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On the trial square surrounded by “vast crowd”.

Many geniuses who are preparing to participate in the “Human List Test War” look amazing towards white clothed youth.

That guy … It was on the “Trial Plaza” that the exciting rank kill “Spirit Flame Pavilion Young Master”, and before the “City Lord Mansion”, the exciting rank kill “3rd Revolution Basic Rank Core Transformation Realm Peak cultivation base” Jiang Tianning’s “ruthless character”, invincible monster?

“Sorry, Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin, will put down the shelf and say hello.”


Qin Tian’s mouth is indifferent smile, nodded agreed: “Yes, that night at the City Lord Mansion banquet, it was quite fun … But after leaving City Lord Mansion, I encountered something unpleasant.”

“En.” Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin, his eyes flashed a moment of haze and anger: “Other people don’t know the meaning of Qin Tian’s words, can he not understand? The identity of the old man he sent out, most likely to Qin Tian saw through. “

ha ha ha.

Pressing down the murderous intention in his chest, Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin laughed up to his face: “Brother Qin Tian …… There are irregularities on this day, people are in trouble, and Fudan Xi! Human List Test War turned in the hand, slightly Shen will understand body dies and Dao disappears. “

“Good speaking!” Qin Tian expression calmly: “There are irregularities in the sky! Do you know that Young City Lord Feng Yuan can see the sun of tomorrow?”

2 people giving tit for tat, have hidden meaning.

Although the genius present sensed something wrong, he could not detect the details.

What the hell is going on?

Young City Lord Feng Yuan and that monster, is it possible that there is a gap between grudges?

Probably … otherwise why are they doing such “eccentric” conversations?

“Monster!” In vain, a roar came like thunderbolt irresistible force.

“Really strong!” The whole body of hair stood up, and Qin Tian was like an enemy, turned and looked: “It’s a middle-aged man, his eyes are red, staring at himself.”


Standing on the void, the man looked down at the white clothed youth, and asked the said word by word: “Say, did you kill me!”

“You?” Qin Tian raised his brows: “Sir is Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord?”


you know me?

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord’s eyes widened.

“Oh, just guessing.” Qin Tian was like a mountain, Serene waved his hand: “Spirit Flame Pavilion Young Master is my kill! A real man dare to be a dare, but you” child “death cannot wipe out the crimes! Come to my head, not if he persists in your own wrong doings, I will not kill him for no reason. “

ha ha ha!

“Good one” persist in your own wrong doings “! Good one” death cannot wipe out the crimes “!”

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord laughed wildly: “This Pavilion Lord will cut off the flesh from your body one blade after another, so that you are better off dead!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” Crushed Heaven and Earth, the mighty Power of Source, baring fangs and brandishing claws roared out of “Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord” with the body swept out.

it is good.

Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin attractive spectacle, “If the Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord can shoot this monster early, I would save trouble.”

“This Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord is not a Purple Mansion Realm powerhouse, but it is probably Core Saint Realm, or even Core Feather Realm.” Qin Tian calmed his face, his heart rolled.

Seeing the last resort, Qin Tian intends to use “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique” to gain a chance.

The old man dropping from the sky must be white. It is a “Feng Buyan” that I have not seen a few days ago. He is also one of the referee of this time “Human List Test War”.

“Feng Buyan!”

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord, who clearly recognized the old man, was quite dreaded: “Feng Buyan, this is the murderer who killed me! This Pavilion Lord avenged his son, what are you doing in front of him?”


What happened on the “trial square” on that day, the old man was seen in the hall not far away to be very clear about.

Feng Buyan said in a firm tone: “In the end it is still your son” having only oneself to blame “, not to mention that this child is going to participate in the Human List Test War! You can’t kill him!”

“Many thanks Senior.” Qin Tian relaxed: “If you really fight with Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord, Human List Test War will certainly not be able to participate normally. Monster System announced mission will not be completed …”

“Don’t thank me, old man just talks about that’s all.”

Feng Buyan waved his hand.

“Damn … Old Fool, do you really want to be an enemy of this Pavilion Lord for a irrelevant brat?” Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord was furious, and the name of Feng Buyan became “Old Fool”.


“Old man gives you 30% thin face, don’t push your nose on your face!” Feng Buyan tone cold and severe: “At least in this Azure Mound City, you don’t want to kill this brat! As far as I can’t hear you.

……Hello there!

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord stare in anger and grievance, fiercely glared at white clothed youth: “Monster, do n’t be too arrogant! I see when you can live, as long as you leave Azure Mound City, this Pavilion Lord Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth will destroy you! “

“Boast shamelessly.” Qin Tian spit out saliva from mouth: “You can’t kill me in Azure Mound City. Outside Azure Mound City, Heaven and Earth is big, can you kill me?”


Feng Buyan sternly interrupted the youth: “Take part in the Human List Test War and stop giving me moths.”

“Well, Senior’s grace of dripping, never forget.” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed.


“Brother Qin Tian’s luck is really good.” Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord imposing manner retreated to the distance, Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin, and immediately hid the knife with a smile: “Senior Feng Buyan, but this time Human List Test War referee One of them is that he is highly respected, and he will come forward to maintain Brother Qin Tian and let me be impressed! “

As you mean, Senior Feng Buyan came out to protect me, did it wrong? “Qin Tian asked:” You must be very disappointed! Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord cannot kill me “!”

Face twitching, Phoenix Origin didn’t expect The other party would say so happy and direct: “Okay! Brother Qin Tian is a happy person, I will tell you clearly … That old man who killed you that night, I sent it Yes, for the armor Magic Treasure in your hand. “


Little Girl’s cheeks bulged: “Primal Chaos! Shameless! Secretly sent someone to kill us, not open and aboveboard at all!”

“Girl, do you think saying” open and aboveboard “with this kind of person will he care?” Qin Tian smiled and said: “Young City Lord Feng Yuan, you want” Pegasus Cloth “in my hand, right? ? “

The name of the armor is “Pegasus Cloth”?

Young City Lord Feng Yuan nodded: “Yes! I must get it!”

“Then I will make a price, what do you think?”

“Good!” Young City Lord Feng Yuan rejoiced: “As long as your price is reasonable, I will buy it! Let’s turn hostility into friendship.”

“One finger!”

Qin Tian extended a finger.

Confused Young City Lord Feng Yuan, asked said: “1,000,000 Basic Rank Source Crystal?”

“Hehe! Brother Qin Tian cracking a joke? 1,000,000 Basic Rank Source Crystal, I can buy any type of High Grade Source Magic Treasure!”

no no no.

Qin Tian smiled brighter and brighter: “Not 1,000,000 Source Crystal, it is 100,000,000!”

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