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“hua la la.”

Dark, lingering.

In this depressing Sealed Space, there are bronze bone wings on the back, aura evil and brutal all over the body, 5 officers twisting the vicious young men, shouting said: “You dare to kill my servant, I want you to pay the price of life than death!” He has been suppressed by Great Saint Sumeru for 1000 years. Never seen the daylight, that 11 Basic Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon is the only chance he can escape. Every once in a while, 11 Basic Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, will Help him collect a part of blood essence.

After absorbing these blood essences, he can slowly recover his strength, he is sure, within 100 years, to break the seal!

But … but these, overnight, became the moon reflected in the water, all because of this abominable Human Race!

“Hehe, Hugh wants to be boast shamelessly. I will stand here. Can you touch me?” Before sealing the stone tablet, Qin Tian smiled.

… brat, don’t be too arrogant!

This is no ordinary King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon. His within the body has “aristocracy bloodline.”

Queen Shen Fei’s reminded: “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, whether it is Primal Chaos Blood Demon in the infant period, or King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, status level, one depends on strength, two depends on bloodline. For example, an ordinary King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, in front of an prime period Primal Chaos Blood Demon with aristocracy bloodline, also obediently bowed his head and said. “

“I’m going … Why is there an aristocracy system again?” Qin Tian’s head is big; “Sir Queen, you make it clear.”


I don’t know anything, I want to know everything.

Queen Shen Fei did n’t bother, but she still told Qin Tian, ​​without omission and in detail: “Primer Chaos Blood Demon Race’s aristocracy bloodline is divided into Bronze Level, Silver Level, Gold Level, Legend Level!”

Primal Chaos Blood Demon of Bronze Level, 10,000 li pick one.

Silver Level’s Primal Chaos Blood Demon is even rarer and has a high status.

Gold Level’s Primal Chaos Blood Demon? Within 100000000 10000 Primal Chaos Blood Demon, there may be only one.

When this God was at Source Outer World, he once fought with Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, one of the only 3 Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline, and after 3 days and 3 nights of war, he won the opponent.

“Okay.” Qin Tian with rapt attention locked aura: “I just want to absorb the Dharma energy of Great Saint Sumeru now …”

“I don’t care about this.” Queen Shen Fei said: “You just need to know that it has absorbed the energy of the Great Saint Sumeru Dharma in the sealed stone tablet. This King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon with bronze aristocracy bloodline can definitely escape and put You remove 8 generations, break the corpse into ten thousand pieces. “

You, no matter me?

Qin Tian is depressed.

“Are you going to eat and sleep, but also want me to help you?” Queen Shen Fei was very angry: “I’m still talking about it, I want to surpass myself! When I’m in trouble, the first thing I think of is to let myself help him!”

say no more.

Qin Tian rubbed the temples: “Let me think 3 times.”

… seal, suppression.

Then this King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon must be in a very weak state.

But a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, I want to defeat this person, there must be a strong external force to wish me a hand.

Queen Shen Fei can’t count on … Little Girl, Jiang Yue’er, lack of maturity.

“Wait a minute.” Suddenly, Qin Tian thought of someone: “Great Saint Sumeru!”

Why don’t I contact the Great Saint Sumeru Power of Dharma in the sealed stone tablet.

Since it is a Dharma power of Great Saint Sumeru, that is to say, it contains Will Power of Great Saint Sumeru.

Thinking of this, Qin Pegasus divided his mind and poured it into the “seal stone tablet”.

One minute and one second, lame away.

After 2 3 hours, the seal stone tablet shakes violently, and a fuzzy voice interweaves with Qin Tian’s will.

“You … little fellow, leave quickly, once the demon here escapes … the common people must be poisoned, and blood will flow into the river.”

Senior is Great Saint Sumeru!

Qin Tian was excited and said: “Senior, no matter how sturdy the cage is, cannot lock a tiger and wolf. As long as this Primal Chaos Blood Demon does not die, there is a chance to escape.”

“? You know … Primal Chaos Blood Demon?” Great Saint Sumeru’s will was turbulent.

“I not only know that the seal here is a King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, but also that he flows with Bronze Level aristocracy blood within the body.”

Qin Tian’s tone is solemn: “eliminate demons protect the dao is my cultivator’s responsibility! I want Senior to help me and kill this person to prevent future troubles!”

A big breath.

Great Saint Sumeru said: “King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon in the seal, the strength is also far above you, you are able to kill him by impossible, leave quickly, don’t break into this place.”

“If I don’t have 100% certainty, how can I bother Senior?” Qin Tian flickered: “If Senior doesn’t join forces with me, then Brat can do it alone … It’s also an inadvertent loss to accidentally destroy the seal.


Great Saint Sumeru will anger: “You said, how can this Saint help you?”

“Senior did his utmost to bind the guy’s strength, and let me do the rest.”

Qin Tian’s gaze be eager to have a try, blood all over the body, roaring rushing.

“This … do you think clearly?” Great Saint Sumeru was still hesitating.

“No need to think!” Qin Tian expression was firm.

“Well, I can only tell you that this is very dangerous. Once you are killed by the Primal Chaos Blood Demon, my will will be consumed, and I can no longer maintain the seal here.”

Success or failure is in your hands!

I am not a loser! “Qin Tian’s whole body is full of incomparable confidence and glory.”

… soon, in Dark Space.

Bronze bone wings glow with King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon of blood light, and growl sharply: “Great Saint Sumeru … you, you are crazy!”

This is a ray of will that you used to support the seal here, and now it is inspired, it is equivalent to self-destructive city!

In divine light, Great Saint Sumeru silhouette, faintly discernible, imposing solemn.

In his heyday, divine imposing power rays of light, King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, howling, blood and flesh.

aura fell sharply, King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon gritted his teeth and shouted: “ha ha ha! You can’t kill me, I just need to support your will flying ash and extinguished smoke, you can rush out of the seal, free and unfettered merry. “

“Sorry, you don’t have that chance anymore.” A white clothed, elegant and detached young man appeared beside Great Saint Sumeru.

Qin Tian first moved towards the Great Saint Sumeru cupped the hands that could not clearly see the true face of Lushan Mountain: “Senior keep watch, brat grateful.”

“Ai, as you said, success or failure is in your hands. I only hope you brat, don’t lose too fast.” Great Saint Sumeru, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Are you, the Powerhouse of Source Outer World, so aloof and remote?

Queen Shen Fei, look down on me! Great Saint Sumeru is the Buddhist Senior Monk, also underestimate me?

Qin Tian was angry, and this anger was locked on King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon: “Barking and roaring, see me killing you!”

“Human Race! You are actually embarrassed with Great Saint Sumeru, want to deal with me?”

King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, sneer and sarcasm.

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