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Purple Sword Sect, inside a pavilion hall.

Purple Sword Sect Great Elder hesitated and asked.

Qin Tian hearing this, the answer was decisive and decisive: “Qing Ziwei is my woman! Today I came to find her, but you, the Master, are blocking … If you don’t see Ziwei’s face, you think I will be so patient Are you entangled with you? “

“Okay, I’ll take you to see her.” Purple Sword Sect’s long face was ugly, but he still took the young man, Little Girl, and walked outside the pavilion.

The scene is full of green bamboo, and the picturesque courtyard is closed with dusty doors. It seems that it has not been to open for at least a few months.

Purple Sword Sect Great Elder pushed out the door: “I punish her for not being able to leave this courtyard, she should be in the room, you go and find her.”

“Hehe! Elder Sister Ziwei, are you there? Big Brother and I are here to find you.” Little Girl bounced and ran towards the house not far away.

In the house with little light, Qing Ziwei sitting on the bed mourning and contemplative, the lovable body shocked in vain, the expression of unbelievable expression: “This voice … is following that guy ’s side Little Girl. Impossible … I must have hallucination It ’s only a few months, how could that guy come to Purple Sword Sect to find me, unless he does n’t want to live anymore, Master will definitely kill him when he sees him. ”

“Squeak ~”

The door of the house was opened.

The pink long hair, outstanding beauty, and the little girl whose face is enough to make the world jealous. The bright and beautiful, the shiny attracting soul appeared in the eyes of Qing Ziwei.

“You, really you?” Qing Ziwei rubbed his eyes: “How come you come to Purple Sword Sect?”

“Big Brother brought me here, you forgot, Big Brother said that he will come to Purple Sword Sect to find you.” Little Girl pointed outside.

Immediately, white clothed black hair, a young mysterious young man entered the room.

“Hey ~~ Wife Ziwei, long time no see.” Qin Tian smiled.

“You … don’t talk nonsense! I’m not your wife.” Qing Ziwei fragrant cheek blushing: “My Master impossible let you come here to see me, what the hell is going on?”

Big Brother and I packed up the Old Monster Grandmother.

Little Girl listened to her voice, flying dragons and dancing phoenixes explained: “That Old Monster Grandmother at first stopped Big Brother from seeing you and killed Big Brother. So, Big Brother and I gave her a little bit of trouble, Then again, this Old Monster Grandmother was afraid, so let us see Elder Sister Ziwei. “

… whatever you say.

After listening to the Little Girl rustling sound talk, Qing Ziwei felt that it was better for Qin Tian.

“Well, Little Girl tells the truth.” Qin Tian snapped.

“Hehe, what are you kidding?” Qing Ziwei shook his head: “Master, she is 1st Revolution Basic Rank Core Feather Realm Peak, and you can’t hurt the hair of my Master.


Wife Ziwei is too young to look at me.

Qin Tian deliberately exhibited the “1st Revolution Middle Rank Core Formation Realm Peak” cultivation base.

Unexpectedly, Qing Ziwei’s eyes immediately rose with shock and brilliance: “A few months ago, the teenager in front of me was just Core Embryo Realm! Less than half a year later, the cultivation came to” 1st Revolution Middle Rank Core Formation Realm. ” The speed of cultivation is incredibly fast and incredible. “

“Wife Ziwei, believe it.”

Qin Tian stepped forward, extended the hand grabbed the small hand of Qing Ziwei supple as if boneless, said mildly: “I’m late, and I’ve been punished for a few months. I’m really sorry.”

“No … It’s okay.” Qing Ziwei small head lightly nods, small hands retracted cuffs: “I still did not do Dharma Idol believe you, although you are Middle Rank Core Formation Realm cultivation base, but Master will not put you on In my eyes, the Master’s idea is for me to marry the Young Master of the Black Dragon Sect. “


I came to see you! It ’s not about listening to your master one bite ~~~ what your master is like.

Qin Tian brows frowned: “Qing Ziwei! You listen to me, you are my woman! Your Master is not qualified to control you anymore! Only you can control you, only me in this world! Do you understand?”

“You.” Qing Ziwei pursed his lips: “Master has graciousness of raising for me, I am willing to let Master control me!”


It seems that you think I’m good at talking?

Qin Tian rubbed his fists: “Little Girl, go out first! I will talk with Young Lady Ziwei alone.”

“Oh, then hurry up.” Little Girl left the room.

“You can come to Purple Sword Sect to find me, I’m very touched, but … but I didn’t think about whether to be with you.”

Qing Ziwei got up and distanced himself from the youth, “I’m going to find the Master.”

“Find you Master? Do you think that is possible?”

Qin Tian jumped up, overbearing, and picked up the girl wildly: “If I don’t see you in a few months, I don’t believe you didn’t miss me.”

“You … quickly release.” Qing Ziwei was embarrassed when he realized what the youth was going to do.

“What a whimsy.”

I won’t spit out the fat in my mouth.

“In the yard, Little Girl jumped around 4, look over here, look over at the other end.”

“Big Brother and Sister Ziwei, aren’t you doing that kind of thing?” Suddenly, Little Girl’s figure stopped, her eyes blinked curiously, and she walked on tiptoe to the house and gently opened the wooden door.


Only then the wooden door that was pushed a little was hit by an external force, and was tightly closed.

“Oh ~” Little Girl rubbed her forehead: “hmph! Big Brother, I’m going in!”

“Squeak ~ squeak.” On the bed, shaking left and right, Qing Ziwei was shocked by the little girl’s shout, and three immortal souls suddenly lost two and a half souls: “You … you stop. “


“It’s okay, Little Girl, scare us, she won’t run in unless she wants to be beaten.”

Qin Tian calmed down and continued to fight alone.


moon bright and stars bright, late at night, the cold wind sou sou in the yard.

Little Girl was sitting on the stone chair with hu hu angry, holding fragrant cheek in her small hand, foul mouthed and said in his mouth: “Big Brother bastard … bully!”

“Little Girl, are you talking about my bad things in the back?”

The door opened, and Qin Tian pulled Qing Ziwei out.

Qing Ziwei at the moment, his face red has not receded, it is very moving, a pair of eyes water reverberates, there is still a faint radiance in the corner of the mouth, the small hand is caught in the hands of the youth, and there is no repulsion and resistance.

“Well, Big Brother, what are you talking about with Sister Ziwei in the room! You can talk for a whole day!”

“Well … I’m inconvenient to say.” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed: “She will be my wife from now on.”

“Are we going to say hello to the Master.” Qing Ziwei asked timidly.

Looking at your face, I will see her again. “Qin Tian nodded answers.”

“Where do I live!” Little Girl rubbed her eyes: “I’m sleepy.”

“Pu chi.” Qing Ziwei smiled and said: “Little Girl and I live in a room, Qin Tian, ​​there is room available in this yard, you can live in.”


Qin Tian shook his head: “I want to sleep with Wife.”

“Sleep … sleep your big-headed ghost!” Qing Ziwei spat, stepped forward and pulled the Little Girl into the room.

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