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Monster System Summon Role, after self-destruction, is not to say that it is permanently damaged. After cooling for a period of time, you can still summon out.

Even so, in the past Qin Tian days rarely let Monster System Summon Role self-destruction, after all, it is a partner who fights with himself, not a mechanical puppet … but the situation is special at the moment: “You must use Monster System Summon first Role ’s self-destruction formidable power, and then give the guy a little bit more damage, and then, you can take out Ultimate One Punch and bet on it! “

Bang! Bang!

The horror, the taboo storm beyond imagination, made Yang God Realm black clothed youth like a flat boat in the vast ocean, continually drifting away and vomiting blood in his mouth.

After a full 5 minutes time, the chaotic storm has gradually subsided.

And look at the young man of Yang God Realm black clothed, with bruises all over his body, and the appearance of riddled with scars.

Since participating in “Earth List Great Battle”, he was hit for the first time by this degree.

“Crazy … they are willing to self-destruction for you!” Yang God Realm black clothed young man, wiped the blood from his mouth, and his expression was shocked.

“Ultimate One Punch”

Qin Tian ignored the other party and expressed his thoughts with practical actions.

A punch, a simple punch, evoked Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, and Myriad Realms burst.

Yang God Realm black clothed young man, his eyes enlarged, panic-stricken, can’t believe: “In the previous series of blows, he didn’t feel the danger of death! But Qin Tian’s this fist put him in the death vortex, can’t extricate himself.”

Power of Source within the body gushes, he wants to shape the most powerful defense against this fist.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.” Qin Tian will not give the opponent a chance to defend.

“Bang!” The explosion sound was born, taboo the only Ultimate One Punch, formidable power vividly and thoroughly, vented to the target.

Hua la la.

Bright and charming blood mist blooms.

Yang God Realm black clothed youth’s physique fleshy body, fragmented, no longer exists.

A ray of Remnant Soul, floating out of the depth of the blood mist, escaped to the horizon: “You … you wait! I will not kill you in this life and this world, I will never give up.”

“Scratch!” Qin Tian spat, abdominal slander: “It is still alive! Unfortunately, if I can kill him, I can get a lot of EXP.”

Am I blinded?

Zhuge Long wiped his eyes: “He punched out the guy’s fleshy body? There was only one Remnant Soul left and fled?”

“You don’t have any eyesight, we also saw it.” 12 Yang God Realm genius, different ideas, but complicated eyes, nothing else, jealousy, amazing, admiration and killing thoughts!


After breathing out, Qin Tian used “Ultimate One Punch”, his body was sore and weak, but the more he could not be exposed at this time.

The sight touched 13 Yang God Realm Heaven’s Proud and asked said: “What do you think at this moment?”

One problem, stumped 13 Yang God Realm Heaven’s Proud.

Others asked that’s all, but it was this surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, Eternal invincible heaven defying monster.

For a long time, Zhuge Long said: “Sir Qin Tian, ​​you want everyone to share equally with Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence, which is really fantastic.”

There is no more Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence, and it can’t stand so many people tossing, but well, this Source Tree Monster Spirit body is also extremely rare precious materials, which contains a lot of energy, and neither water nor fire can Approach, indestructible, is a good material for making Divine Armament weapon, but it can evenly divide more than 2000 geniuses present.

…… Alas, this is the end.

2000 geniuses, sighed: “Sir Qin Tian, ​​you don’t need to discuss with them, we just need the corpse of Source Tree Monster Spirit.”

Yes, it’s better than nothing at the end.

Down the donkey, Qin Tian nodded: “Okay, just do it.”

“Look at me.” Zhuge Long released the Power of Source and grabbed a source Essence from Source Tree Monster Spirit within the body.

This group of Source Essence is as big as a straw house, shining brightly, and the rays of light are gorgeous.

It is a form derived from pure and flawless, endless energy essence.

Immediately, Zhuge Long divided the “Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence” into 14 parts on average, and one was sent to Qin Tian.

“let’s go.”

Qin Tian turned around and returned to Little Girl, next to Jiang Yue’er, making a look; “Not supporting me yet … My legs are soft.”

“Oh.” Little Girl, Jiang Yue’er, one left and one right, grabbed the young man’s arm and flew away with the young man in between.


The next day, the Earth List Great Battle space, a hidden forest in the mountains.

Qin Tian of Perfection Recovery, eyes opened: “Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence energy, I and Yue’er split equally, Little Girl, don’t mix it up, will you?”

“OK.” Little Girl nodded.

“Really?” Qin Tian was overjoyed: “You are really sensible this time.”

Source Tree Monster Spirit was taken out, absorbed half of it, and given half to Jiang Yue’er.

From the moment when the energy of Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence is poured into the body, the flesh and blood are boiling, and the soul is cheering excitedly.

That Source Tree Monster will be at least 1000 years old, and it will grow so powerful, and it will take another 1000 years. As a result, the energetic purity of the energy of this Tree Monster essence is so unimaginable.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host absorbs and regenerates the energy of Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Middle Rank Saint Grade Divine Astral Realm 1st Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Middle Rank Saint Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution High Rank Saint Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution King Rank Saint Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Basic Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Middle Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step

Jiang Yue’er then refined “Source Tree Monster Spirit Essence” and grew to 1st Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Divine Astral Realm 99th Step.

“Xiu! Xiu!”

A group of more than 100 people, majestic, swept in from a distance.

The current one, bright clothes magnificent clothes, with a huge figure and a cultivation base that emanates, must be Yang God Realm.

Surrounded by a large group of people behind him, the worst is King Grade Divine Astral Realm.

Yang God Realm youth is from Layer 7 Domain, named Nangong Hu! After the Earth List Great Battle 2nd session began, he attracted a large number of cultivators and became his subordinates.

“Boss Nangong, look at the forest in front, it looks like someone.” A young man with a thief eye, moved towards Nangong Hu reminded.

Go and look at it.

Nangong Hu aloof and remote flew with 100 Divine Astral Realm geniuses.

“Someone is here.” Jiang Yue’er got up and kept vigilant, Qin Tian seemed calm.

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