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An unprecedented battle, focal point of ten thousands, touched the hearts of every genius present.

Outstanding beauty, peerless extraordinarily beautiful women’s Little Girl, is in “Spirit Witch illusory shadow guardian”.

From 100 to 1000, different forms of hell creatures, moved towards “Bian Wuji” launched a round of destruction offensive of death.

At first, Bian Wuji wanted to get rid of the “hell creatures” and directly harm the Little Girl. As long as the Little Girl was hit hard, these “hell creatures” out of her summon will inevitably fall apart and disappear.

Unfortunately, Ruyi’s abacus fell through.

The “Spirit Witch Guard” outside Little Girl is solid and immortal.

Bian Wuji is also difficult to break in a hurry, and there are so many hell ghosts, Hell Magic Beast, who drag the aura of hell death, attacking him “incessantly”.

The trade-offs are long and the time goes on. The consequences are self-evident.

“Hu!” Breathing, pretty white, Bian Wuji of colored glass long robe, neutral voice, not warm nor hot and said: “little girl, can make me use all the power of trump card, you are indeed very difficult to deal with. “


You can’t scare me.

Little Girl has a big smile.

“Yin-Yang bloodline, open!” Bian Wuji expression awe-inspiring, loudly shouted, a mass of rays of light rose outside, shining brightly, shining all directions.

The rays of light in the form of a disc are divided into black and white, black is overcast, and softly corrodes all living things!

white belongs to Yang, strong overbearing, destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth!

2 waves of completely different formidable power, perfectly connected to the fusion, spinning and floating behind Bian Wuji, reflected in the image, as if he had opened the seal, and God Immortal was born!

hiss! hiss! hiss!

It’s a horrible Source Bloodline Aura … I still feel such terrifying Source Bloodline for the first time in my life.

“Saint Rank Source Bloodline? No, Divine Rank Source Bloodline!”

There was uproar and they were ups and downs.

Bloodline is divided into “Basic Rank, Middle Rank, High Rank, Saint Rank Source Bloodline, Divine Rank Source Bloodline, Good Fortune Source Bloodline, Supreme Source Bloodline.”

For example, on Profound Nether Continent, 100000000 million 10000 cultivator, Basic Rank Source Bloodline, and less than 100 people add up.

As for “Middle Rank Source Bloodline”, it is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, rare as stars.

High Rank Source Bloodline may search more than a dozen blocks, and there are 100 blocks in the same continent area as Profound Nether Continent.

Not to mention “Saint Rank Source Bloodline, Divine Rank Source Bloodline.”

Qin Tian brows heavy: “Well, now I see, the secret trump card that this guy has kept all the time, it is Divine Rank Source Bloodline.”


Looking at “Saint Rank Source Bloodline, the Yin-Yang Two Qi Guanghua inspired.” Little Girl small mouth cocked, shouted: “such insignificant ability, nothing great.”


Bian Wuji expression is empty, between a single thought, Pure Yin Qi that corrodes all living things, Power of Pure Yang that destroys Heaven and Earth, and 2 kinds of energy inspired by Divine Rank Source Bloodline, perfectly poured into the hands of “Seven Stars” Long Spear “.

“Yin-Yang Everlasting Stars!”

Spear vibrated and spurted out.

“The bright spear glow turned into a black and white star in the sky! Huge and magnificent, hiding the sky and covering the earth.”

The power that is carried is more unimaginable and unstoppable. Middle Rank Dao Mansion Realm powerhouse is a little careless and will also fly ash and extinguished smoke, body dies and Dao disappears.

“Come on!”

Little Girl expression is not angry, shouted repeatedly.

“Roar! Ao ao ao!” 1000 meters The huge white bone hell giant, the black flame giant white bone giant dragon, and densely packed, countless fangs evil spirits, plus a Three Heads Six Arms, the vicious Hell Asura , Fierce and unafraid of death, blocked the ground in front of “Yin-Yang Everlasting Stars”.

ka cha cha.

Bang! bang! bang!

The star spear glow flooded with “Divine Rank Source Bloodline energy”, breaking the bamboo, and smashing and destroying a large number of “hell creatures”.

It seems that the “Bian Wuji” of Source Bloodline is opened, and the strength has really increased a lot.

Little Girl stomped angrily, intent summon, let the hell creatures dormant in Gates of Hell, the former servants rushed out.

“But doing so is obviously extremely energy-intensive.”

Summon got 2nd wave of Little Girl from Hell, gasping for breath, pretty face wax white.

“Little girl, you lost!” The forehead shines, and the five officials smile, and Bian Wuji resolutely throws out the star long spear in his hand.

This spear, terrifying beyond imagination, forbidden to match, penetrates Four Seas and Eight Desolates, Nine Heavens sun and moon!

rustling sound.

Passing along the way, the wicked hell creatures “all split up and in pieces, come to nothing.”

The “Spirit Witch illusory shadow” outside Little Girl was broken.

“Ouch …” With a cry, Little Girl smashed into the ground, confused, and dizzy.

The outcome is already divided!

However, the atmosphere of the audience was silent, quiet and terrifying.

On the other hand, Bian Wuji showed “Divine Rank Source Bloodline”, unexpectedly, throughout all ages is rare.

In 2 cases, that Little Girl, with strange means and mysterious spirit, did not reveal a trace of Power of Source from beginning to end.

Without Power of Source, how did she “summon” Hell Evil Spirit?

“Hu! Hu!” Lost Little Girl, flustered and exasperated, teeth grin: “bastard … bully people.”

Bian Wuji laughed and said nothing.

“Come back.” Qin Tian beckoned.

“Big Brother, help me beat this guy.” Little Girl looked aggrieved, begging pitifully.

After killing the gray robe young man of “Heaven Mansion Realm”.

When I level up to Heaven Rank Profound Mansion Realm Stage, the battle strength increases again.

But if you want to defeat this guy … there is still no way, even if I use Ultimate One Punch Man Mode, it is no problem to hit him hard.

Unless you break through a little cultivation base, enter Sovereign Mansion Realm.

Nin chattered, Qin Tian opened his mouth to appease said: “Don’t worry, I and his contention can be put at the last moment, and now it’s still slow.”

“En.” Hearing Qin Tian’s words, Bian Wuji closed his eyes and returned to his place.

… 3rd day.

At the top of Human List Sacred Mountain, there are only more than 100 geniuses left, and they are still eligible to continue to compete.

The rank of Human List Great War is closely related to how many “Human List Tokens” are accumulated in the hands.

It’s time to collect “Human List Token”.

Qin Tian sitting on the ground suddenly got up, stretched his muscles, and appeared in the void, his eyes overlooking more than 100 geniuses: “Which brother Young Lady, come out to fight me?”

“Absolute silence.”

Who does n’t know this is a Great Monster? With the Little Girl monster.

In addition to “Divine Rank Source Bloodline, Bian Wuji” can suppress these 2 Great Monsters, no one on the scene thought that they could beat them.

“If there is no one, I call the roll.” Qin Tian extend the hand means: “Pick soldiers and pick generals, who is picked, who is …”


What is he doing? It’s a play.

What do you think of us? Monkey, abuse him?

shameful, bully intolerably.

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