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“Mysterious on top of the magnificent Dark Stone Step.”

Black robe concealed his body, “Dark Lord” who was not true or false, said: “Here is the last trial, can someone give up?”


More than 20 geniuses startled: “cracking a joke, have come to this step, give up voluntarily?”

“Hehe ~~ I remind you that at this level, maybe Ru waits to die.” Dark Lord’s voice, with a bit of anticipation, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

The bones stood tall and the scalp was cold.

A genius asked timidly: “Senior, can you tell me first, what test is this level?”

“Fight me!”

Dark Lord, turned around and said word by word: “Is thou swarming up, or is he fighting alone?”

“What kind of stuff?” Including Qin Tian was also stunned, “Fight against the Dark Lord? Think about it, how can the Dark Lord that shaped the previous 2 test levels, how cultivating base Realm is fierce, unimaginable! Fighting with the Dark Lord is not Courting death, no wonder that Dark Lord taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune said that the 3rd pass test, you may all die. “

ha ha ha.

“Thou is afraid? Not at all daring, this Lord is too disappointed.” Dark Lord shook his head and laughed.

Disappointment fuck you … fight with you, is it possible to survive? “Qin Tian blurted out.”

“Hi! Hoo!” 22 geniuses looked towards white clothed youth: “He doesn’t want to live anymore?”


Under the black robe, Dark Lord ’s eyes seemed locked on the white clothed youth, and he pondered for a long while, quietly said: “This Lord will not bully the weak! That ’s not the style of this Lord, you and I will meet, naturally Cultivation base pulled to a uniform level. “

Not early.

Qin Tian took a long breath of air in. ,

“Hehe.” Dark Lord said sharply: “You brat is different! You dare to offend this Lord. If I fight with you, the stage at which the cultivation base remains is at my discretion.”


Qin Tian fists up: “I really want to slap this Dark Lord! There is no powerhouse style.”

“Monster, regret is too much! Dark Lord’s chance is good fortune, and you have no hope at all.” Yin evil youth, attractive spectacle said.


Qin Tian is too lazy to ignore each other.

“Have you thought about it yet?” The Dark Lord was impatient. “You wait for it, or one by one!”

one by one come!

No need to think, defeat the Dark Lord together, how to get good fortune?

“I’ll fight Senior first!” The golden robe youth with a sharp gaze and an overbearing look stepped out.

The first challenge to this Lord is courage.

You within the body of Power of Source can do as one pleases mobilization, what kind of moves you want to use against this Lord, you can.

As long as you defeat this Lord, the opportunity here is yours!

After the Dark Lord finished, the figure floated a short distance away.

“Hong long long! Hong long long!” The golden robe youth’s arms agitated, the clothes hunted, the magnificent and horrifying Power of Source was released like an ocean, “Okay! I will take all on one throw.”

1st Revolution Heaven Rank Sovereign Mansion Realm 1st Step.

Qin Tian was shocked: “There are more than 50000 geniuses gathered in the Dark Lord Opportunity Palace. The human genius invested by the Human List Great War is a few hundred thousand less. It is more fierce than this guy. There must be more than one!”

“Hah! ”

Take the lead in an offensive, thunderbolt irresistible force, might cannot be resisted.

Golden Robe’s Spirit Pet “Lion-Tiger Mad Beast”, also rushed to the Dark Lord.

“Evil creature, go aside.” Dark Lord casually, flicking the cuff.

It is comparable to the “Lion-Tiger Mad Beast” of the 9th Revolution King Rank Profound Mansion Realm Peak powerhouse, which vomits blood spitting in pain, badly with many teeth knocked out.

At the same time, a dark flowing light attacked the terrifying attack of the “golden robe youth”, and completely resisted it.

“Spirit Grade Source Martial Arts, Golden Emperor Palm!”

Without half a panic, the power of cultivation base blooms 100%.

Along with this, the golden robe youth launched with a palm, “The power of Source is condensed into a golden light 10000 zhang, shining and destroyed, with the Great Hand Seal of brilliant emperor might!”

“This move, erased 3rd Revolution, 4th Revolution Heaven Rank Sovereign Mansion Realm powerhouse is more than enough.”


There is no merit.

In the eyes of Dark Lord, it is such insignificant ability.

The black cuffs of the bare arms rolled, and the darkness and the light blew through the void like a breeze. At once, Spirit Grade Source Martial Arts “Golden Emperor Palm”, a large piece of annihilation disappeared.


to end it here, golden robe youth expression changes: “Senior, what kind of means are you? You said that you will keep the Realm cultivation base at the same level as ours.”


Dark Lord cruel and untamed sneered: “The cultivation base is the same? Do you know that this Lord makes you this! My current cultivation base is no more than the Basic Rank Sovereign Mansion Realm.”


Hearing this, each and everyone Peak genius stunned.

Qin Tian didn’t feel much at worst: “I have killed Coredather Realm in my own Core Feather Realm! Basic Rank Sovereign Mansion Realm and Heaven Rank Profound Mansion Realm are difficult for ordinary people to cross the chasm, for a few people, not worth mentioning! Especially for yourself, that is not a gap! “

Do you still have Killing Move trump card? If it doesn’t, this Lord will take the trouble.

Dark Lord’s voice suddenly filled with solemn killing aura: “Challenge me and want to live! One beats me, 2 comes with an elegant manner that satisfies me, then it is defeated, and I can spare you. , Get it! “

“Golden Emperor Seal!”

figure trembled, golden robe The young man punched himself in the chest, a big mouth of blood essence spewed out, and the whole person looked weak and decadent.

However, a golden mark contaminated with his “blood essence” qi origin, All Heavens Great Sun is gradually raised, mighty mysterious, not to be underestimated. “Infinite threat 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Sovereign Mansion Realm powerhouse.”

“Dark Great Art!”

Dark Lord whispered.

“Hu chi! Zi zi zi!” Twisted crawling, earth flowing poisonous snake-like dark flowing light, gathered together, turned into a dark wave, poured on the “Golden Emperor Seal”.

The speed of the naked eye was visible, and the Golden Emperor Seal was swallowed and dissolved.

“I’m defeated.” Golden robe The youth’s face was ashamed: “And it was defeated simply! Completely!”


Dark Lord nodded, condescending, trial all living creatures “Life and Death”, “I think about it, your performance is so-so, do you want to kill you!”

As soon as these words came out, not only the golden robe youth shiver coldly, but others were also afraid of panic.

“You were the first to challenge this Lord, and your performance was barely qualified. Forget your life.” Dark Lord said the result of the trial.

The golden robe was relieved by the youth, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat. “Many … many thanks Senior Don’t kill me.”

“Okay, who will challenge me next.” Dark Lord regained his excitement, his voice expecting.

After a while, absolute silence.

The Dark Lord was surprised, said: “Thou will not give up all of it! This is not possible, I haven’t moved my bones yet.”

No one still takes care of Dark Lord.

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