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… what?

Tuoba Wu froze, thinking that the other party was cracking a joke with himself: “How could there be no cultivation base … Without a cultivation base, can he still fly in the sky?”

“It’s boring to say this, just look at it.” Qin Tian smiled mysterious and confidently said: “Little Girl’s rush through pagoda score, I estimate at least 90 Layer … well, conservative estimate.”


Tuoba Wu was in a trance, almost spurt blood: “Conservative estimate, rush through pagoda 90 Layer? Crazy crazy! He must have no idea how abnormal the test in Time Pagoda is before he dare to say so.”

In the surrounding void, many silhouettes also heard Qin Tian’s words, unable to bear mocked said: “hehe, this brat, the brain was kicked by a donkey?”

I think so.


bang weng.

The first aura, gradually raised outside Time Pagoda, shines with rays of light.

On behalf of Little Girl, it is not surprising to have crossed the Time Pagoda 1st Layer, as long as it is not good for nothing, it is very easy to get a 7 to 8 Layer at Time Pagoda, very easy.

2nd aura, 3rd aura.

It was only until the 20th aura, and many silhouettes on the scene, that there was a strong interest in the complexion: “That little girl is so powerful, and he has reached the 20th Layer, ranking in the” 2nd Steps genius “rank.

“30th aura!”

“40th aura!”

The atmosphere became uncontrollable, discusses spiritedly, and made a lot of noise: “Hi … It ’s really a monster. Look, that Little Girl is still rushing through pagoda.”

“3rd Steps genius.” Tuoba Wu shook his fist: “Brother Qin Tian, ​​you said before that she can at least rush through pagoda 90 Layer, isn’t it a cracking a joke?”

Who has the time to crack a joke with you.

Qin Tian shrugged.

“Speaking, the 50th aura appears outside of Time Pagoda.”

5 10 rays of light overflowing, shining bright aura, layer upon layer stacking, showing the perfect blend of colors, reflecting all directions, 10,000 li away, you can also see a ray of glow.

“51st, 52nd … 60th.”

Through the 40th Layer, it represents the 3rd Steps genius.

After crossing the 70th Layer, it is for the 4th Steps genius.

With a smoke-killing skill, the 60 halo increased to 69th.

Echoing under the Vault of Heaven, there was an uproar, which became more and more huge and choppy.

A silhouette goes back and forth, bloody long hair, rough bloodthirsty.

This young man, who was previously rush through pagoda 90 Layer, proved the existence of “5th Steps genius aptitude”.

“Hehe, interesting.” Faint smile’s expression, he saw it in his eyes, the 70th bright halo was born, and it was far from the time to stop.

Princess Xianxian, beautiful eyes rippling admiration, and strong sadness: “Ah … Young Master Qin Tian is surrounded by such a wonderful woman, it seems that I really have no chance.”

Qin Tian from start to finish, calm and indifferent, like a under control.

72nd aura, 73rd aura … 80th aura, 81st aura.

When it quickly rose to the 89th aura, the whole atmosphere was tense.

The speed of the aura’s rise slowed down.

breakthrough this layer, the little girl is “5th Steps genius” …

How could it be so easy, I heard that if you want to break into the “Time Pagoda” 90th Layer, you must pass the unimaginable horror test.

Didn’t you see that the birth rate of halo slowed down, which proves that the little girl also encountered the shield and suffered a lot.

“bang! bang!”

clouds rise and wind rushes forth, star, sun and moon are out of trajectory, dropping from the sky, hovering in the sky.

A spectacular mysterious natural phenomenon “shows”.

The 90th aura appeared.

From low to high, 9 10 auras are connected into one body, such as if a 10000 zhang Divine Pagoda, the brilliance derived from one breath and one mask all All Heavens Great Sun.

Another “5th Steps genius”.

what is it today? 2 “5th Steps” genius suddenly appeared.

3 The powerhouse of Super Dynasty is bound to come over ……

Layer 2 Domain Heaven and Earth has 5 Super Dynasty and 3 entrenched in “Myriad Years Continent”.

Suddenly, a more exciting picture appeared.

The aura outside Time Pagoda adds a new one, the 91st aura.

“Hiss.” Blood-haired young man, sucked in a cold breath, sullied: “Even if it is me, I can only spend the first 90 layers. Who is this?”

92nd Halo!

93rd Halo!

The 94th aura, a ray of weave, shows signs of birth.

You should know that Time Pagoda has a total of 99 Layers. Over the long years, it has reached the “90th Steps aptitude genius” of the 5th Layer. They are all famous, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. “Breaking through the 90th 3 … Pulling your finger, you can’t find a hand.”

“hua la la.”

94th halo condensed.

shaking Heaven and Earth, shaking people’s hearts.

a Divine Pagoda beam of light, shattered the Vault of Heaven Great Desolate, the pillar into the vast universe starry sky.

“Xiu! Xiu!” At the same time, 3 silhouettes arrived at the same time.

3 man, 2 middle-aged, an old man.

2 middle-aged man, that is all the dragon robe crown, the most indescribable, most Highest and most Holy, eyes swarming Heaven and Earth, a person of high grace! “In the words of the old man, it is calm as water and high as a moutain, white hair ruddy complexion, and it is also very plain to wear, a sackcloth long robe.”

“Hey! Hey!”

Three Great Super Dynasty Monarchs!

“Great Bright Dynasty! Great Saint Dynasty! Great Thousand Dynasty!”

The old man is the Country Lord of the Great Thousand Dynasty.

That 2 middle-aged man, one is the Great Bright Dynasty Country Lord, the other is the Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord …

“Tsk tsk ~~ It seems that our Layer 2 Domain gave birth to a monster genius who has heaven and earth under one’s control.” A beard, a particularly striking Great Bright Dynasty Country Lord, said strangely: “Just don’t know, this The genius inside the tower is divine, the influence figure, if it’s … the first-class, Middle Dynasty person, you can draw in, if it is another 2 Super Dynasty figure, it is worrying. “

Great Thousand Dynasty Country Lord ,senile ,抚须而笑:“无妨,不管怎么样,对咱们Layer 2 Domain 是好事情。”

“怕是只有您Senior ,才会这么心宽吧。”Great Saint Dynasty 的Country Lord ,eccentric said: “10000 一是另外2 Super Dynasty 的天才,用不了十年8 载!Layer 2 Domain 上,要一家独大了。”

95th 光环,凝聚失败。

一道倩影,Time Pagoda 内走出。


Qin Tian 舒了口气:“Little Girl ,表现的很好!放心,少不了奖励。”

“嗯,Big Brother 说话算话。”Little Girl 嗓音聆听,抚慰人心。

一头粉红long hair ,脸蛋妖媚peerless ,elegant manner 旷古无双,真是世间第一extraordinarily beautiful women 。

Three Great Super Dynasty Monarchs ,脸庞抽搐,愕然呆滞:“这……这就是rush through pagoda 94th Layer 的人物?”

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