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Xiao Ziyue, 3rd Revolution Middle Rank Heaven Mansion Realm 1st Step cultivation base.

The long skirt of azure outlines the slender and graceful posture.

The hair is soft, black and bright, and the 5 officers standing thus is out of the ordinary, beautiful and attractive.

But compared with Little Girl’s “bringing calamity to the country and the people”, it is really light of grain of rice.

“Weng weng weng.” The cold, dark, shiny, rune-beating Devouring Soul Chain hung in the flesh and blood of “Xiao Ziyue”.

… hehe, it seems I guessed it well?

Suddenly, Xiao Ziyue smiled proudly in the corner of his mouth: “You Devouring Soul Chain can only deal with some people who are not mentally strong.”

What did you say?

Little Girl vomited, her hands closed, and read Spirit Witch Technique Magic Art: “Spirit Herd Chaotic Dance, Gods and Demons Together Appear!”

Three Heads Six Arms, destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth, Demon King Evil God illusory shadow.

There is also a bright divine, which cannot be blasphemy, with the angel-winged “God Giant” illusory shadow.

The contrast between darkness and light is so sharp and out of place, horrible to see.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” The next moment, carrying the dark and bright Spirit Witch illusory shadow, suddenly attacked Xiao Ziyue in the front.

such insignificant ability!

Imposing manner concurrency, Power of Source covering heaven concealing sun, majestic majestic, inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

The soft sword in Xiao Ziyue’s hands was shining and shining, and with a wave, the sky glowed like a sword glow, and the “噼 里 pa la” hit the Spirit Witch illusory shadow.

Ka cha.

Dark and bright Spirit Witch illusory shadow, the tiny cracks in the body broke apart.

Aware of this, Little Girl raised her eyebrows: “You’re pretty good! Ugly woman …”

“You … what do you call me?” Xiao Ziyue blankly looked: “No matter where she is, her appearance and temperament are always the same!”

Can be ridiculed by Little Girl, but unable to refute, who makes Little Girl so beautiful, the face of the work of the Gods, the water eye that is soft and water-like, the pink long hair full of exotic flavors, the style of Little Girl rays of light, no 2 in the world.


Dead Little Girl, I’m going to break your face! See you still qualified to laugh at me.

gnashing teeth, angry, Xiao Ziyue started a fierce offensive.

Cultivation base has no background.


“Hong long! Hong long!” Spirit Witch illusory shadow superimposed on the light and darkness began to shatter.

However, Little Girl not at all was afraid, and bright and intelligent eyes “gu lu lu” turned, as if remembering something.

However, after biting a delicate, ruby-lipped mouth, a blood spit out: “Spirit Witch Technique, Reverse Yin-Yang, Gates of Hell Open!”

hu chi.

The dark wind whizzes, Dark Sky Black Earth.

Under the shadow of the marrow of the marrow, many genius complexion pale, shivering and exclaiming: “What the hell is going on.”

I feel like aura that is not part of this world is born.

…. “Ka cha! It’s a gate, reflected in front of Little Girl.”

The gate of ten thousand meters high, dark all over, bound and sealed by chains, with the Asura ghost pattern engraved on it.

Suddenly, the chain outside the gate collapsed, and the dark gate, which I don’t know how many years, was sealed, was officially to open!

The door behind to open, the scene is Primal Chaos dirty, like the sea like the abyss.

“Wu wu wu! Ao Ao!” Wail like ghosts and howl like wolves sounds undulating, countless Demon Asura, the former servants, flew from behind Gates of Hell.

ferocious-looking, Hell Asura of Three Heads Six Arms! There are sharp claw bloodthirsty, no body, ghost ghost hell!

There is also a huge 1000 meters, Yin Qi dense, terrifying Hell Demon.

These creatures that shouldn’t appear in the World of the Living surround the Little Girl’s body.

“You, what are you doing?” Xiao Ziyue stunned: “Hell Evil Spirit? Hell Evil Spirit?”

Little Girl has the ability to release hell creatures? what is this? It’s unreasonable.


“My new moves!” Little Girl smiled, showing a row of white teeth: “Listen to my orders! Start attacking!”

roar! roar!

Thousand upon tens of thousands of Hell Asura evil spirits, ghost Ominous Beast, showing various means of destruction, swallowing heaven covering sun’s hell ocean torrent, surrounding that “Xiao Ziyue”.

Xiao Ziyue of the 3rd Revolution Middle Rank Heaven Mansion Realm cultivation base, before the power of 10000 1000 “hell creatures”, was weak like a gravel cricket, precarious and endangered.


How can I lose to this Dead Little Girl.

Not reconciled! “Xiao Ziyue waved a soft sword and Power of Source ran away.”

Heavenly Nether Sword Art!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

mysterious bright glow of sword glow, blocking the offensive of the hell spirits.

But few breathing skills, this sharp sword glow, is submerged and shredded.

Xiao Ziyue spit out dark red blood and flew out 1000 meters away, all directions, occupied by different forms of Hell Evil Spirit.

Escape can’t escape.

“Dead Girl! Don’t bully intolerably … I can give you a Human List Token!”


“Aren’t you very difficult to deal with?” Little Girl protruded into the palm of her hand: “Come out for me!”

rustling sound.

Devouring Soul Chain, always hanging on Xiao Ziyue’s chest, suddenly radiantly, forcibly pulled the girl’s three immortal souls and seven mortal souls out.

Death Aura, unprecedented approaching.

When his will was shaken for a while, the opponent almost took his three immortal souls and seven mortal souls away.

Xiao Ziyue lovable body is trembling, and sweating DC: “You … what are you going to do, I gave you all the” Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow “4 Human List Token.”

Pull her to hell soon!

Little Girl moved towards Hell Evil Spirit issued an announce command.

“Bang! Roar!” Hell creatures became crazy.

This is a giant dragon with 1000 meters and no flesh and blood, and its tail swept, hitting Xiao Ziyue’s figure.

Outside the Power of Source defense was broken, Xiao Ziyue was hit in front of “Dark Horror Gates of Hell”.

Going back one step further, you will fall into “Gates of Hell”.

“I, I admit defeat!” Xiao Ziyue really didn’t want to die, so softly begging said: “I was wrong, I shouldn’t underestimate you.”

Hearing his opponent’s defeat and asking for mercy, Little Girl was proud.

“Terrifying! Little Girl this move, great horror, summon out of 10000 1000 hell creatures … I was changed, and I don’t know how to deal with it.”

Qin Tian sighed and said with a sound transmission: “Little Girl, don’t kill her! The strength and appearance of this Little Lady are rarely seen. It’s a pity to kill her.”


Hearing Qin Tian’s reminder, Little Girl nodded lightly: “Ugly woman! I only saw you on Big Brother’s face to bypass you.”

“Many thanks ……” Xiao Ziyue was relieved, beautiful eyes were helpless and complicated, looked towards a distant youth.

As for the others present, Little Girl was silently placed on the taboo list! Simply put, I would rather die than fight Little Girl!

If Little Girl challenges herself, hand over the Human List Token.

Gates of Hell this move, Little Girl has established an indescribable horrible ominous might that deter everyone in the audience.

Bian Wuji’s complexion is also not very good-looking: “He, who thought that only Qin Tian threaten, now jumps out of a Little Girl.”

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