stage is not available, Controlling Space Flight, High Rank Core Embryo Realm cultivator, bursting temporarily stay in the void in a short time.

Looking at the ponders, Qin Tian silently looked at the woman ’s body, “High Rank Core Raising Realm? Not right, stronger! This is probably a King Rank Core Raising Realm powerhouse, one step away from Core Formation Realm one step away.”

“Eldest Senior Sister Ziwei!” The 2 teenagers in the grass, a girl, were overjoyed and did not hide themselves.


Qing Ziwei small head lightly nods, “Hide away! This Blue Eyed Toad waits a minute to pass poison mist, within 100 li, it will certainly be completely barren, and the Spirit Tree will be corrupt and annihilated.”

“Okay, Eldest Senior Sister beware.” 3 The young silhouette slipped away, “They were not qualified to compete with this Blue Eyed Toad, and they were only responsible for lighting” Drawing Beast Fragrance “to attract this Blue Eyed Toad.”

“Completely barren within 100 li!” Qin Tian brows frowned, “Yes, 10000. The poison mist spit out by Blue Eyed Toad penetrated into this cave, what should I do?”

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, the rare item “Dark Night Cloak” can not only cover up the body of the host perfectly, but also isolate exploration, Hundred Poisons Immunity


Qin Tian open mouth and laughed, “Just wait for the goose mussels to fight, the fisherman catches both 喽 ~~”

“Gu gu ~~ gu gu” Blue Eyed Toad made a noisy and harsh noise, eyes locked on Qing Ziwei above.

evil creature, still do not spit out Spirit Core!

A weak heroic spirit appeared under the weak appearance.

Qing Ziwei’s action “Xingyun Liushui” pulls out the sheath long sword, “A 4-foot sparkling, sharp and unmatched long sword pierces the eyeball.”

“gu gu.”

spit out Spirit Core? Blue Eyed Toad obviously will not be so easy to compromise.

Mouth opened, and a mist mist continuously spewed out.

“Zi zi zi.” When the void came into contact with this green poison mist, “zi zi rang.”

Flowers and trees in all directions, a few moments of skill annihilated and withered.

In the cave, Qin Tian and Little Wu Yue are hiding in “Dark Night Cloak”, but they are safe and sound.

“Hmph! Sin barrier, don’t blame me for killing you.” Qing Ziwei’s eyebrows were angry, and a sword slashed out.

The brilliant sparkling and translucent purple glow glow, hua la la cut the “big piece” poison mist in half.

The remaining sword glow attacked the small body of Blue Eyed Toad, but did not break the flesh. It seemed to fall on the copper wall, iron bastion of the indestructible, cracked and sparked.

“Defensive power is really not simple.” Qin Tian looked straight at the saliva. “Anyway, the true body is desperately fighting, but this Blue Eyed Toad.”


Gu gu !

Women’s delicately shouted voice, Blue Eyed Toad’s noise, sharp contrast.

a man and a beast launched a competition.

Blue Eyed Toad can not only spit out the scary poison mist, but also its speed.

Qing Ziwei seemed to anticipate this. There was no panic and order. Step by step weakened the physical strength of “Blue Eyed Toad”.

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