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The scorching sun is like fire and the sun is scorching.

Standing in front of the Heavenly Eagle Village on the top of a barren mountain.

Over 1000 horse-mounted bandits be eager to have a try, ferocious and fierce.

“Fourth Boss … Just kill this brat, can those women catch it …”

Summon Role Fairy Chang’e, Goddess Konan, Sister Hinata, Female Emperor Boa Hancock, that are all unique peerless looks.

These committing any imaginable misdeed, burning and looting the horse-mounted bandits are naturally greedy and hot.

“Start!” Qin Tian didn’t want to say much, he issued a command directly.

“Dance of the Shikigami Divine Punishment.” Wearing a black cloud red robe long robe, can’t conceal the slim figure, Goddess Konan of the dark temperament of the elder sister, the white paper on the back is pieced together into a pair of Angel wing wings, and the pair of Angel wing wings emits densely packed, Countless Paper Shuriken storms, “formidable power terrifying, instantaneously killed a large horse-mounted bandits!”

“Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms!”

Black long hair, pure stupidly cute, Sister Hinata of the devil figure, 2 palms quickly hit.

A path of Gentle Fist palm seal, formidable power is not bad, amazingly powerful.

“Supernova Destruction Ball!” Golden Form King Frieza, condensing his body strength, hands up an energy ball with an incomparable gigantic energy.

10 Summon Role, that all grew up to “1st Revolution High Rank Core Embryo Realm 1st Step cultivation base”.

The strength is far superior to the horse-mounted bandits present.


“My opponent is the Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss, he is the 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Raising Realm Peak level.” Qin Tian expression is calm, with the body blood boiling and rolling, rolling, “Executing Heaven Finger, Executing Heaven Extinguishing Earth!” “

A simple finger pointed, mixed with might of destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth, a taboo.

instant kill Ordinary High Rank Core Raising Realm cultivator is not a problem.

“… this … isn’t he the 3rd Revolution Basic Rank Core Raising Realm 99th Step cultivation base, how can there be such unimaginable power?”

Could it be be “Entering Grade Source Martial Arts?”

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss sinks in his heart and has no time to think about it. He pulls out the long blade behind his back and shocks the finger of white clothed youth!

Dong! dong! dong!

The storm raged, and topple mountains and overturn seas momentum swept all directions.

The landscape architecture of Heavenly Eagle Village was implicated, and a large area collapsed and shattered.

“The 10 Monster System Summon Role, whose strength is far above his own Realm, completely and unilaterally slaughtered more than 1000 horse-mounted bandits.” Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss flew out 100 100 zhang away with a heavy eyesight Worry: “Damn … Go on like this and wait for everyone to be killed, then 10 people will come to deal with me!”

“All Heavens Fist!”

The offensive was tightly pursued, and hong long long “attacked” Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss.

“The special title” Myriad Worlds Lord “rewarded by Monster System, through this title, can mobilize the infinite power of All Heavens and Myriad Realms across the world!”

one flower one grass, one tree one water, one mountain one water, but all the creatures of All Heavens and Myriad Realms exist, they all contribute a force.

Qin Tian this fist, bearing the power of millions and millions of creatures of All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

formidable power can’t look at! instant kill High Rank Core Raising Realm, threatening to hit Heaven Rank Core Raising Realm “a piece of cake”.


I really thought this Sir was afraid of you.

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss stare in anger and grievance, long blade hoo, with the body Power of Source sprayed out without restraint, “Half Grade Source Martial Arts! Great Blade Art!”

peng long!

peng long long!

100 zhang The huge blade glow collided with the Formidable power of All Heavens Fist.

The formidable power of All Heavens Fist is dazzling through the world again. After a stalemate, it is still “Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss’ Half Grade Source Martial Arts gained the upper hand.” A Realm of this boy is higher than Qin Tian is not 1 Star half point, 2 this boy uses Half Grade Source Martial Arts.

Qin Tian rarely comprehends what Martial Arts, he grows too fast, there is no need to waste time on ordinary Martial Arts.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique!”

Secret Law reveals and solidifies the world of sun and moon.

Whatever I saw locked motionless, Qin Tian walked around the court, instantly bypassed “Half Grade Source Martial Arts Great Blade Art” and stood behind Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss.

“Hong long long!” 100 zhang blade glow tore All Heavens Fist, struck the ground, splitting the indestructible ground a path of fierce cracks.

how come…….

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss sweated in cold sweat, looking back, a fist ruthless hit his chest.

Fortunately, he used the Power of Source in time to offset most of the formidable power of this fist, but the sudden attack still made him quite embarrassed, fell to the ground, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

Jumping up and wiping the blood from his mouth, Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss looked at the white clothed youth with unshakable hair in the sky, his voice trembling said: “… you, how did you get around me? With my knife, you can’t hide … Even if you hide, it’s impossible to come behind me out of thin air.

Is this necessary for me to answer you?

Qin Tian shook the head, “You do n’t want to die too painfully and desperately, the best option is to put your hands down, and I promise to give you a happy heart!”

What a joke!

Would you like me to have a “9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Raising Realm 99th Step” powerhouse, stand here and put your hands down … to give you a “3rd Revolution Basic Rank Core Raising Realm” ants kill?

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss fly into a rage out of humiliation, leaping like thunder, long blade resolutely slashed out, “Great Blade Art! I cut!”

Half Grade Source Martial Arts is reproduced.

face like a calm lake, my heart is thunderous.

Qin Tian is not in a hurry. When the attack has not yet arrived, he directly throws out “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

“Hong long! Pu chi!”

The sound of skeleton cracked to the ears, and the blood stained the ground.

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss is panic-stricken and unbelievable, “no! Why, it shouldn’t be like this … you … you’ll be Monster Art right! You’re impossible appear out of thin air before me.”

How can there be such a weird thing in the world? is it possible that brat deeply hidden is a Peak powerhouse? Can you catch yourself quickly, avoid your own attacks, and appear in front of you again?

Is there that kind of probability? This brat is young … it doesn’t look like a deeply hidden Peak powerhouse.

Only one explanation, he will be some kind of weird “Monster Art”!

“There is still so much to say about the dying person.” Qin Tian pressed step by step, drawing closer to the other party.

Heavenly Eagle Village Fourth Boss is frightened every time a young man steps closer to him, “You … if you don’t kill me, I’m willing to leave this Heavenly Eagle Village, and never do anything else, we don’t need to make both sides suffer, either the fish dies or the net splits. “

“Fart! Can you and me either the fish dies or the net splits?” Qin Tian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “I am a shark catcher! You are just a bighead carp!”

Big Brother is bullying again ~

In the distance between the mountains and forests, the little girl with pink long hair and a charming face looked at what happened in front of “Heavenly Eagle Village”, with a tantalizing smile arc hanging around her mouth. Play, don’t let me help every time! “

“Pika Pikachu ~~” cute stupidly cute Pokemon, struggling in the arms of Little Girl.


“Little fellow, you want to go, no way!” Little Girl laughed reminded.

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