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Sun Family Patriarch, moved towards the Sun Family Elder instructed who was hit and flirted with irresistible force.

“As you bid.” The Sun Family Elder, with the pestle in place, gloomy face, glaring at Qin Tian, ​​Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi 3 people: “He ca n’t understand how his own Realm cultivation base is a ghost. Was blown away? Too confusing. “

“brat !”

I don’t care about you 3, what unorthodox way is used.

Today, it is best to say obediently and honestly, otherwise …

“Get off!” Qin Tian interrupted Sun Family Patriarch’s words: “Do you know why your son died? It’s not that you won’t be educated. Now that your son is dead, your Old Dog is coming to bite. Is it that you think of Yellow? On Springs Road, accompany your son and Grandma Meng’s Soup? “

Word by word, showing off one’s ability, penetrated into Sun Family Patriarch’s heart.

Sun Family Patriarch, who was attacked by qi and blood, almost vomited blood: “At this moment, he no longer cares about that weird Monster Art. What he wants is this brat skeleton doesn’t exist!”

Hong long long.

Pure, flawless, genuine “Source Sovereign” cultivation base bursts.

Dark Sky Black Earth, the gods retreat.

Qin Tian ’s pupils narrowed: “I do n’t know if 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique can hold a Source Sovereign … Source Sovereign, through Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, a collection of destiny, 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique can hold a moment of time, But for a Source Sovereign, it is irrelevant, unless at that moment, an attack that threatens the Sun Family Patriarch erupts, but this is obviously impossible, even if it is to open all Monster System Form, it also hurts No hair for Sun Family Patriarch. “

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, anxiously whispered: “Why doesn’t Father come yet?”

“Weng weng weng.” Dongfang Xi, something came out of his hand.

Qin Tian was attracted to: “It is a water crystal with no impurities and a diamond shape.”

Dongfang Xi did not hesitate a bit and shattered mysterious crystals.

An unimaginable, imposing aura beyond imagination, rising up.

The jade hand of Dongfang Xi, grasping this group of forces, can launch at any moment.

“Death threat!” Sun Family Patriarch, from the light beam of power in the hands of the girl, smelled the unprecedented fluctuation of death threats.

You … are you who?

Sun Family Patriarch, overlooking Dongfang Xi, quality asked.

“I am who, not important.” Dongfang Xi turned around and said; “You have 2 choices, the first choice, let us go, everyone minds their own business. 2nd choice, I release this power, you can Whether it will survive is unknown. “

Damn it !

Sun Family Patriarch, embarrassed: “hmph! Killing the enemy, absolutely irreconcilable! You … can leave! But this sharp-tongued Little Girl, and the brat who does n’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, do n’t think about it go!”

This seems to be the biggest bottom line of Sun Family Patriarch. Unfortunately, Dongfang Xi ignored it completely: “OK, so, you made 2nd choices.”

“This Patriarch is afraid of the power in your hands, does not mean that you will be subject to you!” Sun Family Patriarch, stare in anger and grievance, hate said: “Let you go, it is already ample and generous enough, and you have to unsatisfied.”


Dongfang Xi didn’t say a word and decided to throw out the power in his hand.

This force, with a locking effect, went straight to Sun Family Patriarch.

The scalp was tingling for a while, the hairs stood up, Sun Family Patriarch, loudly roared: “Assembling Yang Art, Assembling Yang Become Shield!”

Before Sun Family Eldest Young Master, I also used this Source Technique, but compared with Sun Family Patriarch, it is very different, not a dimension!

Inextinguishable and Immortal’s golden shield, sheltered outside the Sun Family Patriarch.

peng long!

Waiting for the mysterious force to strike on “Assembling Yang Become Shield”, one can imagine that the taboo storm that buried Heaven and Earth skyrocketed.

Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth, damaged 7 flowers and 8 cracks, covered with trauma.

“Pu chi.” A big mouth vomiting blood, Sun Family Patriarch with riddled with scars, fell to the ground, half dead, aura fell into a trough.


Several Sun Family Elders flew to the Sun Family Patriarch: “Unbelievable, the power that the girl took out can hurt Patriarch like this.”

“No … don’t worry about me, hurry up and kill them 3.” Sun Family Patriarch, weakly commanded.

“Go.” Dongfang Xi reminded.

“Where to run!” Several Sun Family Elder rushed up.

hong long.

Cruelty and brutality, blood light fist, dropping from the sky.

Unexpectedly, a few Sun Family Elder, 3 people died, and 2 people, escaped a disaster, but also dying.

“Haha, Father.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, frowned.

Qin Tian saw the familiar Demon Sect Sect Lord; “Huge burly body, muscles exploded, one end radiated.”

“Precious daughter ~~” ​​Demon Sect Sect Lord, treat Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady with 100% tenderness: “How did you come here?”

Also, why did they shoot you?

“Hmph! Are bad guys and want to bully me.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady said: “Father, hurry, kill them.”

The situation changes suddenly, Sun Family Patriarch, wants to cry but doesn’t have tears, frowns, shouted said: “I am Source Ancient City, one of the Four Great Families, Sun Family Patriarch!”

go fuck yourself.

Demon Sect Sect Lord slapped and almost fanned Sun Family Patriarch: “Bull my precious daughter, Heavenly King Laozi will not work!”

“Hehe, Father domineering.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, smiling like a flower.

Isn’t this Saintess girl of Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion? Demon Sect Sect Lord, recognize Dongfang Xi.

“Senior.” Dongfang Xi bent over to grant a ceremony.

Who are you again? Demon Sect Sect Lord, looked towards Qin Tian.

“I …” Qin Tian said a word, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, lying in the ear of Demon Sect Sect Lord and muttering a bunch of words.

It’s over.

Qin Tian guessed what the Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady said.

“En.” After listening to the description of precious daughter, Demon Sect Sect Lord from head to foot, looked at Qin Tian again, and finally, stepped forward and raised his hand, fiercely pats the shoulders of youth.

The strength is so great, Qin Tian feels that his bones are about to break.

“Good son-in-law!” Qin Tian’s words from Demon Sect Sect Lord suddenly petrified: “You … Senior, what do you call me?”


Demon Sect Sect Lord, with a big smile: “My precious daughter fell in love with you, aren’t you the son-in-law of this Sect Lord?”

“I go.”

This Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, so virtuous, is not your role model.

Qin Tian sincerely admired the father and daughter, not a family, not to enter the door.

“Dad, don’t worry about him first.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady pulled away Demon Sect Sect Lord: “This Old Dog Sun, want to kill us! Father is about to kill him.”

You, you can’t!

Sun Family Patriarch, hoarse voice: “I … I know, you are Demon Sect Sect Lord!”

“Know, do you dare to start with my precious daughter?” Demon Sect Sect Lord, his face cold.

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