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“How did you do it—”

Little Girl, who was grabbed by Qing Ziwei and asked, thought for a while, stupidly cute turned around and said: “As long as I think, I can do it. This is” Spirit Witch Technique “.”


Not only Qing Ziwei ca n’t understand, Qin Tian is also rolled his eyes, said: “Wife Ziwei, do n’t listen to this Dead Little Girl talk nonsense! Just her IQ, I ca n’t tell a ugly man.”

“Bah ~~ Big Brother has no IQ.”

Little Girl threw out her tongue.

“Hehe, I don’t have the unopened Little Girl lower oneself to somebody’s level.” Qin Tian shrugged and went on his way with 2 girls.

The first part of the Human List Great War is six months, the first link, “survive between Heaven and Earth for 3 months.”

During these 3 months of free activities, Qin Tian should try to find the opportunity punctuation displayed on the “Monster System Mini Map” as much as possible.


2 days away.

2nd “The Opportunity” was found.

The rolling ancient mountain range is still rolling, and there is a giant peak mountain with steep pillars in the sky.

When you look up, you can also feel the blur, and the peak covered by clouds is filled with an unusual Energy Wave motion.

Out of caution, Qin Tian came up with “Divine Armament Frost Cold Kyushu”.

Flying first to the “peak”, 2 women followed behind.

“Hu chi ~” waved a sword with ease, breaking through the thick cloud in front.

What is in sight is a piece of songs of birds and scent of flowers, Green Willow pink.

There are more than 100 silhouettes scattered in front of a cave.

The arrival of Qin Tian has not attracted much time, “9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Saint Realm cultivation base, placed on the Human List Great Competition of genius gathering, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, plentiful and easily available! Qing Ziwei 1st Revolution Core Palace Realm’s cultivation base is not enough to act as a deterrent. “


I don’t think there is any need for such a stalemate. The longer the time, the more people come, the more variables.

Suddenly, a young man with a proud face, dark cold eyes twitching his eyes opened the mouth and said: “Let me go in and grab the Source Spirit Ginseng King, and then decide how to divide it?”

“Cracking a joke!”

Someone immediately stood up and opposed: “Source Spirit Ginseng King is in your hands, will you still spit it out?”

Correct! We disagree!

“Husband ——” Qing Ziwei said with a sound transmission: “Source Spirit Ginseng King is a good thing. It has been germinated in 100 years, shaped in 100 years, and can open spirit wisdom in 100 years, and then 3 ass before it can be do as one pleases. All directions of escape. “


nodded, Qin Tian chose to stand still and watch the changes, “more than 100 geniuses on the scene, among them there are more than a dozen Spirit Mansion Realm levels! Arm like the one who proposed to enter the cave himself and arrest the dark cold proud youth of” Source Spirit Ginseng King ” , Cultivation base ranks highly in the High Rank Spirit Mansion Realm, in addition to him, there are 3 High Rank Spirit Mansion Realm powerhouse. “

“hmph! ”

Since I disagree with my idea, I will say another way.

The dark cold proud young man turned around and pointed to the white clothed youth not far away, said: “This brat 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Saint Realm Peak cultivation base, I suggest letting him enter the cave and catch” Source Spirit Ginseng King “. His Realm cultivation base, got “Source Spirit Ginseng King”, can he dare to hide it? “

good idea!

The 100 geniuses nodded to say yes, looking towards white clothed youth one after another: “brat, this is a credit! If you bring out the” Source Spirit Ginseng King “, you may be able to share your needs.”

a bunch of idiots.

Qin Tian was secretly pleased and refused to say: “I’m not going to … Source Spirit Ginseng King, if you don’t catch it, let me go, my cultivation base is far inferior to you.”

“If you don’t go, I will chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades myself!” Dark cold proud young man, intentionally showing High Rank Spirit Mansion Realm cultivation base, said: “Relax, Source Spirit Ginseng King’s It ’s not strong, but it ’s just good at escaping! It ’s forced into this cave by us. You ca n’t catch it and just drive him out. ”


Qin Tian pretends to have a helpless expression, “Wife Ziwei, Little Girl, wait for me to come out.”

With a kick, the young man flew into the cave.

The cave space is not small, the rocks are rugged and sparkling.

Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan to open, Qin Tian suddenly locked the target, “the so-called Source Spirit Ginseng King, the whole body is clean white, 3 feet is too high, there are 4 limbs, and the outline of the 5 officials is similar to Human Race. At first glance I thought it was an infant. “


Feeling the crisis, Source Spirit Ginseng King is extremely spiritual, body flashed, and escapes to the ground, disappearing without a trace.

“Hehe, don’t hide it, you cannot to escape my palm.” Indifferent walked a few feet away, Qin Tian suddenly protruded the right hand and grabbed the ground.

ka cha cha.

The hard rock shattered to death, and the “Source Spirit Ginseng King” hiding underground was caught by the youth.

“Ao ao ao ——” Struggling constantly, Source Spirit Ginseng King made a sharp long cry.

“Get a little better!” Qin Tian exudes “Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan Eyes Power.”

At the time, Source Spirit Ginseng King motionless.

“Da da.” Xiaoyi walked out of the cave with a smile, Qin Tian shook his shoulders, and the imprisonment loosened: “Well, let everyone wait for a long time.”

Brat !

The dark cold proud young man first questioned said: “What about Source Spirit Ginseng King? I heard the exclamation of that thing, you shouldn’t want to take it for yourself.”

“Ha ha ha.”

Qin Tian looked up and smiled: “Where do you take possession of yourself? This Source Spirit Ginseng King is in the cave. Thou was afraid that the other party would snatch it. Here he drags and pulls, pester and chirp! I am a cultivator of the 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Saint Realm cultivation base.

You … you courting death!

How dare you speak big words! I will kill you more than killing an ant.

The face was somber, the murderous aura was tumbling, and the dark cold proud young man lifted his arms and swept out like a whip.

“Hong long long.” A storm of Remnant Shadow suddenly blew up, savagely and drastically, destroying the cultivator below Instant Kill Spirit Mansion Realm “easy.

“Light of grain of rice.”

Really treat me like a bully?

Frost Cold Kyushu in Qin Tian ’s hands, rays of light greatly rises, Extreme Cold Qi freezes the flowers and trees covered by all directions.

Eight-Nine Arcane Art is running, and the Power of Good Fortune between Heaven and Earth is adjusted, “Ice Soul Good Fortune Slash!”

“The first 100 sparkling and translucent are clear, and magnificent’s sword glow is derived.”

Dong dong dong !

“Super Primal Chaos Shinra Tensei.” Qin Tian threw out a Eyes Power feeling that the maturity was still a bit low.

The “Shinra Tensei” of majestic match, might cannot be resisted, plus Ice Soul Good Fortune Slash, perfectly stopped the dark cold offensive youth’s offensive.

Possible !

More than 100 genius dumbstruck, the scene seen by Unable to believe.

One of the only 4 High Rank Spirit Mansion Realm geniuses on the scene, the offensive offensive, the unnamed junior of the 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Core Saint Realm cultivation base, was completely unharmed and unblocked?

“It’s really boring.” Little Girl yawned: “Big Brother ~~ Come on, these guys are too weak, not your opponents, it’s not interesting to bully them.”

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