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For a brief confrontation, Black Dragon Sect Young Master also had a new perspective on the white clothed youth of “1st Revolution Basic Rank Core Transformation Realm Peak cultivation base”: “good brat … you are very difficult to deal with, battle strength means this Outstanding! Not inferior to the ordinary Core Saint Realm powerhouse, but unfortunately, the 3 moves 2 style of this Young Master is just a warm-up activity, kill you with no difficulty! “

“Continuous nonsense.” Qin Tian yawned: “when a dog bites a person is barks, when it can’t bite a person it barks you! I see your barking is so powerful, I’m afraid it’s just strong in appearance but weak in reality. “

The sharp words deeply penetrated the mind of Black Dragon Sect Young Master.

“Shameful! Shameful! Do not kill you, this Young Master vows not to be human.”

9th Revolution King Rank Core Feather Realm Peak cultivation base “vividly and thoroughly” revealed.

At this moment, the Black Dragon Sect Young Master is going to show his true skills.

“Hmph! That brat is dead.” Black Dragon Sect Great Elder nodded muttered.


Ding! Ding!

“Notice to the host” to open Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 40,000 Times battle strength power

“Notice to the host” to open Stage 7 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 50,000 Times battle strength power

“Notice to the host” to open Stage 8 Six Paths Mode

“Notice to the host” to open Stage 8 Zangetsu Form

“Notice to the host” to open Hulk Mode

“Notice to the host” to open Undefeated War Dragon Bloodline

“Roar roar” 100 zhang is huge, dragging the Great Desolate Immemorial Aura, divine undulating Undefeated War Dragon illusory shadow soaring into the sky, entrenched outside the youth.

Looking at Qin Tian himself, a long hair fell to the heel, a rough hair style, like a flood dragon and python, exuding a radiant gold rays of light, and a golden ape tail, swinging behind the buttocks.

Not only is there a big change in appearance, but aura power also explodes wildly, destroying Heaven and Earth.

“What.” Purple Sword Sect, Black Dragon Sect’s cultivator, were dumbfounded: “What, why? How did he become like this?”

In the Purple Sword Sect, many disciplines have seen Qin Tian ’s Body Transformation, and soon returned to recover, said: “When he killed Fifth Elder, it was like this …”

I said how dare you fight this Young Master, it turned out to be a monster!

Black Dragon Sect Young Master cut teeth and gritted his teeth: “evil creature! This Young Master no matter you are a human or a demon, today you will definitely die in the hands of this Young Master!”

Eight-Nine Arcane Art: Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, enforcement me!

“Zi zi zi.” Good Fortune Aura in the void covered all directions. Qin Tian punched “Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion!”

“hong long !”

Fist glow explosion, instant kill all Core Saint Realm, ordinary Core Feather Realm powerhouse also can’t stop this offensive.

The expression of Black Dragon Sect Young Master is a bit heavy, the palm is changing, with the body Power of Source rippling: “Black Dragon Art! Black Dragon Claw!”

“Roar! Roar!” A grisly Black Dragon Claw mark was born, shattering “Super God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion”, Yu Wei’s undiminished, struck Qin Tian.

“Super God of Destruction Kamehameha.”

Qin Tian made up an offensive to resolve the “Black Dragon Claw.”

“Hehe.” Black Dragon Sect Young Master sneered: “evil creature, Black Dragon Art is me Black Dragon Sect sect protecting Martial Arts! High Grade Source Martial Arts.”

That “Black Dragon Claw” is just a small test, the formidable power of Black Dragon Art, I will show you immediately!

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host wearing Pegasus Cloth

[Notice to the host ~ After wearing Pegasus Cloth, battle strength, defensive power, speed, and greatly improved. Pegasus Cloth wears for 5 minutes, it will automatically disintegrate after 5 minutes, and it should not be worn for 12 hours】

The bright, flowing silver-mantled “Pegasus seat” cloak is wrapped tightly and wrapped around the body of the golden hair youth.

An explosive golden hair, a silver armor, and Qin Tian set off even more of the ordinary rage!

“This is … defense type, Source Magic Treasure.” Black Dragon Sect Young Master was shocked: “Defense type Source Magic Treasure is the rarest, especially this kind of armor. I do n’t know that the armor on the monster is What grade defense is Source Magic Treasure. “

Looking at the fluctuations in its rays of light, at least it belongs to “Entering Grade Source Defensive Magic Treasure”.

“Wearing Pegasus Cloth, the surging power of Qin Tian within the body swelled once again.”

2 Without saying a word, he stomped towards the Black Dragon Sect Young Master, his fist raised “Super Pegasus Meteor Fist!”

“Ang! Ang!” The bright silver fist glow, turned into a 4-foot running Pegasus Divine Beast, noble mysterious, unspeakable.

The most important point is that the Super Pegasus Meteor Fist’s formidable power has brought a sense of death threat to the Black Dragon Sect Young Master.

“How come! Wearing this armor, his strength has risen?”

Black Dragon Sect Young Master narrowed his eyes, “Black Dragon Art! Black Dragon Moving Tail!”

A Black Dragon giant tail carrying an irresistible force swept out and crashed onto the “Super Pegasus Meteor Fist”.

The raging storm immediately blew up, embezzling 100 li 1000 miles.

2 people are in full swing, they are inseparable, and they are fighting fiercely.

… Unbelievable, can this guy actually match the Young Master?

Young Master is “9th Revolution King Rank Core Feather Realm Peak”!

More than 3000 Black Dragon Sect cultivator “Dare not dare to come out”, staring at the battle.

The disciples of Purple Sword Sect have admired and excited faces: “Elder Qin Tian formidable!”

“To make a fuss about nothing.” Little Girl rolled his eyes, and immediately jumped up: “Big Brother, come on! Big Brother, come on!”


Qing Ziwei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Little Girl, you also said they to make a fuss about nothing, you are making the most noise.”

“Peng peng! Peng peng!” In one punch, the void was twisted, and the 2 people pulled back a distance.


Take in a long breath, Qin Tian shook his shoulders: “Black Dragon Sect Young Master, merely this! Your Black Dragon Art is just as good.”


Black Dragon Sect Young Master was furious, bit his finger, and read Magic Art: “Black Dragon Art, Black Dragon Big Mouth!”

“Roar! Roar!”

A huge, spooky black faucet squeezed out of the void, and the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opened, swallowing towards the target.

“Go!” Qin Tian has no fear, “Undefeated War Dragon illusory shadow perched outside, affects Great Desolate Immemorial Aura, and slammed into the black dragon head illusory shadow.”

Super Primal Chaos Chibaku Tensei!

Super Primal Chaos Kamui Strangling!

Super Primal Chaos Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu!

Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan’s Eyes Power, in a spurt of energy, are all issued.

“Hu chi.” The sky dome collapsed dimly, and a meteorite hiding the sky and covering the earth fell.

There is also a twisted void, invading Soul Willpower’s Illusion Technique Eyes Power, a black flame ignited out of thin air.

In an instant, the Black Dragon Sect Young Master collapsed and went crazy: “Damn … you monster monster, what kind of evil and crooked path means!”

“Young Master, be careful!” Black Dragon Sect Great Elder shouted.

“Will this Young Master lose to a 1st Revolution Basic Rank Core Transformation Realm ant?” The brain twitched, and the Black Dragon Sect Young Master propped up with both hands, and his strength was relieved.

ka cha! dong dong dong!

Chibaku Tensei meteorite all split up and in pieces, rustling sound.

Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu and 2 Eyes Power have been wiped out one after another.

But the forced pull of “Kamui Strangling” was twisted, and the Black Dragon Sect Young Master was still injured, and blood bleed from the corners of his mouth.

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