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Princess Xue Chen’s speed is very fast and surprisingly fast. After Qin Tian to open a series of Monster System Form capabilities, it barely caught up, and it can be seen that Princess Xue Chen has not come up with all the speed, “The only way I can win her advantage is undoubtedly 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

sou! sou!

2 silhouettes, one after the other.

After a while, I reached the deepest part of the wild and endless mountain range.

In front of the cave where 5 fingers were not visible, Princess Golden Chen ’s yellow golden wings behind him converged and resolutely moved up into the cave, saying, “If you do n’t follow up, you will regret it!”

Damn it woman!

Qin Tian stopped in front of the cave, fear and trepidation in the face of a disaster, wandering the heart: “Sir Queen, do you notice anything?”

“Terrified and over-cautious is not your style, hurry in.” In Spirit Space, Queen Shen Fei lazily turned around and said: “If it is as a last resort, I will help you once, the right should be Also give me the kindness you gave me of the Source Great Saint energy. “


I didn’t care about this with you.

If you want, I will also pluck you the moon in the sky.

Qin Tian touched the back of his head and smiled flatteringly.

“The oil cavity is slippery, do you think this God eats this set?” Queen Shen Fei laughed.


The unusually dim cave is deep and unimaginable and leads directly to the underground.

Qin Tian couldn’t see Princess Xue Chen anymore, aimless moved towards.

30 minutes time, to a huge palace created by man.

No one can think of it. Below Savage Mountain, there is such an unknown “palace.”

Princess Xue Chen, standing in front of a purple coffin, slender jade hand, placed on the edge of the purple coffin, said: “What is your name?”

“Is this question meaningful?” Qin Tian wondered.

The origin of the name of this Princess, you are to be very clear about.

I want to know your name, can’t it? “Princess Xue Chen blinked, grievances and grievances, seeing the pity.

“Qin Tian!” Qin Tian turned around and said coldly: “What is this place?”

My place to sleep.

Princess Xue Chen ’s palm touched the edge of the purple coffin, and said: “It was probably more than 1000 years ago, this Princess accidentally hit you in an ambush in Human Race, the soul was seriously damaged, and the flesh and blood body was about to collapse, forced, take Out of this Purple Blood Coffin, sleep in it! Purple Blood Coffin is a Supreme Source Divine Object, a replica of the Undead Coffin, which has such a part of the effect of the Undead Coffin. Lying inside, even serious injuries can be slowly recovered. “

“Supreme Source Divine Object?” Qin Tian remembered: “Seal Queen Shen Fei’s All Heavens Divine Scroll, isn’t it also a Supreme Source Divine Object? Has always been held by Little Girl. Time Pagoda is also a Supreme Source Divine Object, Unfortunately, the fragment is scattered in Layer 2 Domain to 9th Layer. There is exactly a Time Pagoda fragment on my body. When the time comes, I will reshape Time Pagoda! “


“This Princess has been sleeping here for more than 1000 years, and his strength has almost recovered.”

Princess Xue Chen laughed and penetrated people’s hearts. Suddenly, her lovable body was trembling and turned into an elegant and enchanting bloody rays of light.

This flashed with blood color rays of light floats into “Purple Blood Coffin”.


Unprecedented danger of death.

The scalp is numb, as if was struck by lightning.

Not thinking of Queen Shen Fei within the body, Qin Tian may have escaped.

An actress acquaintance, walked out of the Purple Blood Coffin, or Princess Xue Chen, sound and smile, nothing else.

But her power has increased by 1000 Times 10000 times!

“The Princess Xue Chen you met earlier was nothing but the bloodline energy of this Princess.”

Princess Xue Chen said: “But what you are facing is the true body of this Princess! What are you going to do?”


Qin Tian vomited and said: “I’ve been fooled by you. Isn’t I not coming here? You don’t plan to expose your true face?”

true colors? Am I ugly?

Princess Xue Chen black eyebrows pressed tightly; “Do n’t disable to tell good from bad! This Princess made up her mind and accepted you as a servant! You are God reincarnation, you have the cultivation of this Princess, and you are cultivation to Source God Realm again. It ’s not impossible. At that time, it ’s OK for this Princess to marry you. “

I am not God reincarnation!

Qin Tian clenched his fists: “Sir Queen, this Purple Blood Coffin is Supreme source is me, a copy of the immortal coffin. If you get it, is there a Gang Lord for your recovery?”

“Probably there is.” Queen Shen Fei is not sure: “If it is an undead coffin, about a year, I will be back to the beginning.”

Then we join hands to defeat this Princess Xue Chen and steal the Purple Blood Coffin!

Qin Tian expression Stirring.

“Don’t be stupid.” Queen Shen Fei scolded said: “This Princess Xue Chen’s cultivation base is on top of King! It’s still a Golden Aristocracy Bloodline Primal Chaos Blood Demon. Do you want to win … scare her a bit, if you succeed, everything is fine, run away if you fail. “


Sir Queen, are n’t you Source God? You know how to escape? “The pride sent by Qin Tian disappeared instantly.”

“It’s you who ran away, not this God! What’s more, my strength hasn’t recovered much.” Queen Shen Fei said, transmitting a Divine Power to the youth: “Don’t move, I’ll control it first Your body. “


Qin Tian’s mind is relaxed, without any resistance.

… God … Source God Qi.

As if holding everything in your hands, the complacent Princess Xue Chen, the bloody eyes shrink: “You really are God reincarnation!”

“Fool! You are talking!” It was obviously not easy for Queen Shen Fei to transmit Divine Power to young people.

Cough cough.

Clear the scorpion.

Qin Tian expression grave and stern: “Princess Xue Chen, you have 2 roads to go! The first road, hand in Purple Blood Coffin, get out! 2nd road, this God wipes you out!”

Pu chi.

Princess Xue Chen smiled and said, “Do you think this Princess is a fool? You are not Source God yet, just God reincarnation! Even if you desperately mobilize a little Divine Power in the previous life, threatening to get this Princess, it is also an impossible victory over this Princess.”

“It’s over, Sir Queen, you can’t scare this woman.” Qin Tian’s back spine burst out of virtual sweat: “Do you want to retreat?”

God, Supreme, Divine Power, can also slaughter 10000 1000 King.

Can’t you see that Princess Xue Chen is pretending? “Queen Shen Fei hate iron for not becoming steel shouted.”

… count me wrong.

Qin Tian took a straight posture: “Even if you are a Princess of Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, defying God is also a dead end!”


Princess Xue Chen’s eyes flickered and held her breath, moved towards the front, cautiously, and walked on like a thin ice; “She doesn’t believe it! God Reincarnator, can innate talent unparalleled, unhindered same rank, but I haven’t heard of that God reincarnation really You can mobilize Divine Power! You feel that Qin Tian is surrounded by Outer God, it must be disguised by this guy! “

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