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“Heavenly weather, empty mysterious Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion.”

After listening to Jiang Yue’er’s reminder, Qin Tian shook his head and said: “No goodbye, no good, if you want to go, wait for Dongfang Xi to come over.”

“I think it’s the Young Lady you don’t want.” Jiang Yue’er spitted and said in a low voice.

Don’t whispering, I hear to be very clear about, why do you look like Sir Queen … both misunderstand me? Am I seeing a man who loves one and ca n’t walk when I see a woman? Qin Tian sighed.

“Uh …” Jiang Yue’er covered his face with water mist: “Who is Sir Queen?”

“Cough cough, don’t talk about the topic, or my little girl is the best, understanding, and never misunderstood me.”,

Qin Tian said that with a gentle smile, he pulled up the Little Girl jade hand.


At the same time, Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, in the great hall of the most solemn divine.

Grey hair, senile’s old man, jumped from the futon, complex face, fear, joy, and a trace of relief, shaking voice, said: “You … what you said is true ? “


Dongfang Xi small head lightly nods: “The appearance of Qin Tian is exactly the same as that of the person, but the hair color is different.”

“It’s him! It’s him.” Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord, a butt slumped on the futon: “Several years ago, the black clothed white hair silhouette, suddenly, alone, hit Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion everyone, even In Yuda ’s Heaven ’s Mystery Pavilion, not many people can see clearly what that person looks like. He has forced himself out of the border, and wanted to suppress this person.

Later … Later, the man also lay bare the truth with one remark to Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion’s greatest secret, Heaven’s Mystery Fragment! This is inheritance passed down from generation to generation of Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion. No one knows except the Pavilion Lords of the past, but the mysterious monster said, one day, there is a person who looks exactly like him to Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion. Heaven’s Mystery Fragment give him, don’t give, take responsibility for the consequences!

Since then, Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord has been worried, and has been in a trance all day: “On the one hand, I am afraid that there is someone who looks the same as the monster to Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, and take away Heaven’s Mystery Fragment. Looking forward to the person coming and taking away Heaven’s Mystery Fragment, he doesn’t have to worry about it all day long. It’s really such a day that his heart is complicated and tangled, it is self-evident. “

“Old Pavilion Lord?” Looking at the old man who seemed to be a few hundred years old and paralyzed on the ground, Dongfang Xi shouted said: “I have asked Zhao Shanhe to arrange for Qin Tian to stay. Below, what should I do with him?”


“Disposal?” Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord sighed: “Let’s watch its changes, first observe this brat for some time, you personally contact him, he always promises any request!”

got it.

Dongfang Xi turned and walked outside.

“Also.” Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord remembered something and shouted said: “You go and call Wang Yun’s brat, I will discuss it with him.”

Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, the current Pavilion Lord, was also the closed discipline of the Old Pavilion Lord, Wang Yun!

In the eyes of others, Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Pavilion Lord of aloof and remote, in the mouth of Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord, became “that brat”.

Dongfang Xi was not surprised and gave a snap.


Blessing is not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided.

Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion Old Pavilion Lord, a portrait in his hand jumped out: “It is a young man, a white long hair, deep eyes, vivid and lifelike.” If Qin Tian is here, it will inevitably exclaim: “Karma Clone! “

Qin Tian took the first step, and after arriving at Source World, so far, there is no “Karma Clone” with no news!


Before and after, waiting for more than one hour.

During this period, many Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion disciple passed by and looked at Qin Tian strangely.

Finally, Qin Tian saw the dawn: “Young Lady Dongfang, you are finally back. It’s really embarrassing to die with this pestle.”


Black hair waist-waisted, heavenly beauty, Dongfang Xi with great temperament, look left, look right, said: “Zhao Shanhe? Why didn’t he arrange your residence?”

“Hmph, don’t mention that person anymore.” Jiang Yue’er was annoyed and said: “This Zhao Shanhe, not only left us behind, but also put down the cruel words, to kill Qin Tian, ​​thrown into the wild mountains and wilderness, no one will Got it! Did you cheat Qin Tian to Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion? Is there any unspeakable secret, don’t welcome us, don’t take us, why send a Zhao Shanhe to deal with us! “

Qin Tian’s face smiled bitterly: “Zhao Shanhe said that he lied to Dongfang Xi! Jiang Yue’er, said that Dongfang Xi lied to himself … This is the reason … Don’t think too much.”

“Actually there is such a thing!” Dongfang Xi, who has always been quiet like a virgin, exuded etherealness, showed substantial anger: “Come here, call Zhao Shanhe immediately!”

A few Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion disciple not far away heard and hurried agreed: “Observe,”

In Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, Saintess’s status, second only to Pavilion Lord, Old Pavilion Lord, is higher than Elder.

No one dare not listen to Dongfang Xi’s words.

“Young Lady Dongfang, why are you this?” Qin Tian shrugged: “We are strangers coming together by chance, and Zhao Shanhe is Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion disciple. You don’t see your head when you look up.”

“You do n’t need to worry about the Young Master. You are the guest I invited. The East naturally wants to be entertained. The Zhao Shanhe thought she was a snake. She asked you to arrange your accommodation on her own initiative, but she left you here and threatened Young Master Qin Tian. If you do n’t give him some vigilance, I ’m afraid he will push his nose to his face in the future. ”Dongfang Xi pretty face was determined.

Looking at Dongfang Xi’s anger, Jiang Yue’er felt more and more that this woman’s attitude towards Qin Tian was too abnormal.


“Saintess, you call me, what can I do for you?” Zhao Shanhe flew in the distance with a smile.

“Hmph!” Dongfang Xi said delicately shouted: “Zhao Shanhe, you know what!”

In the first look of disdain, Zhao Shanhe froze in the air, all around, and many Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion disciple emerged one after another: “What’s going on?”

Senior Brother Zhao Shanhe, offended Saintess? Saintess is so good-tempered, this is the first time I saw her angry!

“Your Majesty the Saintess, there is something wrong with me. If you say it, I will definitely change it.” Zhao Shanhe took a low-key attitude.

But Dongfang Xi didn’t mean to point to the end: “Why do you want to leave Young Master Qin Tian they don’t ask here? And why do you threaten Young Master Qin Tian!”

“It’s your brat who is black!” Zhao Shanhe glared at Qin Tian: ‘Your Majesty the Saintess …… For an insignificant person, you called me over, I’m not convinced! ‘

“Don’t repent!”

Dongfang Xi took a deep breath: “Go for me Heaven’s Mystery Dungeon right away, and think about it for a month!”

Heaven’s Mystery Dungeon, specifically punishes those who made mistakes.

Zhao Shanhe is Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, Super Genius of second only to Saintess Dongfang Xi, when have you been to that kind of place?

“Your Majesty the Saintess! You … cracking a joke!”

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