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In the depths of Demon God Valley, there was a dead, quiet terrifying.

Let Qin Tian think back to the ghost island that came across “Queen Shen Fei”, how familiar … how familiar, did God like to make Yin Yin dense like this?

Soon, a tomb manor appeared in front.

With cold hands and feet, Qin Tian was horrified: “This tomb manor covering an area of ​​10000 hectares is empty, dark, and desolate, with unobstructed views.”

There is no tomb, but only the central place where a broken altar is set up.

“Da da.” Straightened his waist plate, holding his breath, the moment Qin Tian walked into the tomb manor, he clearly felt that there was a force behind the cover, blocking his way out.

Hua la la.

The countless gloomy Ghost Fire, extruded from the void, lit the dark cemetery.

Instead of adding light, it is even more terrifying and taboo.

“There is” Queen Shen Fei “here, she dare to pit me! Then die! I don’t believe, she is a Source God, willing to go to Yellow Springs with my brat.” Qin Tian swallowed, murmured, step by step Approach the altar in the distance.

jie jie jie.

“Bold brat, this God has been waiting for you for most of the day.”

The broken altar roared loudly, and came out of a silhouette.

He is a man, skinny, with 2 holes in his eyes and aura faintly discernible at the tip of his nose.

Like a dead man, but he really stood there.

4 Eyes are facing each other, Qin Tian’s eyes are black, almost passed out, but fortunately, forcibly supported.

“Haha! Good! What a genius!” Demon Race God long roar piercing: “High Grade Giant Realm, Exceeding rank kill Super Grade Giant Realm! You put it in our Demon Race, it can also be said that it is a peerless.”

Qin Tian pretended to be worried and suspicious: “Demon Race? Are you a Demon Race monster? Where is this place, no, I want to go quickly!”

“Hehe! Come here, without the permission of this God, where are you going?” Demon Race God is very satisfied with the fear of youth: “Mortal, let you be shocked only colorful, Eternal peerless, in front of God, you Of the backbone is not worth mentioning! “

“What are you going to do.” Qin Tian stepped back.

“After you came to Demon God Valley, you used a healing method to restore yourself to the beginning, right.” Demon Race God was asked.

Good guy, I said that when I came to Demon God Valley, there was a pair of eyes staring at me like a horror, which is really good.

Qin Tian snapped: “That’s the Secret Law I got in a secret storehouse. It has always been my biggest secret, and it has the effect of rise from the dead.”

Big talk!

What kind of Secret Law can rise from the dead? “Demon Race God is dubious.”

“Tell him, it’s the Life Technique remnant chapter.” Queen Shen Fei said with a sound transmission.

Qin Tian didn’t think much, and touched the back of his head, as if recalling: “Yes … it seems to be a Life Technique, but unfortunately it is incomplete.”

hiss! hiss!

Demon Race God shocked: “You … you say it again, what’s the name of Secret Law?”

“Life Technique, how? You know?” Qin Tian was blank.

“Uh ha ha ha! Known as one of the Strongest Goddess, Life Goddess of Eternal Glory, has a reversal of Yin-Yang, Rise From The Dead Technique! Do n’t want his Secret Law, it will spread to the little Layer 4 Domain Heaven and Earth, it seems to be a coincidence? Or heaven feel good, want this God to see the sun again! “Demon God to be wild with joy:” brat, use your “Life Technique remnant chapter” to treat this God immediately. “

Don’t you call yourself “God”?

God aloof and remote, still use me for treatment? Besides, using that “Life Technique” is very costly, and I won’t use it as as a last resort, things have reached a dead end. “Qin Tian turned around and said seriously.”

“Hmph! You just need to obey the command of this God! Dare to rebel, I will let you divine soul entirely extinguished.” Demon Race God coldly snorted, heaven falls and earth rends, waist like ghosts and howl like wolves.

It’s really scary, Qin Tian tried to pretend to be scared, and sat on the ground: “You … don’t scare me, I don’t think you are a good person, I saved you, and you killed me.”

“Amenable to coaxing but not coercion ah, this child still has to use it, can’t scare him.” Depressed the anger, Demon Race God laughed ugly and stiff, bewitched said: “little fellow, do you want to break through to Supreme Realm? Divine Astral Realm? Yang God Realm? Even rank among God! “


Qin Tian’s heart moved: “It’s better to blackmail the benefits first and weaken this Demon Race God.”

After having an idea, Qin Tian pats got dust on his body and got up on the ground, saying: “You help me hit Supreme Realm first, then I use” Life Technique “to heal you.”

“Shameful! The mortal seeking God’s gift has always been a five-faced tribute …” Demon Race God gnashing teeth: “This God swears, you use Life Technique to save me, I will definitely give you Great Good Fortune, now No! Now this God is still very weak, and I ca n’t give it to you. “

“You fooled a 3-year-old kid.” Qin Tian shook his head: “I don’t believe it! You can kill me, and I’m out! I must benefit first.”

Queen Shen Fei, secretly sneered: “The brat who is so respectless of the law and of natural morality, I saw it for the first time, repeatedly collided with this God, that’s all, and smashed this Demon Race God’s teeth into my stomach, haha. “

“Good! Good!” First pay a little price, you can get “Life Technique” treatment, and then slowly recover, leaving this ghost place, Demon Race God intends to bleed: “You brat come, I will give you a ray of Power of God . “


Qin Tian is excited: “God, even if it’s just a little bit, will benefit me a lot for this day and age.”

“Hu.” Demon Race God scratched his finger and a drop of dark red dark red blood flew into the young man’s eyebrows.

Demon Race God who has lost this drop of demon blood, which spot of blood on his face is completely gone, weak to an unprecedented stage.

“Hmph, this guy really hides evil intentions.” Queen Shen Fei scolded said: “He demon blood, with his will, when he intends to let you refine, this will will penetrate your heart and soul, and put you in prison. Keep it in your hands. “

“Then what should I do?” Qin Heavenly Fox doubted.

You only care about refining, I will help you solve it. “Queen Shen Fei, a rare gesture of protecting the calf.”

Qin Tian was touched, closed his eyes, extremely focused, and digested the “Divine Power” contained in the demon blood.

Very thin, you can let yourself Divine Soul long cry, as if drunk and stupefied.

“Jie jie jie ~ threatens this God to give you a gift, this is how it will end.” Demon God has felt that his consciousness has successfully lurked in the soul of the other party: “If you want, you can kill this child at any time.”

Queen Shen Fei, wait patiently: “brat did a good job, the Demon Race God who handed over a drop of demon blood was greatly weakened, and he was not 100% sure. Now he really wipes out the other party and devours Divine Power in one fell swoop.”

One is in the light, the other is in the dark, 2 God’s games, the outcome will soon be clear …

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