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focal point of ten thousands.

White clothed youth fell on the head of a city wall with 1000 sores and 100 holes.

Heavenly Music Dynasty Country Lord, expression excited: “Okay! It seems that you have gone to Myriad Years Continent this time and gained a lot, really entered the Domain Mansion Realm …”

A horror beyond imagination, within 2 months, from Divine Mansion Realm cultivation base to “Domain Mansion Realm”.

With such a cultivation breakthrough speed, can I ask “Layer 2 Domain Heaven and Earth” to find 2nd people?

… In the sky, Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, his face is ugly and cold, and murderous aura is tumbling: “Middle Rank Domain Mansion Realm Peak, or Divine Mansion Realm, there is no difference to” I “! Monster, come out and die, kill me. Crown Prince, do n’t chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades myself, it ’s hard to understand my hatred. “



Qin Tian rolled his eyes: “Great Bright Dynasty, Great Saint Dynasty Country Lord, 2 people said kill if they killed, but are they afraid of a Middle Dynasty Country Lord?”

hiss! hiss!

Bold, he dare to insult the Great Celestial Dynasty Country Lord.

The silhouette of countless is awe-inspiring.

“Qin Heaven, Great Celestial Dynasty Country Lord, is Saint Grade Domain Mansion Realm cultivation base … I know you battle strength connecting the heavens and penetrating the earth, but …”

Heavenly Music Dynasty Country Lord did not finish, Princess Xianxian smiled and said, said: “Imperial Father, you have your eyes wide open and take a good look, do n’t say a Great Celestial Dynasty Country Lord, Layer 2 Domain Heaven and Earth, there is no one anymore Is the rival of Young Master Qin Tian. “

Nearly blind worship and trust, Heavenly Music Dynasty Country Lord wondered: “What did they go to Myriad Years Continent on this trip?”


Qin Tian came to the sky and stood up against the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor: “1st Revolution Basic Rank Saint Grade Domain Mansion Realm? Can’t get into my eyes!”

“brat is crazy!”

Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor hair stands up in anger, with a wave of arms, the huge and violent Power of Source rises.

“Hong long long.” The vast scale of Power of Source torrent is unstoppable and destructively rushes forward.

Spirit Grade Domain Mansion Realm powerhouse Before this power offensive, I was afraid that my bones would die instantly and die.

“Stage 9 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan to open.” Qin Tian drummed up Eyes Power and issued Pupil Technique: “Primal Chaos Shinra Tensei! Primal Chaos Chibaku Tensei!”

Ka cha.

Dong dong dong.

Overbearing the extreme Shinra Tensei, like a Great Desolate that was released from its cage.

Chibaku Tensei is a covering heaven concealing sun, an infinitely magnificent meteorite.

“Two kinds of Eyes Power’s cutting edge, the Power of Source issued by the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor will be shredded and annihilated in one face.”

…how is this possible.

Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, expression dynamic, unbelievable: “Middle Rank Domain Mansion Realm only, how can I withstand the blow of” I “?”

Even if “I” didn’t do his best, he should also be flying ash and extinguished smoke.

“Source World, Four Words Incantation, First” Break “!”

“Source World, Four Words Incantation, Second” Extinguish “!”

“Source World, Four Words Incantation, Third” Death “!”

Essence, Qi, and Spirit roared and radiated together.

Qin Tian showed 3 “Incantation” word trace in front of him.

Each word trace has several hundred meters which are huge and radiate out the waves completely different.

For example, which “Death Word” has corrosive all living creatures, bringing the formidable power of pure strong death

There is also “Break Word”, which can break everything that is blocking the front, Heaven and Earth and Universe, star, sun and moon, flesh and soul.

In the end, which “Extinguish Word” is extremely overbearing, just like a bomb, destroying Eight Desolates 4 together, clear Heaven and Earth.

hu chi.

next moment, 3 “Incantation word trace” flew forward.

Scalp tingling, Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, expression awe-inspiring: “3 Source World Incantation, actually gave him a sense of threat!”


monster! Don’t kill you, scourge.

Shout loudly, Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, a hand full of dragon scales, and a long spear with Divine Dragon pattern jumped out.

“dong dong dong !”

Spear stabbed out, the 1000 meters spear glow that was severely destroyed, and the strikes resolutely fell on “3 Incantation word trace”.

Ding! Ding!

“Notice to the host” to open Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 60,000 Times battle strength power

“Notice to the host” to open Stage 9 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 70,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Undefeated War Dragon Bloodline

congratulations to the host for opening Merged Hollow Form

congratulations to the host for opening Ten Tails Jinchuriki Form

“Congratulations to the host” wear Pegasus Cloth, greatly improve battle strength, and gain Pegasus Meteor Fist skills

The distinguished golden long hair, the perfect Wuxi Holy Cloth Armor, and the 9 black Truth Seeking Ball floating behind his head.

The Hollow Mask worn on the face, this kind of meteorological appearance, Qin Tian himself is also a bit dumbfounded: “hehe … is really powerful.”

I can feel how terrifying the taboo within the body flowing power.

Domain Mansion Realm also has Spirit Grade Domain Mansion Realm, Profound Grade Domain Mansion Realm, Heaven Grade Domain Mansion Realm, King Grade Domain Mansion Realm, and then Saint Grade Domain Mansion Realm.

My “Middle Rank Domain Mansion Realm” cultivation, and the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor “worlds apart”, but take all on one throw, without “Time Pagoda”, there is still a chance to kill him.

“Bang! Bang!” 3 Source World Incantation word trace has been crushed by the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, “If he knows Qin Tian’s thoughts and thoughts at this moment, he doesn’t know what kind of expression will appear.”


bloodthirsty evil smile, Holin Mask outside Qin Tian’s face, a bit of bright red dripping violent energy appeared in the center of 2 horns.

Then, this force turned into a hole that penetrated Nine Heavens and destroyed the impact beam of Ten Earths.

“No good.” The Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor didn’t dare to take it lightly, and the dragon-shaped long spear thrust out.

Boom! hong long.

Although the “Cero” was blocked, the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor was also a fingers numb, and his arm was in pain.

“Ten Tails, Tailed Beast Ball.” After a wave of unresolved waves, Qin Tian emerged cruel and untamed, annihilation essence quality energy.

The endless energy of destruction is compressed into a big piece of hiding the sky and covering the earth, similar to the Tailed Beast Ball Energy Ball like a meteorite!


What are the tricks! Source Marital Arts?

Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor Itchy tooth root, so grasped and occupied by a “Middle Rank Domain Mansion Realm” ants, pressed himself to fight, really suffocated to the extreme.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

Heaven and Earth locked in an instant, Ten Tails Beast Ball pressed on the target.

The body of the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor was driven deep into the ground.

A storm blew up and spread 10,000 li.

After the ups and downs had subsided, but there was a deep and unmeasurable pit with a diameter of 1000 meters on the earth.

The black lacquered Tiankeng cave is like a giant beast bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Suddenly, the Great Celestial Dynasty Emperor, with his shawl and bruises all over his body, flew out from the lower end of the pit, his eyes were red and doubtful, and he wanted to eat people: “no! Not like this … how can you be attacked suddenly? Got me? “

In 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique, you can’t move, Ten Tails Beast Ball can certainly hit you ~

Under Hollow Mask, Qin Tian speaks to himself.

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