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“Young Master, that’s all I know …”

Patron City, a quiet restaurant with few people.

shopkeeper old man said: “Yes, Young Master, if it can pass the Human List Test War, it will take another year before the Human List Great War will be officially opened. The place is called …” Human List Space. “


Qin Tian nodded.

“Clang ~~” in vain, the teahouse door shattered completely.

A black silhouette “hua la la” poured in.

Headed by a man with white temples and red eyes.

There is also an undecided, sullen-faced old man standing next to the former, saying: “Patriarch… just, this is the monster! And that Monstress …… is that the Monstress used the evil and crooked path to” control “me, It caused me to kill Young Master by mistake. “

“Isn’t the old man the Li Family Great Elder we met before.” He glanced at each other lightly, Qin Tian laughed and said: “old thief, I will save you a life, I don’t think you dare to appear in front of us, really Lived impatiently. “


“Big Brother, don’t bother you with your shots.” Small face the work of the Gods, pink long hair, and the voice of Little Wu Yue who got up “be eager to have a try”, “Let me deal with them.”

hiss! hiss!

On the 100 Li Family cultivator, after witnessing the enchanting face of the woman in front of her “unprecedented, pure as colored glass”, it was really Divine Soul turned upside down and was crazy. “In the world, there is this … top grade extraordinarily beautiful women beyond imagination, which looks better than Fairy in the painting!”

“Monster, don’t run wild!”

Li Family Great Elder is afraid of Little Wu Yue, but he is not afraid of Qin Tian. He has not tasted the power of Qin Tian: “Patriarch, let me atone for it! Kill this monster and bury it with the Young Master … As for that Monstress , You have Patriarch to take the depression himself. “

“Okay.” Li Family Patriarch nodded, with a red eyes swimming on Little Wu Yue: “I want to see, a little girl who doesn’t have any” Power of Source “, what a monster Monster Art!”

“Hong long! Hong long!”

The 1st Revolution Basic Rank Core Formation Realm 1st Step cultivation base’s Li Family Great Elder has already launched an offensive and directed at the white clothed youth.

In his eyes, this brat is nothing to be afraid of. The cultivation base of “2nd Revolution Middle Rank Core Raising Realm 99th Step” is 108,000 li less than his own.

Out of stupidity.

Stage 6 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan to open.

Qin Tian’s sitting posture remains unchanged, calm and comfortable, Eyes Power screams, “Super Primal Chaos Kamui Strangling.”


A twisted void, like a swamp abyss.

Immediately the majestic Power of Source released by “Li Family Great Elder” was involved in the strange space, and there was no slag left.

“He … his eyes.” Li Family Patriarch can see clearly. “The eyes of white clothed youth are not black, but purple-grey, Nine Tomoe haunts, mysterious Rinne Pattern rotates!”

Source Bloodline? This brat is a genius with “Source Bloodline”!

“In a blink of an eye, the vortex ripples created by Kamui Eyes Power’s distortion came to Li Family Great Elder.”


Do not! This Elder is not afraid of your means.

Li Family Great Elder looks gruesome and wants to resist.

“Super Primal Chaos Tsukuyomi, Super Primal Chaos Amaterasu.” After taking a sip of tea, serene, unfathomable, and Qin Tian’s eyes, two kinds of Pupil Technique were released silently.

The burning black Amaterasu Flame was ignited on Li Family Great Elder out of thin air.

There is also the “Tsukuyomi” Illusion Technique that penetrates the soul and confuses people.

“Zi zi zi.” The skillfully efficient skill, the Fleshy body of Li Family Great Elder was burnt with blood and flesh, and his body was covered with bruises.

Because he hit “Tsukuyomi Illusion Technique”, he didn’t resist the move at all, and the flesh and blood of the middle body with scars was quickly devoured by “Kamui Strangling”. “A powerhouse of Basic Rank Core Formation Realm 1st Step cultivation base, in a hurry, died!”



Great Elder is dead?

Heaven, what kind of monster monster is this!

Sitting there motionless, I killed the “1st Revolution Basic Rank Core Formation Realm 1st Step cultivation base” Great Elder.

In our Li Family, apart from Patriarch, Great Elder is the strongest person!

“You … monster! What makes your eyes special must be the variant caused by” Source Bloodline “!”

Li Family Patriarch gnashing teeth, his fists clenched, his figure trembling with rage: “Say, who are you!”

On Profound Nether Continent, Basic Rank Source Bloodline is also a rare encounter in 100 years. Only within the glorious influences of Peak can you see the existence of the awakening “Source Bloodline”.

Brat in front of him, is it possible that which Peak Influence genius? “If that’s the case, Li Family only admits it and breaks his teeth to swallow in his stomach.”

Seeing the other person ’s thoughts, Qin Tian ’s smile grew brighter and brighter, “I ’m just an unnamed generation! Your son death cannot wipe out the crimes, and now you ’re taking someone to your door to avenge, what are you waiting for? Come up.


“I’m fighting with you monster!” Li Family Patriarch roared and released the Realm cultivation base. It was “9th Revolution Middle Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step.”

Spirit Witch Technique, Spirit Witch Attach Body.

Little Wu Yue 2 little hands raised, cherry lips to open, issued a mysterious over mysterious, ancient obscure singing voice.

The familiar, horrifying, and unimaginable scene is on.

“Kill! Hong long!” The 100 Li Family elite cultivators fight each other in a group, ruthless.

Li Family Patriarch froze in place, “… stop it! Stop it, you are crazy.”

The Li Family cultivator in the fratricidal killing of Patriarch did not mean to stop at all.

Tea time only, with over 100 Li Family elite cultivator perish together, the entire teahouse became broken and bloody.

“Monster Art? Great Elder mentioned that this woman will be Monster Art! Yes, she must have used Monster Art.”

Li Family Patriarch’s legs tremble and can’t lift his resistance; “I … Young Master, the matter is here, I don’t want to make a perish together with you! We will stop here, this Patriarch leaves, and will not trouble you any more, how? “

ha ha ha.

Laughing to death.

Little Wu Yue giggled: “It’s the best insurance to kill you! So you won’t trouble us.”

“Be slow.” Qin Tian divine light came up with a solution: “Li Family Patriarch! You have 2 options, would you like to listen?”

You said.

Li Family Patriarch is cold and sweating, wondering this monster, what kind of “choice” will he say to himself?

The first way, you were killed here by us!

2nd Road, hand over 10000 “Source Crystal”!

Qin Tian put down the teacup in his hand, “How?”

Source Crystal, an ore of source Rank 4, contains “Source Energy”, which can be used by cultivator.

Similarly, Source Crystal is also the trading currency of Source World. “It is divided into Basic Rank Source Crystal, Middle Rank Source Crystal, High Rank Source Crystal, and Top Rank Source Crystal.”

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