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Mo Tianyi, who wants to escape, has no time to escape, so “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique” is imprisoned.

Qin Tian’s “Ultimate One Punch” skill arrived on schedule, showing the ultimate fist glow of the explosive brilliance, which seems to be a Demon God giant beast of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of Cholera, which immediately overwhelmed Mo Tianyi’s burial.

Sovereign Descendant, Mo Tianyi, just died, body dies and Dao disappears.

No matter how surprised you are, colorful, all directions, once dead, then nothing.

It’s cruel, but things are impermanent, weak are prey to the strong.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host exceeding rank kill Sovereign Descendant Mo Tianyi

congratulations to the host for receiving 15,000,000,000,000 Primal Chaos EXP rewards

congratulations to the host for receiving 10,000,000,000,000 Primal Chaos Gold Coin Value reward

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 1st Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 1st Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 1st Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 1st Revolution King Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution King Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution King Rank Immortal Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Basic Rank Super Grade Giant Realm 99th Step

Ka cha.

Hollow Mask shattered, one after another Tailed Beast Ball retreated.

A series of Monster System Form capabilities ended, and Qin Tian’s figure landed on the ground.

No noise or noise was heard.

Terrifyingly quiet.

Thousands upon tens of thousands cultivator at the scene, I remember this “heaven shaking battle!”

9th Revolution King Rank Low Grade Giant Realm Sovereign Descendant Mo Tianyi of the 99th Step cultivation base died in the hands of an Immortal Grade Giant Realm.

From now on, Layer 4 Domain Heaven and Earth is regarded as Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and the weather is completely new.

There is no longer “Jiang Yue’er, Mo Tianyi, Baili Tu” 3 big Sovereign Descendant go hand in hand, standing on top of their peers.

A new height is born! Qin Tian became unique and unmatched, taboo unrivaled Heaven’s Proud Overlord!

“Gu lu.” Lady Shui Hua swallowed her mouth straight, her body receding.

“Hehe ~~ Do you want to run?” Jiang Yue’er carrying the Youguang long sword, holding the Little Girl, blocked Lady Shui Hua: “You stop me, don’t let me shoot, want Mo Tianyi to kill After Qin Tian, ​​what was the result? In the battle of May, Qin Tian killed Mo Tianyi. From now on, Qin Tian is the name shakes the whole world. Thanks to you, Lady Shui Hua. “

How can’t hear the girl’s words, Lady Shui Hua smiles bitterly: “Young Lady Yue’er, you don’t want to be irritated, your words are yellow. Your servant is blocking you, it is known that Young Master Qin Tian is powerful, you can definitely beat Mo Tianyi, why would you want Mo Tianyi to kill Young Master Qin Tian. “

“Ha ha ha!” In the distance, on the ruined ground, Qin Tian laughed abdomen: “Yue’er, let her go! Lady Shui Hua, spare your life today, next time you meet me, it won’t be so Let you go easily. “

“Hmph! This Lady can use your forgiveness?” Silently cursed and coldly snorted, Lady Shui Hua strong face laughs: “Young Master Qin Tian, ​​so cherish, heaven is jealous of heroic genius, I am afraid of your future path, How hard is it? “

“Pei pei, crowd’s beak.” Little Girl fragrant cheek bulged.

After Lady Shui Hua left, Qin Tian sat on the ground without moving: “Ultimate One Punch is exhausted, how do you move? The main reason for releasing Lady Shui Hua is also this.”

One hour, two hours, the cultivator hovering here, he refused to disperse.

“Qin Tian, ​​this place should not stay for a long time.” Jiang Yue’er leaned up and said: “Come on, I will walk with you.”

“No, let me carry Big Brother.” Little Girl be eager to have a try and listen to what I mean.

…… While going on, what a system! In a big crowd, I let you go with a Little Girl on my back, I want to shameless?

Qin Tian’s face twitched.

“Pu chi.” Jiang Yue’er covered his mouth and laughed: “Little Girl, got scolded.”

“Big Brother bullies people.” Little Girl grieved and retorted said: “I’ve carried you before.”


Jiang Yue’er was surprised: “Qin Tian, ​​you are too … that, Little Girl is so weak and you can’t help it.”

“That’s the dark wind high, I can’t do it!” Qin Tian explained palely: “In short, I was voluntarily!”

Okay, do n’t say it ’s useless.

Jiang Yue’er put the topic back on track, said: “Mo Tianyi is dead, Mo Family’s powerhouse must be desperately coming. When Mo Family powerhouse is assembled in Returning to Ruins ancient city, you can become a catching a turtle in a jar, there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth myself. “

Sovereign Descendant, great significance! Without Sovereign Descendant, Mo Family is bound to be crazy, at any cost, to eliminate Qin Tian, ​​there is no room for this to be resolved.

“My state is not good. It is also inappropriate to leave Returning to Ruins ancient city directly and enter Returning to Ruins Land.” Qin Tian shook his head: “Take me to a secluded place to adjust interest.”


Returning to Ruins ancient city.

A deserted courtyard, no one cares, today there are 3 more silhouettes.

Jiang Yue’er waved his hand, and the gusty wind cleaned the dusty and fallen yard: “Well, let’s live here first. After you recover, we will leave Returning to Ruins ancient city immediately. One point is more dangerous. “

Qin Tian nodded, sitting on a clean and dust-free ground, restoring interest adjustment.

At the same time, a team of more than 100 people, crossing 10000 waters and 1000 mountains, quickly approached Returning to Ruins ancient city.

The head is a middle-aged man who is not arrogant, has a strong body, four limbs, and has the temperament of the superior.

With a few silhouettes outside the middle-aged man, secretly exchanged: “Ah … Young Master turned out to be … dying in Returning to Ruins ancient city. My hope for the rise of Mo Family is broken.”

Young Master is not only the Sovereign Descendant of my Mo Family, but also the only heir of Patriarch.

This time Patriarch went out in person, then Returning to Ruins ancient city must have set off foul wind and bloody rain.

I do n’t know who killed the Young Master. I think that the younger generation has no one to threaten the teenagers. What kind of influence is 100%. The most suspected is “Jiang Clan, Baili Aristocratic Family.”

Both of them have Sovereign Descendant, a Jiang Yue’er, a Baili Tu …… This naturally does not want me Mo Family also has a Sovereign Descendant and their mention on equal terms.

“Jiang Clan, unlikely! Jiang Clan Patriarch, Young Master, mysterious died, strength great injury, how dare you take such a risk?”

Baili Aristocratic Family? A few Mo Family Elder, the figure shakes.

“What are you whispering about?” Mo Family Patriarch’s voice was hoarse and low, suppressing anger and resentment: “Listen, no matter who killed me, Mo Tianyi, this Patriarch, as long as he dies! Everyone related to him Dying! “

“Young Master died, it is equivalent to breaking the wings of my Mo Family soaring, Patriarch is assured that no matter who the murderer is, he can’t escape the die.” Several Mo Family Elder expressed their opinions one after another.

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