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moon bright and stars bright, a layer of dark clouds, slowly drifting away, covering most of the bright moonlight.

A white clothed, pretty, thin young man pushed the door and walked out: “While it is dark, you can go to that Abandoned Land.”

Immediately, wake up Little Girl, Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi 4 women from sleep.

Little Girl who was disturbed by the dream, stupidly cute, complained said: “Big Brother, what are you doing, don’t let people sleep!”

“Hehe, be quiet, don’t disturb Nangong Diewu.” Qin Tian boos said: “I will take you to a fun place.”

It ’s “Abandoned Land?” Dongfang Xi thinks smartly: “In the day, Qin Tian asked Nangong Diewu again and again about the information of Abandoned Land. After seeing Qin Tian ’s attempt to go to Abandoned Land, Nangong Diewu solemnly solemnly I was warned that it was not allowed to go, then Abandoned Land was too dangerous to eat people without spitting bones. At that time, Qin Tian didn’t say anything, and at this black light, it was almost blind, and I woke up quietly to wake myself up for a few people. And metaphor. “

“Dongfang really is the smartest, knowing autumn in one leaf ~” Qin Tian praised the girl, and then flew out of the Nangong Family.


“Young Master, where is this going?” A beautiful shadow, Gufang Peerless, seemed to have stood outside the Nangong Family early and stood by.

Under the shining of the thin moonlight, Nangong Mei’er, who is peerless grace and elegance, smiles with grace and charm.

“What a coincidence ~”

“I came out to breathe the wind.” Qin Tian touched the back of the head and laughed agreed.

“Dragging the wind with my mouth?” Nangong Mei’er rolled his eyes: “Young Master, when I am Diewu, the silly girl?”

Young Lady Diewu, do n’t be stupid …

Qin Tian waved his hand: “Since I found it for you, let me be frank, I am going to Abandoned Land.”

When you asked about Abandoned Land, Diewu told me all about it. Nangong Mei’er said: “I guess, for no reason, you asked Diewu Abandoned Land what to do, do you want to find out?”

“So, are you waiting here?” Qin Tian embarrassed: “This woman, smart and wise, is no less than Dongfang.”

This Young Lady’s view is the same as Diewu, Abandoned Land, is really dangerous.

Nangong Mei’er, listened to the voice and said happily: “Does Young Master have to go? Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, this is the terrifying creatures who drink all living creatures for blood!”

“I’m in Layer 9 Domain and have dealt with Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race. I’m no stranger to Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race.” Qin Tian said firmly: “All in all, I have to go!”


I do n’t stop Young Master, you have that “color butterfly” in it. Even if Abandoned Land is scary, Young Master can turn peril into safety.

Nangong Mei’er said nothing, and walked towards the interior of the Nangong Family mansion: “There is only one point, Young Master 10000000, don’t go back forever. In that case, Diewu will die.”

“If you don’t come back, why is she sad?” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, meaningfully asked.

“Yeah, how could she be sad.” Qin Tian slyly said.

“I’ll ask you again, or are you asking me!” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady exasperated: “I see you browing with that Nangong Diewu during the day …”

“To catch a thief stealing goods, there is no evidence, you can’t wrong an innocent person.”

The dead pig unafraid of boiling water replied, Qin Tian took the lead and swept to the horizon.


The 1st Revolution Abandoned Land entrance is set on the “Nine Heavens Planet” Vault of Heaven.

Here is a dim and dim, connected to the primitive Chaos Universe of mysterious mysterious: “The Universe Primal Chaos of Source Great World has extremely harsh environment and gravity, and it is absolutely impossible to cross the Universe void without this Source Great Saint Level.”

Even on the Vault of Heaven connected to Primal Chaos Universe, after arriving here, people have a very uncomfortable, blood and qi tumbling pain.

White clothed clings to the skin, “Pali pa la” hunted, Qin Tian held his breath: “The Abandoned Land entrance floating in front is actually a scarlet, with layers of blood and red lights, twirling and shining. , It looks like a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of Great Desolate to open, waiting for the prey to take the initiative to come to the door. “

Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, clearly felt the unknown evil spreading from the depth of the entrance of “Abandoned Land”, after the violent bloody smell, the weak body, cold and tingling.

Little Girl, unknowingly: “Big Brother, can’t you get in.”

“Be clear beforehand. In a crisis of trouble, I rush ahead. Without my orders, none of you can act blindly without thinking!”

Qin Tian said one word at a time: “Little Girl, I’m talking, I heard it in my heart!”

“I heard it ~” Little Girl smiled brightly: “Big Brother’s words, Little Wu Yue listens.”

“That’s all right ~.” Qin Tian relaxed, with 4 girls, got into the entrance of “Abandoned Land” back and forth.


Abandoned Land, completely different from the imagination.

It’s not that Great Desolate is broken, bones are in the mountains, blood flowing into a river.

It’s a surging forward with great momentum, bright divine.

Overhead, 10000 zhang Fire Sun, moisturizing the majestic ancient Mountain and Rivers.

jade flowers and jade grass, birds and cranes simultaneously cry.

The strange and rare rare beast in the form of a tree, which is moving in the forest, is fascinating. Where is the “Abandoned Land” that eats people and does not spit out bones, but a party can live away from the world. !

extreme sorrow turns to joy, extreme prosperity must decline.

Qin Tian will not only look at the superficial phenomenon: “In the deep weather of the beautiful flowers and magnificent Heaven and Earth, there is a kind of evil and unknown gas that makes people disgusted and frightened. There is no doubt that there must be Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, dormant in the dark! “

Rustle ~

~ Shasha

Suddenly, the birds in the forest flew up in awe.

A piece of wild sand rolled up on the ground: “jie jie jie! Human Race, a live Human Race ~~ I can feel that the blood flowing inside the body of you is the first-class delicacy.”

Rank 3 Tenseigan, pale and clear, clearly understood Heaven and Earth.

Qin Tian is not afraid of chaos, locked in the raging wind and sand: “Among them, standing a silhouette, there is not much difference between appearance and Human Race.

What makes people unhappy is that this guy’s eyes are bright red, like a tiger and a wolf.

Nails also have half chi long, showing off one’s ability, comparable to Divine Armament weapon.

The flesh reflects the luster of Indestructible Metal Attribute.

Qin Tian remembered: “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, one is battle strength horror, 2 is the body of flesh and blood, solid as a golden soup.”

In addition, Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, strict level: “Basic Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, Intermediate Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, Advanced Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, Spirit Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, General Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, Saint Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon…. “

King Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon is comparable to the existence of Human Race Source Great Saint Stage.

Just this one Primal Chaos Blood Demon, break through the sky, Spirit Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon Stage.


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