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“The sky is full of stars and the moonlight is dim.”

Azure Mound City is turbulent and chaotic.

It is said that Azure Mound City Young City Lord Phoenix Origin was killed by a monster, and now the entire city is searching for the whereabouts of that monster.

Did you know that outside the city, in a mountain forest, white clothed, like a weak young scholar, sitting on the ground smilingly.

“Big Brother ~~ we have to wait for who.” Little Girl said whilst asking.

“Ask so much to do.” Qin Tian shook the head: “At that time you will understand.”


Two days later, the sun was scorching and the dust was rolling, and a silhouette “Azure Mound City” flew out.

“Look … Big Brother, isn’t that Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord.” In the mountain forest, Little Girl shouted to the sky.

Thanks to the concealment of “Dark Night Cloak”, otherwise Little Girl is so screaming, the other party has long discovered.

Pats got up on his knees, and the smile on Qin Tian’s face grew brighter: “The person I want to wait for is him!”

Isn’t he trying to kill me? I surprise him!

Can’t start outside Azure Mound City, so Qin Tian with Little Girl followed closely behind Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord.

Farther and farther away from “Azure Mound City”.

“It’s a strange feeling … I always have a pair of eyes staring at me behind me.” Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord looked back every 3 and 5 minutes, but nothing was found.


Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord’s figure stopped and pupil shrinked. I couldn’t believe turning around to take a look: “A man and a woman who are in sight, standing alive in the sky.”

“Monster! It’s you … how is it possible that you have been following this Pavilion Lord?”

“Yeah.” Little Girl “little chick pecking for rice” like nodded: “Following this from outside Azure Mound City, you are stupid and haven’t found us!”

Do not! impossible.

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord shook his head vigorously: “This Pavilion Lord is 9th Revolution Basic Rank Core Saint Realm Peak! With you two, how could you follow me silently?”

“Core Embryo Realm, Core Raising Realm, Core Formation Realm, Core Transformation Realm, Core Palace Realm, Core Saint Realm, Core Feather Realm.” Qin Tian is now 6th Revolution Saint Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step, “Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord is 9th Revolution Basic Rank Core Saint Realm Peak! Compared to the two, the difference is quite different. “

However, Qin Tian is not an ordinary person. With a series of Monster System abilities, he must destroy this Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord today.

“cough cough.”

After clearing his throat, Qin Tian moved forward: “Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord, don’t you want to kill me in the trial battle square? Now I am in front of you, why not ao ao?”

“Hu!” Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord gasping for breath, swimming in the forehead: “Monster, this is what you sent to the door, this Pavilion Lord completes you, and commemorates me!”

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host uses Summon Card Item

“Notice to the host” Summon Card Growth Attribute announced below

[Growth Summon Card Item, Dragon Ball Boss “Golden Form King Frieza”, skill Supernova Destruction Ball, Golden Energy Wave, Golden Death Beam, currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Moon Palace Fairy Chang’e, weapon Moon Palace Treasure Sword, skill Famous Beauty Sick Heart, Chang’e Fly To The Moon. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Mother of Earth Empress Nuwa, Magic Treasure Five Colored Heaven Mending Stone, skill Primal Chaos Heaven Mending Technique. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Complete Body Digimon Treasure Angewomon, Skill Celestial Arrow, Heaven’s Charm. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, weapon Ruyi Golden Cudgel, skill 72 Transformations, Sun Wukong’s Magical Cloud, Fire Eyes Gold Gaze. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, One Piece Seven Warlords of the Sea Female Emperor Boa Hancock, skill Mero Mero Merrow, Prisoner Arrow, Petrify. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Naruto Akatsuki Member Konan, Skill Dance of the Shikigami Divine Punishment, Paper Clone Jutsu, Paper Shuriken, Paper Person of God Technique. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Core Formation Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Marshal Canopy Zhu Bajie ……]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Great Tang Senior Monk Tang Xuanzang ……]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Naruto Hidden Leaf Village Hyuga Clan “Byakugan Princess” Hyuuga Hinata]

10 Monster System Summon Role, debut again.

Strange outfits, different shapes.

Qin Tian pats the chest again: “Pikachu, come out.”

“Pika Pikachu ~~” short and small, fat and round, full-body egg yellow fur, stupidly cute cute Pokemon Pikachu, the whole body is surrounded by bright and vigorous lighting, and it appears on the shoulders of young people.


Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord is silly.

“Big Brother, use me …”

“Keep watch aside.” Qin Tian ordered.

“Hole ~~” Little Girl was overjoyed.

Damn monster … Do you think these ants, with you, can threaten this Pavilion Lord?

I think you are whimsical and daydreaming!

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord roared, “9th Revolution Basic Rank Core Saint Realm Peak cultivation base” released.

This terrifying, the sound of the imposing manner of covering heaven concealing sun is also very scary.

It’s a pity that Qin Tian ignored and ignored from beginning to end, and didn’t care.

Even Little Girl is so disapproving: “Big Brother, hurry up and start.”

“En.” Qin Tian nodded.

“Pika Pikachu!” Pokemon Pikachu’s tail flicked, sending out a dazzling thunderbolt “100,000 Volt Thunderbolt”.

Have one’s hair stand on end, destroy the formidable power of destruction, instant kill “9th Revolution King Rank Core Transformation Realm” powerhouse.

Threatened to get Core Palace Realm.

“Fool, go!” Summon Role Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, took Marshal Canopy Zhu Bajie and took the offensive together.

Supernova Destruction Ball! “Golden Form King Frieza, cast a violent destruction Energy Ball.”

“Chang’e Fly To The Moon! Paper Person of God Technique! Gentle Fist; Eight Trigrams Seventy-Two Palms!”

Celestial Arrow, Heaven’s Charm!

11 Monster System Summon Role, various means, attack overwhelming, weird mysterious.

After their power is superimposed, the “King Rank Core Palace Realm” powerhouse will also a strategic withdrawal, and it stops.

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord ’s eyes were shocked and turbulent: “King Rank Core Formation Realm ’s cultivation base, 100 in total, should not threaten to get Core Palace Realm! What is the matter!”

Bang! Dong dong dong !

Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord did not have extra time to think, and launched his power to meet the skill offensive of “11 Monster System Summon Role”.

“Spirit Witch Technique, Devouring Soul Chain.” Little Girl at the outer keep watch, 2 small hands folded; “A dark evil, mysterious ancient, like a chain from the abyss of hell, hua la la flew out of the sky and penetrated Spirit Flame Pavilion Pavilion Lord ’s chest. “

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