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“Well, it’s all done.”

As for North Mountain Range Azure Sect, if Nine Heavens Mountain Domain Ximen Family is in trouble … Alas, this kind of trouble, I still don’t want to think about it.

Nangong Diewu opened it up and shifted the topic, said: “This place is still the effect of Heart Sea 1st Layer, tempering mental cultivation base, but it is only the second time, let’s go to Heart Sea 2nd time. Let me remind you in advance, the body of Human Race Unless you are at the Source God stage, you can be pure like colored glass, perfect with no blemish, the people below are all Human World, the humble creatures in the big dye tank, the physique and the soul are pure, they all carry dirty fireworks, The Heart Sea, mysterious place is to help you wash this kind of firework gas when you come in, so as to enhance the spirit of Will Power, including cultivation base. The process is not very good. Whoever ca n’t hold it, squeaks, 10000000 Don’t force it. “

“Relax, I won’t leave the Husband side.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, resolute and decisively said, staring at Nangong Diewu.

Jiang Yue’er, Dongfang Xi, Little Girl 3 girls, successively speak in unison said: “We also insist on living.”


In the process of diving into the Heart Sea 2nd Layer, Qin Tian rose on a whim and shouted in his heart: “Sir Queen, Nangong Diewu said, Source God is like colored glass, the mind is empty, without the fireworks of Human World, but how do I feel , You are no different from Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady? The attitude towards me is cold, near and far, so it can be seen that cultivation to the high stage, the essential soul, still contains human nature. “

“Smelly Brat! You don’t intentionally irritate this God.” Queen Shen Fei, hum said: “God, also divided into two kinds, one is like me, and the other is for” Outer God “.”

What is “Outer God”?

Qin Heavenly Fox doubts.

It was at the moment of promotion to “Source God” that the Three Emotions and Six Desires were cut off.

Queen Shen Fei explained said: “There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this.”

The benefit is that it cut off Three Emotions and Six Desires, and really came to override all living creatures, surpass mortal and enter sacred stage, the cultivation speed is faster, and the battle strength is more powerful. Disadvantages, Outer God is like walking corpse, puppet wood, in terms of comprehension of certain things, and insight, greatly reduced.

“Yeah, the reason why people cultivate is just to become stronger! Or they can get something, or they can keep the body protection, if they forget their original intentions and become an Outer God, what fun is that?” Qin Tian said to himself said: “How many are Sir Queen, Source Great World and Outer God?”


Queen Shen Fei turned around and said: “Hehe, what do you think Outer God is? That’s 2nd path to Godhood, this road has been cut off long ago.”

Besides, if you want to achieve Outer God, you need to abandon Three Emotions and Six Desires, but without Three Emotions and Six Desires, how do you feel Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, Universe profound mystery, Mortal World in the world before becoming a god?

Therefore, the road of Outer God is a dead end! Only in very distant times did Short Lived appear occasionally.

Qin Tian secretly talked with Queen Shen Fei, unconsciously, came to the “Heart Sea” 2nd Layer.

According to common sense, in the deep ocean, the light is thin. As the Heart Sea goes down, the divine brilliance that diffuses in all directions is more and more vigorous. The pure brilliance visible in the naked eye is drilled into the body of the flesh and washed Washing away the filth of the mind and will, together with the fleshy body skeleton.

“Hu.” Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, pretty face pale, breathless: “All over and under, extremely uncomfortable, I wish to leave here and go outside to breathe in the fresh air.”

Dongfang Xi, the situation is much better, calm and quiet, Little Girl is totally alien, look left, look right, curious.

“When I first arrived at the Heart Sea, it was like this.” Nangang Diewu, moved towards Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er said: “Don’t blame me for speaking no good Listen, the reason why you are so uncomfortable is the world’s fireworks in the soul too heavy…….”

“What about her?” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, biting the lips, pointed to Little Girl.

Nangong Diewu, from head to foot, reviewed the lively Little Girl, smiling bitterly and said: “I, I don’t know.”

“Haha, I know.” Qin Tian said: “This is because my family is Little Girl, kind-hearted, pure as jade, and Heart Sea can’t purify her.”


Exaggerated, Little Girl smiled upside down on all beings, listened lithe and graceful in voice, said: ‘Big Brother is right. ‘

“You sing this one, I really believe you.” Nangong Diewu shook the head: “Okay, next is Heart Sea 3rd Layer, okay?”

“Absolutely no problem!” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er, pale face, very determined.


After a while, the Heart Sea 3rd Layer occupied by the divine rays of light almost ushered in a few silhouettes.

Qin Tian released a survey of the mind; “This vast Heart Sea 3rd Layer, less than 500 people are scattered around the cultivation! And they are all Source Emperor ranks, Source Sovereign can not see.”

Uncomfortably broke into his own few False Source Sovereign Realm, attracted attention, not to mention a little.

“Yeah ~~ Several beauties, actually came to get Heart Sea 3rd Layer, not simple.” In the distance, a man with a long blade and a thin figure, with a evil face, fiery eyes, crossed Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, after all, stayed on Little Girl: “The women and ladies on Nine Heavens Planet, add up, they are not half of this Little Girl, I ca n’t believe it Perfectly seductive woman. “

“Something, get a little farther away.” Nangong Diewu, blocking the little girl.

you are? The thin young people obviously don’t know “Nangong Diewu”, just think that the Little Lady are also top grade beauty.

“I am Nine Heavens Mountain Domain, one of Nine Great Influences, Second Young Lady of Nangong Family, Nangong Diewu.” Nangong Diewu, said one by one: “If you do n’t roll, do n’t roll, don’t blame me for being impolite! “

“Nangong Family.” Hearing this, the dry and thin youth was afraid and solemn: “It turned out to be Young Lady Nangong, offended.”

cupped the hands, he turned and plundered away.

I do n’t want to.

A man and a woman, men 27-28 years old, dashing eyebrows star eye, handsome like a jade tree.

Woman, in her early doubles, beautiful complexion, bright eyes, striking azure long skirt, set off a exquisite figure.

“Nine Heavens Mountain Domain, one of Nine Great Influences, Guo Family Young Master, Guo Chong! Guo Family Eldest Young Lady, Guo Cailing.”

Nangong Diewu’s face is not very good-looking: “Qin Tian, ​​be careful, this Guo Family and our Nangong Family are world feuds!”

I really didn’t expect to meet them at Heart Sea 3rd Layer 2.

“All in all, I have no trouble, and I don’t care about the servants,” Qin Tian said calmly.

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