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“hong long long !”

The Heaven and Earth with a radius of 10,000 li is covered with devastation, broken and collapsed.

Several 1000 meters huge Source Tree Monster Spirit, ancient torso indestructible, and the body is hung countless vine branches, each vine branch can be said to be either water nor fire can approach, blade chop or ax chop without leaving traces, can Instantly smash the flesh and blood of a Super Grade Supreme Realm powerhouse, or wind and crush it into fine powder blood mist.

To open a series of Monster System Form capabilities, if Qin Tian does not have “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique”, it is also possible to turn peril into safety again and again.

sou! sou!

There is no difference to what Qin Tian expected. When the Source Tree Monster Spirit was born, there was a lot of noise. When attacked, the storm Guanghua was also spectacular. In this way, many cultivators were attracted in no time.

As everyone knows, after the flowers and trees become intelligent, within the body will produce an essence source. This thing, the cultivator has absorbed it, and the benefits are endless.

Therefore, after seeing the horrible taboo “Source Tree Monster Spirit” by ominous might, the cultivator that came over all revealed a greedy expression.

“Roar! Human Race, this King hates Human Race the most!”

Source Tree Monster Spirit, regardless of regardless of the consequences, dancing branches and vines, involved the cultivator present.

… evil creature! you dare!

Over 100 cultivators, thunderous.

More people must be attracted.

Licking the dry lips, Qin Tian brewed his whole body strength, his throat wriggled, and shouted said: “Come here! There is a divine object here!”

After this thunderbolt, the farther the farther, the farther the farther …

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, using Summon Card Item

“Notice to the host” Summon Card Item, Growth Attribute issued below

[Growth Summon Card Item, Ultimate Body Digimon Treasure Divine Angewomon, skill Life Tree Crystal, currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Naruto Akatsuki Member Konan, Skill Dance of the Shikigami Divine Punishment, Paper Clone Jutsu, Paper Shuriken. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story one of the Daoism Three Purities Supreme Taoist, Magic Treasure Eight Trigrams Furnace, skill One Qi Becomes Three Purities. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Moon Palace Fairy Chang’e, Magic Treasure Moon Palace Treasure Sword, skill Chang’e Fly To The Moon, Famous Beauty Sick Heart, Extremely Beautiful Technique. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, One Piece Seven Warlords of the Sea Female Emperor Boa Hancock, Skills Mero Mero Merrow, Prisoner Arrow, Petrify Technique. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Dragon Ball Boss Golden Form King Frieza, skills Golden Energy Ball, Golden Energy Wave, Supernova Destruction Ball. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, weapon Ruyi Golden Cudgel, skill 72 Transformations, Sun Wukong’s Magical Cloud, Fire Eyes Gold Gaze. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Pokemon Pikachu, skill 1,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt. Currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mother of Earth Empress Nuwa, Magic Treasure Five Colored Heaven Mending Stone, Skill Primal Chaos Five Colored Heaven Mending Technique, Primal Chaos Five Colored Sealing Technique, currently growing to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step 】

[Growth Summon Card Item, Naruto Hidden Leaf Village Ninja Hyuuga Hinata …]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Mythological Story Marshal Canopy Zhu Bajie ……]

[Growth Summon Card Item, Great Tang Senior Monk Tang Xuanzang ……]

Everyone’s attention is concentrated on “Source Tree Monster Spirit”, but no one cares about how 12 Monster System Summon Role came out.

Qin Tian sent a little sound transmission to Little Girl and Jiang Yue’er: “You must be careful, don’t rush so hard, play drums on the periphery, and when you are fighting for” Tree Monster Refinement “, I want you to help What. “


2 The girl understands.

“It’s … a tree monster!” There are geniuses on and off, flying in all directions.

No need words, he joined the siege of Tree Monster himself.

Half a day of skill only, the cultivator that besieged “Source Tree Essence” has already reached 3 people.

There is no Giant Realm Level, but it is Divine Astral Realm Stage.

“Hah!” An expression of violent expression, aura’s heyday black clothed youth, a long blade held up, was actually fierce and unparalleled, and cut off the “Source Tree Essence” indestructible rattan.

This person is Yang God Realm.

Qin Tian evaded the offensive of “Source Tree Essence” while secretly observing the more than 4000 cultivators present.

Super Grade Supreme Realm Level, can’t threaten yourself, does the existence of Yang God Realm Level, except for the black clothed youth … there are more than a dozen people.


Outside the torso, a path of scars were added.

Source Tree Essence was furious, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and spit out a source storm.

“Ahhhhhh!” In one breath, 100 Divine Astral Realm Heaven’s Proud died.

“This is the Source Essence, formidable power taboo born with it in the body, everyone, don’t be with its meet force with force! This Tree Monster is huge, we just attack, slowly consume his physical strength, wear out his Life Power, At the end, it will definitely fall. “A clear and intelligent young man, the voice clear sounded.

good idea!

Upon hearing this, several thousand geniuses had a choice and started a war of attrition.

Source Tree Monster Spirit, seeing through the minds of many Human Race cultivator, but what is the use, the matter is here, it is retreat.

The heaven shaking battle lasted one day one night.

During this period, many new-faced geniuses poured into the area.

Until the 3rd day, Qi Flame’s surging Source Tree Essence, but to the point of exhaustion.

The trunk outside the body is densely packed with cracks.

“Cough cough …… Human Race, this King would rather perish with you than want you to succeed.”

Source Tree Monster Spirit roared, taking out the last power and doing a terrible blow.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.” Qin Tian calmly released Secret Law.

……what? Why didn’t the tree spirit move?

A few 1000 geniuses clearly saw the Source Tree Monster Spirit, which was desperately the previous second, this second, completely motionless.

“Don’t be stunned while he is sick.” Qin Tian lowered his voice, shouted.

it is good!

Extremely rare opportunity, back to recover, several thousand geniuses, various exhibitions Divine Ability, Source Profound Truth, flying all over the sky, 1000 tricks.

“Dong! Dong!” Source Tree Monster Spirit’s body makes a big hole.

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