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I reminded the other party to “run and run” twice.

But that guy, still completely motionless, do n’t run if you do n’t run. This kind of idiot, too lazy to care about him, who knows he still took out a colorful butterfly with a smile: “That little Little Butterfly, the size of the thumb cover, wings It ’s like a colored glass, with 10000 reflective lights, aura mysterious, so unpredictable! “

When it was said that sooner or later, Xiao Yu’er and 2 young people came to Qin Tian and passed by: “Big idiot! Finally remind you once, run! Is your brain in trouble?”

“Hey ~~ Young Lady Yu’er, I do n’t think he can run away, it ’s better to help us.” Two brothers with similar appearances were in agreement, one by one, slammed into the white clothed youth in close proximity .

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique!

With pupil dilation, Qin Tian used 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique at the crucial moment.

Two brothers of Source Emperor Realm cultivation base, the offensive fell through, and the expression was dumb: “How is it possible!”

“You want to throw me to Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, and delay them.” Qin Tian has sharp eyes and Baleful Qi 4 overflows: “Little Butterfly, kill all Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race!”


Little Butterfly, who let Qin Tian wake up from his sleep, was sullen and rushed towards the few 100 Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race of assaults the senses.

Xiao Yu’er and two brothers, who had given up running away, looked at the colorful butterfly flying out: “What is the situation?”

“Hu chi.”

A pure, hot, colorful flame rises into the sky.

The small and beautiful colored butterflies, the sparks outlined by the wings, became swallowing heaven covering sun, smelting Primal Chaos’ colorful Holy Flame.

A few hundred Spirit Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon, zi zi sounded and were smelted into nothingness slag, which is the Peak General Level Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race powerhouse, all in the screams of wailing, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, died

“His!” Xiao Yu’er swallowed his mouth and froze, surprised looking towards white clothed youth: ‘You … what kind of beast are you, so terrifying? ‘

The Little Butterfly, which solved a few 100 Primal Chaos Blood Demon, fell on the shoulders of the youth, and could not be seen at all. Its tiny body had the horror energy to kill so many Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race powerhouse.

White clothed beamed body, indifferent face, Qin Tian’s sight, ignoring Xiao Yu’er, locked in the youth of 2 Source Emperor Realm cultivation base: “Your brother is a good calculation, but unfortunately did not get what I wished.”

“Uh … misunderstandings, all misunderstandings.” The two brothers, mockingly explained, said: “We didn’t mean it on purpose.”

not on purpose?

Qin Tian sneered contemptuously: “A person who shot, wanted to throw me to Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race, that was not intentional! 2 people shot together, not intentional? When I am a fool? Do you want to be little Butterfly burned to death, still self-defeating, choose one! “

“You! Don’t overbearing, in that case, we have no choice.”

The two brothers stepped back side by side, posing a defensive combat stance.

“I have understood.” Qin Tian closed his eyes: ‘Little Butterfly, kill them! ‘

In a word, the two brothers seemed to fall into the 10000 zhang abyss, and Sayya fled to the distance.

Unfortunately, Little Butterfly’s colorful butterflies, with no difficulty, caught up with them.

“……Do not!”

My own 2 companions became ashes fine powder.

Xiao Yu’er’s hands and feet trembled: “You, you will not kill me, I am not familiar with them, not a gang.”

“Young Lady is too fast to escape?” Qin Tian indifferent smile: “Relax, I won’t kill you.”

Young Lady and them, this is not the same way, I am not the Great Demon who kills everybody.

“Many thanks.” Xiao Yu’er more or less exhaled when he heard that the teenager wouldn’t kill himself, and immediately, solemnly said: “My name is Xiao Yu’er, a person from Heavenly Sea Planet, how about you?”

“Nine Heavens Planet.” Qin Tian turned around and said: “Young Lady Yu’er, how could you be hunted down by so many Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race? Is it bad luck?”


Xiao Yu’er bit his lip and said: “We 3 found a cave with a lot of Source Divine Stone and many unprecedented heavenly materials earthly treasures. I thought it was a Great Good Fortune, who knows …… “

“Source Divine Stone? How many?” Qin Tian said whilst asking.

“I didn’t take a closer look, let’s say there are ten to ten thousand pieces.” Xiao Yu’er fuzzy agreed: “Why, are you in a hurry?”

It is a pity that the opportunity is not taken! How about we cooperate?

“100,000 Source Divine Stone! Great attraction!”

Qin Tian said: “You took me to the cave and met Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race. It was up to me to solve it. After that, the chance in the cave was divided between you by 30% and 70% by me!”

“Ah! You are too dark.” Xiao Yu’er exclaimed: “I … that cave was discovered by my nine deaths and still alive, I will take you there, you still want to occupy the big head, too much! Bullying people Well, you are not. “


Things in the world are not absolutely fair.

My strength is not as good as that of Young Lady, but I have “Little Butterfly”, which can wipe out all threats.

Qin Tian said frankly: “If you take a step back, Young Lady Yu’er will not cooperate with me, and I can tell from your mouth where the cave is! And when the time comes, you are not getting 10% chance.”

The meaning is very clear, no cooperation, then torture you, let you tell the location of the cave! Then kick you away, or kill someone!

Xiao Yu’er’s face is pale: “You! Damn it! Well, I work with you! 70-30%, but you have to swear! After you get the chance, divide me by 30% and protect me well, not hurt me . “

“High-five as oath!” Qin Tian raised his hand.

Xiao Yu’er small head lightly nods, jade hand protruded.

“Pa pa 2 sounds.” 2 people high-five as oath.


A few moments later, Abandoned Land, above the Congshan Mountains, crossed the entire group.

Beautiful and extremely beautiful Xiao Yu’er, sneaked a look at Dongfang Xi, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady.

This made Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady aware and hum said: “Look at what!”

“I … I can’t see it.” Xiao Yu’er is also a woman with a good temper: “If you don’t see it, Qin Tian and these women have a special relationship, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady is so strong, she Will never be soft. “

“What do Yuer Young Lady want to ask?”

Qin Tian said.

“Are they all your women?” Xiao Yu’er blurted out.

“No.” Qin Tian shook his head.

“I am.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady added.

“Yes, she is.” Qin Tian sighed: “My Wife’s temper is not so good, Young Lady Yu’er, don’t laugh.”

Is your colorful butterfly Source Divine Beast? It was terrifying, killing so many Primal Chaos Blood Demon at once.

Xiao Yu’er changed the subject, asked.

“It’s Source Divine Beast.” Qin Tian pressed said: “Isn’t it here yet?”

“Quickly, at most one hour, you can reach the cave full of chance.” Xiao Yu’er said with a glance of reverence.


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