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Source World, Layer 4 Domain Heaven and Earth.

It is a well-known miracle. On Source Spirit Mountain, there is an uproar and enduring endlessness: “… a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again Great Monster who have heaven and earth under one’s control. “

That brat, with no access to Giant Realm’s cultivation base, forcibly walked to the top of “Source Spirit Mountain”?

Incredible! Taboo beyond imagination!

Jiang Yue’er, who has always been proud and did not lose to others, stood on the 920th stone step platform stunnedly, biting his lips unwillingly, muttering said: “abnormal! I can’t walk today, but future day, I will definitely reach the top of Source Spirit Mountain. “


Looking at the top of Source Spirit Mountain, Qin Tian, ​​white clothed and chic, weak scholar, with a wicked smile in his mouth, standing there with his hand on his shoulder, and said to himself.

“The body of Source Sovereign, good fortune is endless. It can be refined, but it is a great opportunity … It is also a crucial help for my cultivation base.”


Qin Tian shook his head.

“You don’t want a chance to be in front of you, what’s the sigh and sigh?” Queen Shen Fei, anger can’t be suppressed.

“Want me to refine the” Source Sovereign corpse “, then you have to tell me, what crafty plots and machinations do you have.” Qin Tian faint smile: “It’s better not to say it innocently. Miss this opportunity. “

you! Queen Shen Fei is helpless: “Listen! Source Sovereign is the strongest Realm of Source World. It is starting to break the source and control Divine Power. Even if there is only a trace of Divinity, if I can absorb it when you refine the” Source Sovereign Corpse ” within the body, this God can also recover a little formidable power. “

Tsk tsk.

Really terrifying, fortunately I didn’t refine “Source Sovereign Corpse.”

Qin Tian is glad: “You have recovered your strength, I am afraid the first thing is to slap me to death.”

“Stupid! It’s stupid … you’re a shameful brat.” You can’t start to punish this child personally. Queen Shen Fei was furious and couldn’t care about God’s majesty. She directly yelled and shouted: “This God is badly hurt, how can it absorb a trace of Divinity Then you can restore Perfection! In addition, this God will not kill you. Although I do n’t like your Human Race, I have to admit that it ’s too cheap to kill you. “

“Cough cough.” Qin Tian cleared his throat: “You … you and I are a rope grasshopper, if one prospers, all prospers if one suffers, all suffers, I hope you don’t fooling me.” Source Sovereign’s The body, Qin Tian didn’t want to see the ghost.

Realizing that the youth is tempted, Queen Shen Fei happily rejoices: “en! Ann ~~ how can this God be willing to kill you? It ’s too late to hurt you, go quickly, refine a” Source Sovereign corpse “, you Will get unimaginable benefits. “

To shut up!

I am not a 3 year old child.

Can’t stand the tone of Queen Shen Fei, Qin Tian hit a shivered, with rapt attention locked aura, his figure became a bright light, and sneaked into Source Spirit Mountain.

When I came to “Source Spirit Mountain”, I felt that the overwhelming pressure of Sovereign, the explosion of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

There really is a “most Highest and most Holy” Source Sovereign, perched and sleeping here. ,

Stage 9 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan continues to run, Qin Tian gritted his teeth, resisting the pressure of the multiplied Sovereign Might.

After a while, I saw a corpse: “I was still a woman, she was lying there quietly, her hands crossed on her waist, her skin was white tender, 5 Guan Qingcheng, her eyes closed, with the body without Life Aura , But that high-ranking spirit, Eternal Immortal! Years cannot be corroded. “

Swallowing and spitting foam, Qin Tian boldly moved closer: “Not to mention others, this is Source Sovereign of genuine!”

Who is daring to blaspheme?

Queen Shen Fei’s voice sounded: “Source Sovereign’s body is sheltered by Source Sovereign Aura enforcement, you can’t refine it! Put your palm on her and I will help you.”

Believe you, 1000 1000 absolutely do n’t play tricks, or “perish together, burn both jade and stone.”

After Qin Tian warned, he granted a ceremony and the right hand was lifted and placed on the woman’s snow-white forehead.

“Instantly, a ray of extraordinary blaze, aloof and remote, surpassed the golden flowing light of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, surging outside the youth.”

Hua la la.

The golden divine light slowly followed the palm of Qin Tian and descended on “Source Sovereign woman’s body.”

Naked eye’s visible speed, Source Sovereign woman’s body, melted like a snow in spring and spring, and became a mass of divine energy.

“Hiss!” Feeling the boundless energy of this divine, Qin Tian’s eyes turned green: “Good! Good.”

But the scene of the next moment deeply stimulated Qin Tian.

The “Source Sovereign energy” that is close at hand is taken away by more than 90% by a force convergence.

“Comfortable! It’s too happy.” Queen Shen Fei’s intoxicating joy: “brat! Hehe … the rest of the energy is yours.”

I, I killed you!

You get me out!

Qin Tian thunderbolt swims in his forehead: “You … have you agreed with me, you will absorb Source Sovereign energy! Also take 90% in one breath!”

“First, it’s not me. You don’t know that there is a Source Sovereign corpse! 2nd, without me, you can refine this Source Sovereign corpse.” Queen Shen Fei is straightforward and confident: “Why? I still think” leftover leftovers ” “No good to eat? Then don’t ask for it, the remaining Sovereign energy is also absorbed by this God.”

“Hu chi.”

Qin Tian opened his mouth wide and sucked the remaining Source Sovereign energy into his stomach: “Queen Shen Fei! You are waiting.”

“Well, this God is waiting for that day, to see if you are respectful, creeping on your knees and calling me Sir Queen!”

Or you stand upright, save to save one’s face and suffer alive, being slapped by this God. “Queen Shen Fei is full of abuses.”

There is no 2 kinds of probability!

With his fists clenched, Qin Tian’s belly sullied: “I will torture you inhuman again!”

… dismissal of miscellaneous thoughts, to return to the truth: “The remaining 10% of the Source Sovereign energy, it can also be said to be magnificent.”

Being exposed to this energy, Qin Tian was immersed in it and slowly digested: “One month, 2 months, 3 months …”

Outside, clouds rise and wind rushes forth, things on Source Spirit Mountain spread like wildfire, sensation Layer 4 Domain Heaven and Earth.

A lot of powerhouses are rushing to see the “Eternal Monster” elegant manner.

Jiang Yue’er greeted Little Girl to retreat from Source Spirit Mountain and stood in front of the mountain, waiting for the man to come down from the top of the mountain.

“Yue’er ……” is Jiang Yang, and his father Jiang Clan Patriarch.

“Hmph!” Jiang Yue’er frowned, “Patriarch! Soon after I left Jiang Clan, I was chased by a person, that guy … is an Elder from my Jiang family, Patriarch can know who?”

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