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a small cup of tea consideration time.

Whether to decide to enter the dark mysterious, horrible ancient palace in front.

“Dark Lord? An unfamiliar name full of special power! The good fortune he left behind, nobody wanted to be there.”

But after looking at a few thousand huge bronze doors, the glimmering glory of darkness, more than 1000 geniuses, everyone is fear and trepidation in the face of a disaster, trembling with fear.

Opportunity and death were originally one step away.

How many people died because of a chance, and how many people’s congresses is it possible that, a chance is coming, and it has since skyrocketed!

“Husband, what do you think.” The time of a small cup of tea arrived and Qing Ziwei leaned his head to ask.


Qin Tian faint smile: “Wife Ziwei, or is saying what do you think.”

“Husband makes any decision, and I will follow it unconditionally.” Qing Ziwei smiled like a flower, “It’s called marital harmony ~”


And me, where will Big Brother go?

Little Girl hurriedly panicked.

“Isn’t that enough?” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed: “The sky is falling down, let me bear it! You just wait for the opportunity.”

“Sou! Sou!”

Someone has already unfolded and flew into the “Dark Palace”.

“Hua la la.” Burning flames, sexy sexy woman of Sovereign Mansion Realm level. The forehead is bright, the gray long robe, the youth who resists a white bone long stick, and the golden robe youth who is incomparable, Only I Am Supreme, also stepped on the head of “Lion-Tiger Mad Beast” and flew into the Dark Palace. With the opening of the above people, more than 50000 cultivators, a swarm of swarms poured into the world behind the front gate.

“hong long.”

The door of the quiet Immortal closed.

In the darkness where 5 fingers are missing, Little Girl, Qing Ziwei, and 2 women are holding the young man by one arm.

“I’m not a prisoner … You guys are holding me back. 10000 When a crisis comes, how can I fight back?” Qin Tian wants to cry but doesn’t have tears.

It’s so dark.

Little Girl’s clear listening voice: “I don’t hold Big Brother, 10000 what if you lose it.”

“Dead Girl liar! Do you treat me as silly as you?”

“Jie jie jie.” Unusual, weird old black light shining all directions, placed in black robe, can’t see the silhouette of Lushan’s true face. Based on the front void, said: “i am Dark Lord! Congratulations on coming here, now I can talk to you guys. I have set 3 test levels in total. This is the first test. “

Qin Tian’s eyes ponders: “Incredible! In the dark, can black rays of light be conceived? And that black rays of light illuminate the surroundings, unimaginable …”


A genius “unable to bear” asked said: “The first test, what should we do?”

“Uh haha.” The Dark Lord laughed on his back, making him panic. “Naturally, I walked out of here. As for how to go out, it’s up to you.”


The Dark Lord disappeared and all directions fell into extreme Darkness again

“Hebron winter, how do we get out.” Some people began to complain.

“Look at me.” Immediately, someone took out the Power of Source and tried to bloom as it should.

Unexpected things were born, everyone strangely noticed that with the body’s Power of Source completely motionless, they did not listen.

Stage 7 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinnegan Sharingan to open is running.

This bloodline Eye is derived from the “Monster System”, so it will not be suppressed.

But there is no substantive effect anymore, I ca n’t see through Dark at all

Qin Tian’s face was awe-inspiring, said: “Wife Ziwei, Little Girl, do you have a good idea?”

“No.” Qing Ziwei shook his head, unimaginable, Little Girl boasted loudly: “I have a way, we will move towards one direction, unbelief can’t touch the exit.”

10000 Acting in a way that defeats one’s purpose?

Qin Tian asked.

“What is” acting in a way that defeats one’s purpose “?” Little Girl is not sure.

This … Qin Tian smiled bitterly: “You shut your mouth for me! You are not allowed to speak.”

“Why.” Little Girl mouthed.

“Husband, I think Little Girl makes sense.” Qing Ziwei analyzed said: “You see, all directions are a piece of Dark! Power of Source can’t be used. What else in East, West, South, North, we have Moved towards one direction, if you can’t go out, you can only say that you are out of luck. “


Sister Ziwei agrees with me, Big Brother, this time you have nothing to say.

Little Girl is proud.

“Alas.” Qin Tian sighed a long way, “Grabbing the palm of 2 girls and walking away.”

More than 50000 geniuses have made different choices, and some have sat cross-legged in the same place, changing from 10000 to unchanged.

Some people make every effort to mobilize the Power of Source, while others are the same as Qin Tian’s method, moved towards one direction only.


In Dark World, I don’t know how long I have been away.

“Big Brother, I’m tired and don’t want to leave.” Little Girl snorted.

Qin Tian completely ignored, and continued to move forward.

Qing Ziwei gradually couldn’t hold it anymore, “There is no way to use the Power of Source in this ghost place, and there is no Source Energy to absorb supplementary physical strength.”

Dark Lord ~

While walking, Qin Tian lowered his head and meditated: “Heaven and Earth all living things, complement each other! Even the hottest place will surely have water! Since the world in front of it is all dark, there must be a touch of rays of light exists … if the rays of light cannot be found, maybe it is not by our own? “

The easiest to find, often the hardest to find, is n’t there a sentence called “travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily”?


Stopping his body, Qin Tian took a deep breath: “What I see is Dark! But my eyes are bright, otherwise why can I see the darkness in front of me?”

Knowing this, the darkness around the bedding seemed to be affected, on the verge of collapse, clank humming.

“Little Girl, Wife Ziwei.” Qin Tian rejoiced and shouted: “Do you understand? The exit is in our eyes! We can’t see it, but it is covered by the darkness in front of us.”

Husband means, illusion?

Qing Ziwei lovely body trembles.

“It can be said so.” Qin Tian nodded.

“Ka cha cha.” Endless darkness, like a piece of glass, all split up and in pieces, rustling sound.

The light returned to his eyes.

Qin Tian, ​​Little Girl, Qing Ziwei, 3 people stand in the grand palace.

Several 10000 geniuses were pestered in place, all eyes closed.

“Good means! Ghosts and gods cannot measure.” Qin Tian blushed with shame: “When entering this palace, I don’t know the reason, we all closed our eyes!”


The tall figure, the perfect ratio of a pair of long legs, the attractive and fragrant Huo Lingxuan opened his jade eyes.

Surrounding all around, I saw each and everyone silhouette eyes closed, “With her talent and wisdom, I immediately figured out everything.”

“So that’s how it is.” She said to herself, but when she saw three people not far away, she froze, “You … you.”

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