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could it be

Dongfang Xi’s worries, Qin Tian dismissed with laugh: “The sky is falling, and I’m on it, you no need to worry.”

“That’s right, with Big Brother present, don’t be afraid of anything.” Little Girl admires trust, chirp chirp said.

You Little Girl, you are robbed of good words. “Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady’s red lips are raised.”


A few rooms, a few silhouettes, cautiously, entered the giant cave.

The moment I stepped into the cave, the scene changed, thoughts being far away.

Qin Tian, ​​who is mentally prepared, is eye-opening and stunned.

Covered in all directions, it is not the imaginary cave weather, but a boundless, vast Desolate vast land.

On this vast earth, a corpse is so large that it is difficult to describe with words. Take the smallest finger bone, all of which are 100,000 meters. Myriad years of corrosion have failed to leave any scars on this bone. The corpse has a trace of angry swim. In the long future, this ray of anger will become the biggest help for the resurrection of the corpse.

That’s right, this corpse is Mo Tian in the mouth of the Demon Race woman! Source God of Demon Race!

“His.” After taking a breath, Qin Tian reminded himself to calm down.

“Dong! Dong! Dong!” Flying sand running stone, rising winds scudding clouds.

The wild earth shook with no end in sight, and the bone of Demon Race Source God lying on the ground flicked slightly.

Then, a deafening, overbearing evil voice echoed through this space Heaven and Earth: “People … Human Race.”

Just a voice, Qin Tian felt soul flies away and scatters, his Life and Death, firmly in control of the other party.

Disgusting feeling!

“Human Race … You … dare to kill me … 3 servants.”

I want you to die.

The vast and magnificent demon corpse, a small thumb “ka cha” fell off.

The little finger that fell off gradually shattered and came out of a fuzzy man’s figure.

“You, Demon Race Source God, Mo Tian?” Contrary to the man’s 4 heads, Qin Tian made the loudest voice, repelling asked.

However, the hysterical voice, not worth mentioning.

“Good brat!” Cold and detached hollow, ruthlessly overlooking the white clothed youth, the man said: “Yes, this Gods and Demons days! Although this God is dead, this body is still a ray of Divine Sense, but You dare to stare at a Source God and ask, “Heaven and Earth, little fellows like you, rare as stars, there are not many people who have killed you, but unfortunately, you might as well turn to acknowledge allegiance this God!”

A God’s draw? How honored?

Qin Tian laughed, and laughed with contempt: “Question God? It’s amazing? I also gave Queen Shen Fei, is this a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again?”

Clearly understood into the youth’s smile, the disdainful sarcasm spread out, Motian not say a word, stepped out.

The intention is obvious, he intends to shoot and kill the ants in front of him!

Refuse God’s enthusiasm, the end is “Death”!

“Sir Queen, it’s your turn ~” Qin Tian shouted.

“Eliminate this guy’s Divine Sense, and the little bit of Divine Power that I’m finally going to recover will also be exhausted.”

Queen Shen Fei said: “But, it’s worth the money! With a little Divine Power, I can switch to a spirit bone, and I can restore more power.”

“Uh huh.” Qin Tian “little chick pecking for rice” like nodded: “Sir Queen said that it is really clever, clear and logical ~~”


While still 100 steps away from the target, Motian stopped stiffly and his voice trembled: “You …”

“Aiya.” Dongfang Xi, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er, including Little Girl, were all pierced.

Qin Tian’s within the body, a silhouette, fast as lightning, her body completely covered by golden divine light.

So, while waiting for Dongfang Xi and Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady to try to see what it was, they just saw a group of look of disdain sentient beings, unrivaled golden rays of light, and Source God. , The war confrontation reached Nine Heavens, you come and go, every time the impact of the seemingly did not destroy the Heaven and Earth and Universe, in fact, the foundation of this space Heaven and Earth has been affected, all split up and in pieces, on the verge of collapse.

Qin Tian uses a pleasing, gentle and intoxicated look, locked on the blinking golden light, as for Demon Race Source God, I am too lazy to take a look.


Soon, the magic sky fell into the downwind, and the body developed by Source God intent, scattered fragments, became a bubble.

“Hu chi.” Mysterious golden light, dropping from the sky, flew back to Qin Tian within the body, Queen Shen Fei tired and weak sound, followed by: “brat, successfully accomplished! Immediately stand on the bone, I want to put This bone energy is absorbed! “

Holler ~

Qin Tian appeared on Demon Race Source God, on the bones of Demon Race Source God.

On the majestic vast body of bones, where is the white clothed youth going?

“weng! weng! ”

In vain, Mo Tian bones, violently shaking, the energy hidden deep in that skeleton, continuously, instilled into the white clothed youth Spirit Space.

“It’s really comfortable ~” The golden hair shawl, the unprecedented Queen Shen Fei, arms spread out, perfect curves, graceful.

He arbitrarily absorbed the energy of “Mo Tian bones”.

This process lasted 3 days and 3 nights.

Outside, Qin Tian looked left and right: “at first, the immense and huge Mo Tian bones, now reduced to only 100 meters.”

It seems that Queen Shen Fei will soon absorb the energy of this Mo Tian bones.

One hour in the past, Mo Tian bones of 100 meters in size have not shrunk, Qin Heavenly Fox suspected: “Sir Queen? Are you suddenly shout again?”

“This little leftovers will be rewarded to you.” Queen Shen Fei is in a good mood. When she speaks, they all reveal a clear sense of listening, a little less proud and cold and detached.


Qin Tian smiled bitterly: “Sir Queen! I’d rather starve to death than leftovers!”

“Yeah? You’re stiff.” Queen Shen Fei laughed and said: “I am teasing you, this bone energy is nothing to me.”

But for the brat in your cultivation base stage, it is the benefit of the sky. I really give you all the Mo Tian bones. You ca n’t absorb it for 100 years, you know ~

“But I think you still didn’t take me seriously.”

Qin Tian sullied: “Yue’er, Dongfang … you are coming soon.”

“Qin Tian, ​​how many secrets do you have, what is the golden rays of light? Can you defeat a Source God?”

Dongfang Xi, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, speak in unison asked.

“If it were Source God of genuine, we would have been burping fart, that magic sky is just a ray of Divine Sense of Source God.”

Qin Tian waved his hands and said: “It’s true that this is the skeleton of the spirit bone of the god, with infinite energy, come on, refining together!”

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