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After running away Guo Family siblings.

Qin Tian looked towards Heart Sea 4th Layer: “Well, I can feel where the purification energy is even more terrifying.”

Diewu, don’t you only cultivate in “Heart Sea 3rd Layer”?

“Small people are not.” Nangong Diewu raised her delicate fist, said: ‘My goal for this time is Heart Sea 4th Layer! ‘

“Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady ~” Qin Tian looked at 2 pale-looking, shiver coldly women, said: “You can stay here, I know, you want follow closely to follow me, but this The situation is not … you have reached the limit, even if you are clenching your teeth and entering the Heart Sea 4th Layer, I am afraid that even the belt meat will cleanse you clean. I will let Little Butterfly stay and look after you. “

“… I, we stay, what about this Little Girl, and Dongfang Xi.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, asked.

“Ai, at this moment, do you still have this temperament?” Qin Tian glared at the girl, said: ‘Dongfang temperament is quiet, so came to the Heart Sea, under the purification of energy, more patience than you and Yue’er There are so many, she can join the Heart Sea 4th Layer with me, the same is true for Little Girl. ‘

“Okay, don’t pester and chirp.” Nangong Diewu shouted: “Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, right, aren’t you Qin Tian’s wife? Then listen to your Husband’s words, how can a woman not listen to Husband’s words.”


Whatever you do, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady rolled his eyes.


Little Butterfly is left to Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er, and Little Butterfly is there, 2 girls will never be in danger.

And Qin Tian, ​​Nangong Diewu, Little Girl, Dongfang Xi 4 people, moved towards “Heart Sea 4th Layer” slowly swept away.

If the Heart Sea 3rd Layer, the 70% 8 range is covered with rays of light that purify flesh and purify the soul.

This “Heart Sea 4th Layer”, every corner, is sweeping with light of purification.

Those who are not determined, even if you are Source King, as soon as you come to “Heart Sea 4th Layer”, it will also make the flying ash and extinguished smoke purified.

Dongfang Xi’s reaction was most intense, his eyes blurred, his consciousness trance, and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, Qin Tian took a picture of Dongfang Xi fragrant shoulder.

When the fans in the eyes went away, Dongfang Xi’s cheeks were flushed slightly: “Well, I insisted …”

“Hehe, it’s not much different from Heart Sea 3rd Layer.” Little Girl jumped up and down, left and right without any discomfort.

Paying attention to this point, Nangong Diewu has only 3 words: “Small Monster!”

“Qin Tian, ​​how are you?” Shaoqing, Nangong Diewu turned his head and looked fairly calm and composed, the young youth of Serene was asked.

Look at me, does it seem to be a problem? Qin Tian smiles indifferent smile: “My Will Power is more powerful than you think, just because I have traveled more roads than anyone else!”

How big a breath did you take?

Nangong Diewu was not convinced and said: “Although this Young Lady has never left Nine Heavens Planet, she has also gone to many Small Planes like Layer 9 Domain, seen many meteorological landscapes, and survived many Life and Death crises!”

“Is my hometown … 9th Layer, which is not the same as Layer 9 Domain, but there is an inestimable distance.” Qin Tian sighed: “Don’t say this, we are almost in the Heart Sea 4th Layer, right? The power of purification here is terrifying. You and the East will stay here to cultivate. “

What do you mean?

Nangong Diewu’s eyes widened: “We are here? What about you?”

“Heart Sea, not only 4-Layer, but also the core area in the deep, isn’t it?” Qin Tian said.

You are crazy!

Nangong Diewu exclaimed.

“I think you are mad.” Qin Tian take out ear: “Someone who is 3 to 5 apart will say that I am crazy and say that I am a monster. Those outsiders say that’s all, so are you?”

“No, I’m not scolding you, I’m …” Nangong Diewu said incoherently, tossing his head, clearing his thoughts, solemnly said: “Heart Sea is deep in the Core Zone, where Source Great Saint dare not go in, at More than 100 years ago, there was a Source Great Saint. Without listening to the advice, it was necessary to go to the core cultivation in the heart of the Heart Sea. Only one foot entered it, and it was purified into nothingness. If you go, you will definitely be gone forever! “

“Crow’s beak!”

Qin Tian’s fist clenched gently: “I’m screaming, I can beat you!”

“That butterfly you left to Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Jiang Yue’er, now you, but not this Young Lady’s opponent.”

Nangong Diewu said in a cold voice: “I can’t watch you die in vain, and want to go deeper in the Heart Sea, first pass me!”

For my goodness, right?

Qin Tian rubbed the temples: “Young Lady Diewu, am I the kind of guy who can bring about one’s own destruction?”

When I met the Ximen Family Young Master Ximen Dang at first, he wanted me to fight against Ximen Huo, so you did n’t like me, what happened?

At this moment, I am going to “deep in the Heart Sea”. How do you know that as a last resort, what life-saving emergency measures do I have?

These are not arrogance. Qin Tian has 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique, and the moment of locked time is enough to withdraw the purification power of “Heart Sea”, and step back and say that Queen Shen Fei is within the body, She is arrogant again, she is cold and hot to herself, and seeing that she is on the verge of death, may she sit idly by? Therefore, what I have to do is not to worry about being killed by the purification energy deep in Heart Sea, but how to sharpen my head and drill in.

“Anyway … you can’t go.” Nangong Diewu, without any rebuttal, but recognized the death reason: “Heart Sea is deep, never close! It is the Forbidden Area, the entire Nine Heavens Planet, all Forbidden of the cultivator powerhouse Area! “


Tangled with women, there will never be results.

Qin Tian stomped his feet and rushed to the depths of the white, unfathomable Heart Sea.

“Stop!” Nangong Diewu wanted to stop, and Qin Tian sent him a “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

When the finger-locked time passed, Nangong Diewu could no longer see the youth. The opponent’s figure and aura were overwhelmed by the endless “purification power.”

“Ah! I’m so mad! If you die in the heart of Heart Sea, be Solitary Soul Unbound Ghost, don’t come to me in the middle of the night!”


“Young Lady Diewu, I believe Young Master Qin Tian.” Dongfang Xi opened his mouth and said: “Young Master Qin Tian can often do some unimaginable miracles. Let’s wait and see, don’t worry about him.”

“Isn’t he your man? Still called Young Master, your relationship is really complicated.” Nangong Diewu said curiously.


Dongfang Xi bit his silver teeth, closed his eyes, and stopped talking to Nangong Diewu.


Looking back at Qin Tian: “There is nothing in the depths of Heart Sea. This is a terrifying Forbidden Area occupied by the power of purification. Qin Tian, ​​standing on the edge of the cliff, just one more step forward, You will enter the “Heart Sea”! “

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