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Inside the ancient great hall.

Tranquilly ethereal, skin as snow, beautiful and quiet Dongfang Xi, put away the Source Magic Treasure picture scroll hanging on the crystal wall, said: “This is only the outer hall, the chance of being placed in the inner hall, there will be more.”

“Just without any twists and turns, my heart is not at ease.” Qin Tian touched the back of his head: “The opportunity I encountered before must be accompanied by a crisis, just like light and darkness, where there is light, there must be shadow . “


Dongfang Xi smiled and did not speak, and went deep into the great hall.

Qin Tian took Little Girl ’s slender hand and followed behind; “It ’s not that I ’m preparing for Dongfang Xi to explore, but that this woman ’s cultivation base is high and deep. If it ’s dangerous, let her be at the front and it ’s a reasonable choice. Therefore, it is not that there is nothing to say, or that this woman has an unimaginable, confusing, obedient and respectful to herself. “


A few items, inside the great hall.

A barrier running mysterious lines rune upright.

Dongfang Xi black eyebrow Shallow coagulation, a wave of jade hand, seemingly ordinary and mediocre, can evoke a wave of light, enough to instant kill a large swath of ordinary Sweeping Heaven Realm cultivator.

weng weng weng.

formidable power matches the extreme “brilliance”, slamming on the rune barrier, Ding Dianbo waves did not set off.

“It’s tricky.” Dongfang Xi’s voice was solemn and said: “This barrier, even if I am spare no effort, can’t be broken.”

“Sir Queen, what do you think?” Qin Tian asked asked privately.

“This barrier is at Ordinary Level, but the mysterious thing is that the rune engraved on it is Nine Palace Chart.”

Queen Shen Fei, explained said: “Look, this densely packed rune is connected in a line to form the 9th house. As long as you find a weak spot, even if you are just a mortal child with no power, you can also with no difficulty It ’s very interesting to break apart. The Nine Palace Chart technique is a very old method of Source Great World. The person who left this Nine Palace Chart barrier is probably a Source Sage. “


Qin Tian laughed after listening to Queen Shen Fei’s narration.

“Smelly Brat, you have brain issues, what a silly smile?” Queen Shen Fei wondered.

I’m just thinking, Sir Queen is so beautiful and knows so much, there can be a wife like you, and it’s worth living forever.

Qin Tian turned around and said seriously.

“You!” Queen Shen Fei was angry and entangled again, suppressing her anger, neither cold nor cold said: “Don’t fool me with rhetoric, do you think I am a 3-year-old child? Or that Jiang Yue’er, this Little Girl? “

“No … how did you get involved with Little Girl, Jiang Yue’er.”

Qin Tian wants to cry but doesn’t have tears: “Sir Queen, you have been staying with me within the body, could it be unable to see, I treat Little Girl just like own younger sister, to Jiang Yue’er, That’s just taking a friend. “

“Okay, this God dignified Source God, to tell you this kind of child-loving thing, it’s ridiculous.” Queen Shen Fei can’t bear it: “This Nine Palace Chart, makes nothing great, you listen to my instructions, You can break this Nine Palace Chart in less than 5 minutes skill. “


Qin Tian cracked the mouth and laughed: “Young Lady Dongfang, my cultivation base is not as good as you, but I always like to study the technique of Strange Sects, the method of the unorthodox way, the rune flowing on this barrier, the resembles nature itself, and it seems to form a pair of Nine. Palace Chart, please ask Young Lady Dongfang for a while, I can definitely break this barrier and let us enter the inner palace. “


Young Master still has such a skill?

Dongfang Xi is a conversant with things past and present, but “Nine Palace Chart”, she has never heard of it.

In the ancient scroll of Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion’s 10000 1000 collection, there is no relevant information.

“Okay, it’s not too late.” Qin Tian pretended to walk to the Nine Palace Chart.

Queen Shen Fei’s reminded, followed by: “Break the top right corner, the edge of the rune, be quick!”

“Rank 2 Tenseigan to open.” Qin Tian released Eyes Power: “Shatter!”

Eyes Power, you can hit the target instantly, ignoring space and distance.

The Nine Palace Chart rune, ka cha, which was hit by Rank 2 Tenseigan Eyes Power, became fine powder.

weng weng weng.

It was originally closely linked with one another, flawless, and now suddenly lost a rune, as if it was a river dam, with an extra hole, suddenly looking dark and light.

“It really works.” Dongfang Xi looked at the white clothed youth incredulously.

Ka cha !

Ka cha !

With the guidance of Queen Shen Fei, Qin Tian has successively destroyed several Nine Palace Chart rune.

Soon, unbreakable, the mysterious bright Nine Palace Chart barrier is all split up and in pieces, disappeared.


Without the Nine Palace Chart barrier, Qin Tian, ​​Little Girl, Dongfang Xi and 3 people entered the inner hall unhindered all the way.

rare treasures, dazzling.

High Grade Source Crystal, more than 100 100000000.

Source Divine Armament Magic Treasure is divided into Yellow Grade 9th Revolution, Profound Grade 9th Revolution, Earth Grade 9th Revolution, Heaven Grade 9th Revolution.

The Yellow Grade Source Divine Armament Magic Treasure alone, there are 100 pieces at a glance.

There are dozens of Profound Grade Source Magic Treasure.

“His.” Even Dongfang Xi, who is still like water, is started: “Heaven … really, is it rich?”

ha ha ha.

Young Lady Dongfang is right, we are rich.

Qin Tian was excited for a moment, subconsciously extend the hand, pats Dongfang Xi fragrant shoulder.

This action was replaced by others, Dongfang Xi had already slap him, but in Qin Tian’s words, she could only be shy and drooling, shell teeth and lips said: “Young Master …… please take care of yourself.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, sorry.” Qin Tian rapidly retreats a few steps: “That, Young Lady Dongfang … We are back to business, High Grade Source Crystal here, Source Magic Treasure, evenly divided?”

of course.

Dongfang Xi small head lightly nods.

10,000,000,000 or more High Grade Source Crystal, Qin Tian and Dongfang Xi, took half of it.

Adding the 1,500,000,000 High Grade Source Crystal that was originally obtained in Yin-Yang Great Saint treasure, Qin Tian has nearly 7,000,000,000 High Grade Source Crystal.

“Young Master.” Dongfang Xi reminded: “A 1st Revolution Yellow Grade Source Divine Armament, at least 400,000,000 to 500,000,000 High Grade Source Crystal can be sold, and here in addition to more than 100 Yellow Grade Source Crystal, quality even, there are There are more than a dozen Profound Grade Source Crystals, each of which can be worth 100 100000000 High Grade Source Crystal, it seems that we can go together with the Source Auction not long ago to open. “

“Source Auction?” Qin Heavenly Fox doubted: “I haven’t heard of it.”

Young Master didn’t even know?

Dongfang Xi said: “It seems that Young Master is not a Layer 9 Domain person. In Layer 9 Domain, 72 Sects are respected, as everyone knows, but Source Auction, behind the influence, is the existence of Source Great World. It will be open once every ten years. Selling Source Divine Armament, Source Precious Materials, Source Medicine Pill … even selling with Source Divine Beast descendants, as long as you have enough Source Crystal, there is nothing you can’t buy at Source Auction. “

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