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Time Pagoda 1st Layer.

Look at the Crystal Puppet in an imposing manner.

Qin Tian motionless as mountain, the palm is lost to the back.

“Hong long!” Before reaching the goal, Crystal Puppet’s raised arm slapped down, showing a tendency of earth shattering.

“Primal Chaos Super Shinra Tensei.”

Not panicking, Qin Tian Eyes Power encouraged, and a record of Eyes Power was released.

“Ka cha.” Crystal Puppet was shocked by the horrible Shinra Tensei, and the “rustling sound” shattered.

Qin Tian can see at a glance that this Crystal Puppet is very similar to the usual “1st Revolution Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm level” cultivator.

In other words, at the moment, I am also a “1st Revolution Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm” cultivation base.

Anyway, Divine Mansion Realm cultivator, in front of him, is weak to withstand a single blow.

“Bang weng.”

A layer of halo rises outside Time Pagoda, which means Qin Tian passed the “Time Pagoda” 1st Layer.

Then, Qin Tian came to the “Time Pagoda” 2nd Layer, the scene of all around, which is exactly the same as 1st Layer.

“Rush through pagoda people, congratulations on coming to the 2nd Layer.”

At this time, the difficulty you have to face has been increased. Do you want to continue?

2 With the same Crystal Puppet coming out, the strength of aura ranges from “1st Revolution Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm to 2nd Revolution Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm.”

“Hua la, ka cha.”

A note of Kamui Eyes Power sounded.

2 Crystal Puppet broke in front of Qin Tian.

“2nd Layer passed!”

…… 3rd Layer passed! 4th Layer passed!

The difficulty of top 20 Layer, as far as Qin Tian is concerned, is a matter of eyesight.

The outside world, Great Bright Dynasty Country Lord, Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord, looks not very good, looking at the birth of the 20th aura, snort disdainfully: “hmph! How to get past the 20th Layer, it is still a sad ant.”

21st Layer, pass!

22nd Layer, pass!

30th Layer, 40th Layer!

Stunning sounds began to appear: “That brat is not bad, Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm cultivation base, innate talent is so scary, all broke into the 40th Layer.”

… you are, this brat should not be the same as that little girl, let’s be scared.

“I think you are whimsical! Come out with another rush through pagoda 94 Layer score? This is impossible!”

41st Layer.

Expansive space.

41 Crystal Puppet, all “9th Revolution Saint Rank Divine Mansion Realm Peak.”

glare like a tiger watching his prey, surrounded by white clothed youth.

“Interesting.” The palm behind Qin Tian stretched out for the first time: “Source World Four Words Incantation, one, Break!”

Peng peng peng.

A huge and grand, “Break Word Incantation” of Great Desolate broke through the void.

It looks a little vague and hazy, but the “broken” may emanating from Heaven Mansion Realm, Xiao Modao powerhouse, will immediately fly ash and extinguished smoke.

A face-to-face skill, 41 Crystal Puppet, is annihilated.

The crystal slag everywhere, sparkling.

“41st Layer passed! 42nd Layer did not delay Qin Tian’s speed.”

50th Layer, 60th Layer, 70th Layer, 79th Layer.

At 80th Layer, the difficulty increases dramatically!

80 Crystal Puppet, 9th Revolution King Rank Heaven Mansion Realm 99th Step.

“Bang! Hong long!” And these 80 Crystal Puppet, saw the appearance of the target, and directly took the offensive.

within the body Unleash the thin Power of Source, without repulsion, perfect fusion, into a surging forward with great momentum, depression Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth’s ocean torrent.

Ordinary Xiao Modao powerhouse, don’t dare to step forward.

“Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Puni rebounded–” Qin Tian’s flesh palm touched the “Power of Source ocean” light barrier.

Clear and audible broken sound “pa pa” constantly.

The absolutely taboo Rebound Power not only smashed this powerful terrifying Power of Source, but also allowed 80 Crystal Puppet scattered fragments.

80th aura, climbed outside Time Pagoda.

From low to high, 8 10 dazzling auras are superimposed, and the light vomited out is dazzling divine.

to end it here, Great Bright Dynasty Country Lord, Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord, it is hard to look: “This brat’s potential innate talent, battle strength level, how can it be so terrifying horror …”

Being able to rush through pagoda 8 10 Layer at Time Pagoda, he already has the potential qualification to threaten Super Dynasty.

Great Thousand Dynasty Old Country Lord, with a big smile on his face: “hehe, old man looks at people, it has always been wrong, but the elegant manner of this brat is still beyond my imagination.”

“Abnormal!” Tuoba Wu spat.

“Who scolds ~~” Little Girl pinched her waist and glared at the former.

Let me express my inner surprise. Isn’t it OK? Tuoba Wu wants to cry but doesn’t have tears.

81st Layer, customs clearance.

82nd Layer, customs clearance.

89th Layer, customs clearance.

… Would you like to play like this, what is going on today?

First a blood-haired young man who broke into the “Time Pagoda” 90th Layer.

Then came the little girl, who broke an indelible record in one fell swoop, rush through pagoda 94th Layer.

Now … now a brat of Divine Mansion Realm cultivation base has popped up, soaring all the way to “90th Layer”.

This child can’t stay!

Great Bright Dynasty Country Lord, to Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord said with a sound transmission: “You have also seen that this brat is actually a Great Monster genius. I think when he gets his shot, I will find a chance to suppress the suppression as well! “

“It makes sense.” Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord agreed: “Before we bullied this brat and wanted to kill him! He has more or less hatred in his heart. This kind of hatred will become stronger after he becomes stronger in the future. Come and settle accounts with us in the autumn. “

The lens is pulled back to “Time Pagoda” 90th Layer.

There are 90 Crystal Puppets, one is not much, one is not much.

Every Crystal Puppet’s cultivation base Realm is 9th Revolution King Rank Dao Mansion Realm cultivation base.

There is also a carving rune in hand, unlike Divor Armament weapon of Mortal Grade, blade, sword, rod, stick, everything that should be here is here.

“Roar roar!” The storm rolled up, swallowing heaven covering sun.

90 Crystal Puppets bombarded this target.

“Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Tsuppari Pad Ho.” While releasing the “Stage 8 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan” Eyes Power, Qin Tian raised his palm and compressed within the body energy, and all available energy substances, “these The energy substance was transformed into a bright red drop, the violent explosion of Pad Ho, Sweeping Away All Directions, was unstoppable. “

Ka cha.

Dong dong dong.

No 5 minutes skill, 90 Crystal Puppets, died out.

… passed! Today, the third “3th Steps aptitude genius” was born.

Is there a problem with the difficulty of “Time Pagoda”?

go fuck yourself, this Time Pagoda has been standing for myriad years, and there has never been a problem. If you do n’t believe it, bet?

The restlessness clamored in front of Time Pagoda.

Little Girl’s face is brilliant and her smile blooms: “Big Brother is amazing, Big Brother cheer.”

Princess Xianxian Mu Ran nodded: “You two, scare the dead to death.”

“I’m not scary.” Little Girl defended.

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