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“After killing, Dual Wings Great Demon Snake, Qin Tian’s mind entered the mysterious and attractive System Store.”

“Click, Anime Small Page”.

“Who made Qin Tian, ​​an anime fan in his last life” System Store, medicine pill, Magic Treasure, Martial Arts Small Page can also speculate, this Anime Page, it must be to stand out from the masses.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, enter the Anime Store, sell items, promulgated as follows

[Devil Fruit series, from One Piece Anime]

[Mera Mera no Mi, price 8,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Moku Moku no Mi, priced at 8,000,000 Gold Coin Value, body transformation smoke, smoke can also be physicalized]

[Goro Goro no Mi, priced at 20,000,000 Gold Coin Value, Body Transformation thunder can be ignored, ignoring physical attacks]

【Hie Hie no Mi , Price 10,000,000 Gold Coin Value】

[All of the above belong to Devil Fruit]

[Phoenix Fruit, with Phoenix Nirvana ability, reborn from the ashes, any attack can be recovered completely, priced at 20,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Human Human Fruit, Body Transformation Great Buddha, release powerful Pad Ho, priced at 20,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[All of the above belong to Ilvilory Beast Devil Fruit]

“Hang up!” Qin Tian For this kind of Devil Fruit that can bring unique super powers after eating the first bite, it is coveted. “But his own gold coin has saved more than 1000 and 10000. It cannot be spent indiscriminately. Is the tip of the iceberg “!

“Ding! Ding”!

[Ninjutsu, Tailed Beast, Naruto series]

[Katon, Grand Fireball Jutsu, CSuper Ninjutsu, priced at 5,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Katon, Grand Fire Dragon Jutsu, BSuper Ninjutsu, priced at 10,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Katon, Phoenix Immortal Fire Jutsu, CSuper Ninjutsu, priced at 7,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Suiton, Water Dragon Jutsu, BSuper Ninjutsu, priced at 10,000,000 Gold Coin Value]

[Suiton, Syrup Trap, CSuper Ninjutsu, priced at 5,000,000 gold coin]

[Doton, Earth Style Wall …]

[Futon, Wind Cut …]

[Raiton, Chidori …]

[Warm reminder, Ninjutsu can expand the formidable power according to the host ’s own power]

“Really, to be dazzled, or Monster System, too BUG”! Qin Tian swallowed a spit and continued to watch.

[Tailed Beast One Tail Shukaku, not for sale]

[Tailed Beast Two Tails ……, not for sale]

【Tailed Beast Nine Tails ……】

“Damn fuck you! Not for sale, then give it back to me and put it in the store to make me look greedy” Qin Tian feels that the system has pitted him once. “Tailed Beast in Naruto, that’s a monster. I can buy one. I’m afraid it can be used as Divine Beast.”

calm down.

“What should I buy?”

Qin Tian pondered for a long time.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, buy Katon, Grand Fireball Jutsu

“Notice to the host” to deduct 5,000,000 Gold Coin Value

【Ding ~, congratulations to the host, comprehend CSuper Ninjutsu, Grand Fireball Jutsu】

“With 5,000,000 gold coins left, it is not enough to buy a Devil Fruit.”

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” Tips, the host can carry lottery great roulette

“Lottery great roulette” rotates once, and has a chance to get a rare item in the System Store, costing 3,000,000 Gold Coin Value

“Notice to the host” lottery great roulette, open from time to time


Qin Tian recalled, “I once had a lottery great roulette, which was rewarded by the system, I got a rare item, Executing Immortal Sword fragment, but that Divine Armament fragment, it took a while to put it.

“Good! Quickly give me lottery”!

“Young Master, I like lottery the most, good luck, I can’t.”

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” to deduct host 3,000,000 gold coin

“Notice to the host” lottery starts, ten chances

“Congratulations to the host” draws 300,000 EXP

“Congratulations to the host” draws 100,000 Gold Coin Value

“Congratulations to the host” draws 310,000 EXP

“Congratulations to the host” …

“My mother”! Qin Tian wants to cry but doesn’t have tears, “Shouldn’t it? I’m not lucky!”

“Ten times great roulette lottery, all EXP, gold coin.”

“Fortunately, several gold coins were drawn, and the remaining 2,000,000 plus 3,000,000 was added.”

“Draw again”?

“This thing is above, sinking deeper and deeper.”

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” to deduct host 3,000,000 Gold Coin Value

“Notice to the host” lottery starts, ten chances

“Congratulations to the host” draws rare Martial Arts, Three Realms Sobbing Blood Technique

“… what, rare Martial Arts”? Qin Tian was shocked “damn, ha ha ha”!

Not to mention below, TM’s are all gold coin, EXP.

[Ding ~, the first chapter of the rare Martial Arts, Three Realms Sobbing Blood Technique, Immortal Technique Level remnant chapter, automatically understood by the host]


Taking a breath, I left the System Store consciously, Qin Tian eyes opened! “A thread on my hands, mysterious mysterious, the red light of the Great Desolate, shuttles and beats!”

“Immortal Technique remnant chapter, Three Realms Sobbing Blood Technique! Cool!”

There is another trump card.

“Let’s put away the body of Dual Wings Great Demon Snake and you can complete it. 3rd Holy Land Advanced Mission”.

“Sou! Sou”!

“The accident happened at this moment, and suddenly came”!

Void let tear, smash and collapse.

Qin Tian brows frowned “really strong in imposing manner, not to mention Divinity Realm 1st Layer Peak”.

“Hu chi”! flying sand running stone.

“3 silhouette, standing in the sky”.

One person in the middle, wearing white long robe, face like crown jade, long hair shawl! “It belongs to him, the most powerful”!

The one on the left is a jasper age, a 17-18 year-old young girl, Nine Disasters Realm 9th Layer Peak.

On the right is a young, eye-catching youth, Nine Disasters Realm 9th Layer Peak.

“Senior Brother Mo Fan, the movement that just started from that battle, is from here.” The girl, like the bird of the Oriole, is crisp and beautiful.


white clothed youth nodded, “Eh … that’s Dual Wings Great Demon Snake”!

“This beast has a dragon horn on his forehead. It is a Dual Wings Great Demon Snake with preliminary Flood Dragon Transformation. Its strength should be comparable to Divinity Realm 1st Layer powerhouse.”

Qin Tian raised his hand, put the body of Dual Wings Great Demon Snake into the space ring, and turned to leave.

“boom”! An attack fell to the ground.

Looked at the big pit on the ground, Qin Tian brows frowned, thrilling killing intent in his eyes, “shot, it was in the sky, Nine Disasters Realm 9th Layer Peak thief eyed youth”.

“Brat, the body of Dual Wings Great Demon Snake of Flood Dragon Transformation, covered with treasure, you are really bold, in front of us, silently, take away”? Guo Yan, shouted “Should you hand it out immediately, or you will be splashed on the spot”.

“Senior Brother ……, it’s a bit too much to do so, or ask him why he is here”, the girl among 3 people, said, “Child, who you are? That Holy Land disciple”?

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