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The work of the Gods, Imvine Immortal’s Divine Palace, is endless in the hall of boundless scope.

On 10000 cultivators, without blinking, looking at the distance, that one person and one butterfly.

… The voice of the colored butterfly is very immature, like a 7-8 year-old child, and can’t distinguish between men and women for the time being.

Qin Tian expression was embarrassed, forced to make it difficult, said with a smile: “You Mother didn’t lie to you, there are indeed many bad people in this world, but I am a good person! A big good person.”

“What evidence do you have?” The colored butterfly asked.

“The bad guys … they will be very afraid of you because they have a dark heart and treat you as a monster.”

And I, lived dignified, just to be able to support both heaven and earth, I will not be afraid of you, and I think you are cute.

Qin Tian forcibly explained.

“Yeah.” The colored butterfly believes it is true: “If you are a good person, just call me Little Butterfly, Mother calls me this way.”

Unconsciously, and mysterious butterfly closer.

Qin Tian pinched cold sweat, said: “Little Butterfly, is your Mother also a butterfly? She is there, shout it out, I will visit.”

“Mother … wu wu, Mother is gone, don’t want Little Butterfly …”

The voice trembles, crying.

“Don’t cry, you.” Qin Tian felt helpless: “How could your Mother not want you, he just … temporarily left, and will definitely come to you in the future!”


Simple and simple Little Butterfly, looking forward to asked.

“I never lie to people!” Qin Tian looked serious.

“That’s great.” Little Butterfly cheering excitedly, flapping his wings, dancing lightly and gracefully around the youth.

In the eyes of outsiders, that colorful butterfly that can burn Source Sovereign, a horrible mysterious, from the beginning to the end, does not hurt Qin Tian. That’s all, at the moment, it is still around Qin Tian, ​​dancing lightly and gracefully?

It’s too weird and incredible.

Everyone is thinking, what is this all about?

Dongfang Xi, with a smile in his mouth, said: “The ability of Young Master Qin Tian, ​​really a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again!”


“Little Butterfly, you haven’t turned around and said my question, is your Mother also a butterfly? Did it go there? Did you leave any words when you walked?” Qin Tian was vaguely aware that this Little Butterfly was not So simple, and this Divine Palace is bound to have a great relationship.

A series of questions, the Little Butterfly dizzy and light headed got on the shoulders of the youth again, and the voice was clear and gentle said: “Well, Mother is also a butterfly, Mother said it was going to fight a bad guy, and when it was time to go, it was built This palace, want me to stay there and wait for it to come back. “

“Oh my God!”

Qin Tian’s mind roared: “The Divine Palace at my feet was made by Little Butterfly Mother? In other words, Little Butterfly is a Source God descendant! Moreover, neither Little Butterfly nor her Mother is a Human Race!”

Layer 9 Domain, King Descendant, is unique and unmatched, Great Saint Descendant, Sage Descendant, I do n’t want to think about it.

A Source God Descendant, its horror is beyond doubt.

“This is the well-know figure in Source Divine Beast, Everchanging Primal Chaos Butterfly.”

Queen Shen Fei’s voice stirred in: “Interesting, Everchanging Butterfly, at Source Great World, there are few, belonging to the extinct Source Divine Beast, the adult” Everchanging Butterfly “can swallow the big Illusion Technique of swallowing heaven covering sun , Interpreted to Peak, that Illusion Technique, can even replace reality. “

Illusion Technique is an illusion! Great Dao 3000, each with 1000 autumn, Illusion Technique has reached its limit, and it can also kill Source God.

But using “Illusion Technique” to distort reality and replace reality is a taboo beyond imagination.

Qin Tian stared at Little Butterfly once again.

“Aiya, who is talking?” Little Butterfly looked left and right, after all, staring at Qin Tian, ​​said: “Human Race, you within the body, and others.”

Call me “Sir Queen!”

Queen Shen Fei snorted: “Your infancy Everchanging Butterfly is also extremely precious. The spitting silk, either water nor fire can approach, impervious to sword or spear, can be refining into top grade Source Divine Armament, this God has been Want a piece of “Everchanging Butterfly” silk made of silk, now, the opportunity is coming. “

“I … I haven’t grown up, and I don’t know how to spin.” Little Butterfly turned around and said.

“Little Butterfly, you don’t want to lower oneself to somebody’s level with her.” Qin Tian said: “My name is Qin Tian, ​​just call my name.”

“Smelly Brat! What do you mean, not this God lower oneself to somebody’s level? You are so big!” Queen Shen Fei spitted and said.

Energetic isn’t it.

You just owe it!

Qin Tian gritted his teeth: “Little Butterfly, we are already friends, the fruit on this tree?”

“Well, you can pick it up.” Little Butterfly turned around and said: “But others can’t, this is my place, everything is mine.”

ha ha ha.

Then I was lucky.

After licking the dry lips, Qin Tian stepped on the void, and reached the head of the purple branch, and picked a fragrant and attractive fruit.

Ka cha took a big bite, within the body Power of Source, boiled and expanded quickly!

“Let’s go too.” Dongfang Xi made a speech and took a few girls to the purple big tree.


Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, boasted loudly: “Are you … this butterfly, have you accepted it?”

“Not subduing, we are making friends.” Qin Tian raised his hand and waved 4 fruits, which fell in the hands of Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, and Little Girl: “Eat. By the way, this It ’s Little Butterfly, you can also get to know it. “

“Little Butterfly, they are all good people, big good people.”

Hearing Qin Tian say this, Little Butterfly flapped her wings and landed in front of several girls.

Dongfang Xi, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er, and a little afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Little Girl is stupidly cute. She puts out her white hands and calls said: “Come, Little Butterfly, come to my Little Wu Yue ~~”

hu chi.

Little Butterfly fell into the palm of Little Girl at once, reflecting the colorful wings of the wave, and the colorful flames that occasionally appeared, touching the little girl’s flesh and blood jade hand, but it did not play any harm, like it was not lethal.


Ladies and gentlemen, are we just watching like this?

A Source Sovereign powerhouse, gnashing teeth, and quality asked.

“Could it be that butterfly, after releasing the flame that killed Source Sovereign, was exhausted, and gave the brat the opportunity to conquer?” A self-intelligent Source Sovereign, speculated.


100% is like this.

Then let ’s not sit back and wait, these flowers and grass have great energy, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

“Sou! Sou!” In a flash, 100 Source Sovereigns, all directions scattered, Divine Palace hall contains God Qi flowers, unscrupulous income pockets.


Qin Tian standing on the purple big tree was stunned and ridiculous again: “Really crazy? Isn’t this courting death.”

“Ao! Ao!” Unsurprisingly, Little Girl’s palm, gentle and peaceful Little Butterfly, 30 zhang in anger, can’t stop anger!


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