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“Side Mission …… Capture the 1st Name of the Human List Great Competition …”

The voice of the system dissipated, and Qin Tian stood on the spot, his eyes flashing: “At this moment, I want to win the Human List Great War champion, there is no hope, after all, there are 100,000 geniuses in this Human List Great Competition Hidden dragons and crouching tigers, unrivalled monster genius will not be only one … But the Human List Great Competition lasts for half a year, before the final battle comes, I want to grow up! “

“Sou! Sou!”

The wind raged, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

more then 100,000 genius blast all directions.

“Big Brother, what about us.” Little Girl kindly raised the young man’s arm.

Qing Ziwei no longer cares about this, “Husband, we take the lead by your side.”

“Otherwise? Are you two headed?” Qin Tian sneered, shouting said in his heart: “system, can I open to Mini Map Mode?”

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, successfully to open System Mini Map Mode

“Notice to the host” Human List Great War Space Map Mode, screening display area 20%, a total of 321 chance punctuation points were detected

it is good!

From this, as long as I am fast enough, these opportunities are almost mine.

Qin Tian greeted and quickly flew away with 2 sisters, moved towards the nearest “opportunity punctuation point”.


Human List Great War Space Heaven and Earth, is really boundless, vast and wild.

Its scope is only wider than “Profound Nether Continent”.

On the Monster System Mini Map, it seems to be very close, and the “opportunity punctuation” mark at your fingertips takes only one day and one night to arrive.

Standing in front is a palace ruin covered with wind and frost, crooked and crooked, with 1000 holes and 100 holes.

The entrance to the palace covered by the rock was dark and uncomfortable.

Husband, would you want to take us in? “Qing Ziwei asked.”

“Right.” Qin Tian snapped.

Immediately leading the way, plundered into the ruin palace.

A cold wind rushed head-on, stinging the muscles.

Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan to open, piercing through the darkness, scanning the inch-by-inch corner of the “great hall”.

A moment later, Qin Tian discovered the clue, “Go up and pull away the thick dust, which is a chain.”

Subconsciously extend the hand, grab the chain, and wanted to weigh it up, but the chain is completely motionless, “I am obedient, what is this thing built? So heavy?”


with rapt attention locked aura, within the body blood and qi

After a few breaths, the forehead twitched, Qin Tian loudly shouted, in a spurt of energy picked up the chain.

“Rustling sound”, the chain was uprooted, and a large stone that perfectly matched the ground split, revealing a long, long road leading to the underground.

“Actually place of charm and beauty?”

Qin Tian didn’t expect that, standing in front of the underground long way to see.

Very deep, standing here can’t see the truth.

“Wife Ziwei, Little Girl, follow me, don’t to act blindly without thinking.” Qin Tian reminded, according to the usual practice, first walked into the underground long road.

From 100 to 1000 steps, one step at a time.

The temperature is getting colder and bitter.

Qing Zi rubbed his nose, eyebrows, and hair, covered with a touch of frost.

Little Girl didn’t realize it: “hehe ~ so cool, Sister Ziwei is almost popsicle, haha.”

“Dead Girl, you dare to laugh at me!” Qing Ziwei glared at Little Girl, wondering: “I can’t stand this Cold Qi, is she all right? Small Monster!”

Go down the last step.

What is in my eyes is a magnificent, the magnificent dark blue ground goes to the great hall.

Well preserved, dreamlike, like myriad years cold ice sculpture.

What is particularly attractive is a pond filled with mist, filled with ice blue liquid, fragrance 4 overflowing, fragrance mysterious.

Qin Heavenly Fox doubted, “system, what is this?”

After a while, the Monster System said nothing.

“Fuck, it’s time to drop the chain for me.”

Reluctantly, Qin Tian walked to the pool and looked down: “ice blue liquid, water so clear you can see the bottom, the waves are rippling.”

An extraordinary outstanding energy, overflowing in the ice blue liquid within the body.

“It should be an energy substance! Absorption and refining will definitely benefit the cultivation base.”


Suddenly, Qin Tian’s heart moved, Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan, locked in a place not far away, where there is a huge ice crystal coral, “Hide and hide, let me get out!”


The harsh long roar exploded.

Ice crystal corals turned into sky debris.

Little Girl, Qing Ziwei, exclaimed.

“Crocodile … it’s a crocodile.” Little Girl’s eyes brightened.

“impudent !”

This Sir is the Master here, not a crocodile!

Ten meters tall, covered in scales, and the Human Race body, but a strange rare beast with a crocodile head, speak human’s words retorted.


Qing Ziwei pretty face pale, said with a sound transmission: “Husband can speak human’s words, at least the Super Source Magic Beast above Xiao Modao.”

Purple Mansion Realm, Spirit Mansion Realm, Profound Mansion Realm, Sovereign Mansion Realm, Emperor Mansion Realm, Divine Mansion Realm, Heaven Mansion Realm, Xiao Modao.

If this is really a Source Magic Beast that surpasses “Xiao Modao”, Qin Tian may run away with a girl, but it is not.

Can also bring extreme threats to yourself, it is estimated that you can compare with “High Rank Spirit Mansion Realm” powerhouse.

Steady mind, Qin Tian smiled, said: “Crocodile, what are you? Even talking?”

“Damn brat! This Sir is the Master here, not a crocodile! Look at me and eat you!” The crocodile monster screamed, and two sharp claw great hands were torn apart.

Ka cha.

sharp claw cold glow, penetrate the void.

instant kill everything Basic Rank Spirit Mansion Realm, Middle Rank Spirit Mansion Realm powerhouse.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.” Qin Tian throws Secret Law, blinking in the locked screen, and withdraws to Little Girl and Qing Ziwei comes forward.

Not only did the attack fail, the target also stood in the distance.

The crocodile monster ca n’t believe it, “You … you did it! This is impossible, your Realm cultivation base is so weak, impossible can survive this Sir blow.”

Crocodile, you are crazy!

A bite of this Sir!

Qin Tian’s eyes are wisps of Baleful Qi concurrently; “I only need that pool of water, the other autumns are not guilty. If we agree, we will every minds their own business! If you don’t agree, I don’t mind slashing down your crocodile head.”

“Okay, okay.” Little Girl couldn’t help it.

Shut up!

I am not “crocodile!”

Scarlet eyes, crocodile monster hysterical, raging flames: “Want this pool of water? This is this treasure, a drop will not give you!”

“Big Brother, stop talking to this crocodile.”

The fist raised, and Little Girl shouted ferociously: “Let’s kill it!”

“It seems that there is only one way out.” Qin Tian agreed.

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